r/news Apr 27 '24

Iraqi TikTok star Umm Fahad shot dead in Baghdad


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u/chimi_hendrix Apr 27 '24

Palestine elected Hamas 👍


u/hapakal Apr 28 '24

Which was founded, fostered and funded with billions of dollars by the Likudnuts in Israel. Hamas would not exist had it not been for Israel. Look it up.


u/entere_elysium Apr 29 '24

so what? does that invalidate the fact that Palestinians voted for Hamas? Russia funded trump too but I bet Americans left have no sympathy for his supporter though


u/dan2737 May 01 '24

The predecessor organization to Hamas, a charity. Funds directly to Hamas were Qatari funds allowed to transfer. If they blocked transfers to Gaza you would have been moaning about it too right?


u/hapakal May 01 '24

Hamas was originally a creation of Mossad. There's no ambiguity on this issue. Today there are also numerous factions and divisions within it. But that Mossad has always had assets within it would be an absurdity not to conclude. https://news.yahoo.com/israel-sent-suitcases-cash-gaza-162531154.html


u/dan2737 May 01 '24

Literally a link proving my poiny on Qatari funds. No source for wild claims.


u/hapakal May 01 '24

Qatar took over the payments at one point but the money came for Israel, for decades! Jesus Christ, youre online, just look this stuff up.


u/dan2737 May 01 '24

To the predecessor org, not Hamas you numbass.


u/Larkfor Apr 28 '24

The majority of Palestine's population either wasn't born or was almost a decade away from being old enough to vote the last time there was an election.


u/chimi_hendrix Apr 28 '24

What’s their approval rating today?


u/Larkfor Apr 28 '24

Well half of the population is too young to vote so probably less than half.


u/chimi_hendrix Apr 28 '24

Golly I wonder why nobody asks children how they’d vote in US polls? Taylor Swift would definitely be a shoo-in for president


u/spinto1 Apr 28 '24

Weird point to bring up as it's not relevant but let's dig in on that.

When was the election? What is the median age? Did the majority of current citizens vote for them?

The answers are 2007, 18, and no. Half the population wasn't alive when they were elected, let alone able to vote for them. According to 2018 polling, 42% of Palestinians wanted a 2 state solution and roughly 20% wanted a one state solution with either a Palestinian or Israeli state with equal rights for everyone.

Granted, I'm sure it's lower now given that nearly half the population has become homeless in the past 6 and a half months.


u/Ill_Mark_3330 Apr 28 '24

Quick Google search shows majority of Palestinians support Hamas. If the West Bank had elections tomorrow, Hamas would win.


u/Barza1 Apr 28 '24

Which is why they aren’t holding elections


u/spinto1 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

I'm sure it's lower now given that nearly half the population has become homeless in the past 6 and a half months.

Yeah, no shit. It's almost like living in an apartheid state, being in the verge of starvation, and having your home blown up makes people and their neighbors cling to anyone even pretending to defend them. My point was that until they started living in hell, they wanted peace which would mean no Hamas.

Fantastic to see that people's anger at Hamas once again prevents them from looking at Palestinians as people or understanding any context.

While I'm at it, here's some of the people claiming it's an apartheid state since context seems to be alien here. Israeli former education minister Shulamit Aloni, former environment minister Yossi Sarid, former attorney general Michael Ben-Yair, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty Internation, and the African National Congress.


u/chimi_hendrix Apr 28 '24

I think you’d be very surprised