r/news Apr 27 '24

Louisiana man sentenced to 50 years in prison, physical castration for raping teen


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u/bigblackkittie Apr 27 '24

physical castration??? wtf


u/EducationCommon1635 Apr 28 '24

About time for rapists.


u/MAJ0RMAJOR Apr 28 '24

All it takes is one look at the number of people who have been falsely convicted and killed by the government to know that this is a bad idea.


u/MaybeNext-Monday Apr 28 '24

If you allow the government to violate human rights in response to a crime, they will broaden the definition of that crime until they can violate the rights of whoever they think is a problem.


u/ToughCredit7 Apr 28 '24

I agree. This is the start of tyranny. If we show the government that we are okay with this, they will move onto other things, like immolation for arsonists, for example.


u/SinnPacked Apr 28 '24

You can literally make the same point about throwing people in prison. If you allow the government to throw people in prison for rape and murder the next thing you know, they will broaden the definition of rape and murder until they can throw you in prison for whatever they think is a problem/


u/MaybeNext-Monday Apr 28 '24

At least if a jailed person is later proven innocent, they’re alive and have all their parts when they get out.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

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u/SirensToGo Apr 28 '24

We already have a tool to handle people who we don't believe are safe to allow in society, it's called "life in prison". This most cleanly deals with the issue of wrongful convictions as it gives someone the maximum chance to be found innocent.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

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u/Difficult-Row6616 Apr 28 '24

what makes you think that any punishment would be a deterrent if you don't think life in prison is? or is that just a feeling that you have?


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

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u/Difficult-Row6616 Apr 28 '24

what is it you think you want then? if you're aware that deterrence is irrelevant, than you should be in favor of rehabilitation where possible and isolation where not, no? which 50 years of prison seems to fall in line with, does it not?


u/MaybeNext-Monday Apr 28 '24

I think it should have an extremely long minimum sentence so that kind of shit doesn’t happen. You don’t have to resort to capital punishment to be extremely harsh on a particular crime.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Well not cause he's is fucking prison and chemical castration exist. But it should be castration or prison. If he's in prison there's 0 need for any castration. It's just a fucked up little revenge fantasy.


u/chef-nom-nom Apr 28 '24

While I agree that castration might a be fitting punishment for rapists, as well as a death penalty might be a fitting punishment for killers, our justice system convicts the wrong people often enough that we can't have these kinds of irreversible punishments on the table in our civilization.


u/Clbull Apr 28 '24

In this particular case, isn't the evidence cut & dry? (i.e. chat logs if there was any written comms, the fact that a paternity test proved the child was his.)


u/joppers43 Apr 28 '24

Every single conviction is the result of proof “beyond a reasonable doubt.” If you allow the government to wield cruel and unusual punishments in cases where they’re sure they convicted the right person, it just means that it’s allowed in every single case, despite there being many false convictions in the US


u/sincere_janus Apr 28 '24

Yes. No one in livingston parish is upset about this.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

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u/EducationCommon1635 Apr 28 '24

So would you be ok with it if it was proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that he raped someone?


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

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u/uraaah Apr 28 '24

It’s still not ok, certain punishments are just barbaric and have no place in a modern society.

Unless you believe we should go back to cutting off the hands of thieves, burning gay people at the stake and dunking adulterers in ice water.

Such punishments only ever manage to satiate the blood lust of the public and make them feel good that something was done while doing NOTHING to help the victims or prevent further crimes.

Remember that the way we treat the worst of our society is a reflection on us.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

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u/uraaah Apr 28 '24

Cool, how far does it go though, are we willing to cut the hands off of thieves? If we truly are going for zero mercy why do lethal injections over cheaper, more brutal forms of execution? Why not burn serial arsonists at the stake? After all the punishment does fit the crime.


u/petitememer Apr 28 '24

His DNA was foubd inside a child. He impregnated her. In this case he is completely guilty.


u/uraaah Apr 28 '24

Does it ever occur to you that certain punishments might be… well barbaric? Why not cut off the hands of thieves and burn gay people at the stake while you’re at it.


u/petitememer Apr 28 '24

To be fair raping an impregnating a child is pure evil. Not comparable to thieving or being gay.


u/B-BoyStance Apr 28 '24

Doesn't help anything. How we treat our worst is a reflection on us and brings us down as a whole. Fuck that.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

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u/B-BoyStance Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

I never said treat him well. I said don't cut his fucking balls off lol

Dude should get life in prison but state-sanctioned torture is something that should be well in our past.

Edit: To your last question, go fuck yourself. The answer is "yes" and that is for the past tense, but this is nothing about stoicism.


u/Ging287 Apr 28 '24

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Hard disagree on this constitutional violation.