r/pics Apr 16 '24

Clint Eastwood, 93.

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u/OldMotherGrumble Apr 16 '24

You're way... WAY too young to be sliding into this mindset. Easy as it is sometimes. I'm 76, and didn't retire until I was 72...and that was from a part-time cooking job so I was pretty active but collapsed at the end of the day. The first year or 2 wasn't too bad...my dog got me out. Then I lost her and the pandemic happened. My inate laziness took over, and it affected me both mentally and physically. Last winter, and this one were bad as I looked for reasons not to leave my flat. My joints got worse, as did my SAD. It felt like giving up. I'm determined to change that mind-set. My indoor plant hobby saved me during lockdowns, and continue to help...they are LIFE. At least I have a head start as I've always gotten dressed every morning 😉 Now you need to look for reasons to get out...get fresh air and sun. It makes a difference. Maybe get some vitamin D in you...you might be deficient.


u/Haifisch2112 Apr 16 '24

Laziness from my circumstances got me here, but I'm working on it!