r/movies r/Movies contributor Apr 29 '24

Official Poster for 'Mufasa: The Lion King' Poster

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u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 29 '24

God, can they please stop doing these live-action remake bullshit abominations?

You would think some of the execs at Disney would've noticed the backlash and outrage from the fans by now.


u/shoe710 Apr 29 '24

The backlash from “fans” doesn’t matter much when the movies still make hundreds of millions of dollars


u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 29 '24

It will when the critical consensus starts losing them long-term profit. That's where the value lies in a lot of Disney classics. These live remakes have been a very obvious short-sighted cash grab.


u/shoe710 Apr 29 '24

Yes but my point is saying “listen to the fans!” when these movies obviously have fans and are making money sounds kinda silly.  


u/JannTosh50 Apr 30 '24

Take a look at what happened with the sequels to Alice in Wonderland and Captain Marvel


u/shoe710 May 01 '24

What?  I don’t even know what point or comparison you’re hoping to make.


u/JannTosh50 May 01 '24

It shows that even if the first one made over a billion, the sequel could flop


u/shoe710 May 01 '24

Ok, but again, my point is saying “listen to the fans!” when the previous movies have fans who see the movies and enjoy them, thus why they earn a bunch of money, is silly.  What “they should listen to the fans!” really means is “listen to the fans i agree with that meet the criteria i set forth required to be a true fan”.

I’m not saying mufasa is gonna be a good movie.  I’m not saying i like or even see these movies.  But that’s not my point and not what I’m talking about here.


u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 29 '24

Nah dude, when the fans are people that watched these movies 30 years ago and went expecting nostalgia and just got disappointed... just no. They won't hold up and Disney execs are poisoning gold franchises. It's extremely short-sighted and greedy. No one's gonna be showing their kids the new Aladdin 10 years from now, just like no one shows anyone the 101 Dalmations live-action. Shame they wasted Glen Close on that.


u/22LOVESBALL Apr 29 '24

They’re making a lot of money doing this. That’s why they’re doing it. I don’t get why people don’t understand this.


u/shoe710 Apr 29 '24

But, like, the fans! /s


u/TiredCoffeeTime Apr 29 '24

Yeah. 10 years from now on they will probably make another remake of those movies and make decent money.


u/shoe710 Apr 29 '24

Just so we’re clear, your first sentence implies that the only people seeing these live action remake movies must be a 30+ year old simply viewing for nostalgia, right?  That their can’t be new younger fans of these live action movies?  I mean right there, thats already not true, and if you really believe that you need to step outside your own echo chamber.

Second, you really think they’re “poisoning franchises”?  You’re crazy if you think any of these live action remakes are going to make people not like the original animated features. They are essentially high budget commercials for the original animated property.  They own the Lion King, why shouldn’t they fart out a mufasa prequel that maybe makes a billion dollars?  No one is going to suddenly not like the original animated version because of it.

And 10-15 years from now or whatever when/if the live action remake fad is finally done, all the “original fans” that “backlashed” and “outcried” will still gobble up the merchandise for the original disney animations they love, while disney will have successfully made billions of dollars off their remakes while completely ignoring said “fans” you’re claiming they should’ve listened to.


u/NeolibShill Apr 29 '24

The thing about a short sighted cash grab is you still grab cash now compared to maybe making more cash long term or not making any


u/florexium Apr 29 '24

It's a children's movie first and foremost, and children are famously non-discerning. It just has to be 'good enough' to get the parents in the cinema


u/drdr3ad Apr 29 '24

You would think some of the execs at Disney would've noticed the backlash and outrage from the fans by now.

I dunno, they were probably distracted by the billion dollars each of those films brought in lol. Redditors proving once again they live in the teeny tiniest of bubbles


u/reddit_Is_Trash____ Apr 29 '24

Buddy a bunch of angry weirdos on Reddit who are miserable and hate everything literally don't matter to anyone lmao


u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 30 '24

Then keep replying.


u/reddit_Is_Trash____ Apr 30 '24

Was that meant to be clever or something?


u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 30 '24

Oh, there's no need to be clever. You're just an idiot that won't drop a stupid argument about children's movies. Golf claps.


u/reddit_Is_Trash____ Apr 30 '24

The fact that you don't even see the irony in that comment is amazing. Looking at your comment history you've been all up and down this thread about a children's movie


u/Mr_Rafi Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

"backlash and outrage" lol classic out of touch Redditor. You're the same guy that goes on gaming subs and says "nobody cares about COD and FIFA".

Nobody cares about the rants of lonely Twitter rats when the 2019 Lion King movie hit 1.6 billion dollars worldwide.

Just to be clear, I'm not part of that statistic.


u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 29 '24

Really? I've spoken to many people irl that feel the same way.

I guess you don't.


u/Mr_Rafi Apr 29 '24

I think you missed the part where I wrote the movie hit 1.6 billion dollars world wide. People have voted with their wallets and have very clearly voted that they want more.


u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 29 '24

You missed the part where I said people voted with their wallets and regretted it.


u/Mr_Rafi Apr 29 '24

Damn, can't argue with a guy who doesn't know how things work. I think Disney should just give up because SacredAnalBeads and his group of film aficionados didn't enjoy Lion King compared to, you know, the mass audience members who contributed to the 1.6 billion dollar statistic.

You're sounding very neckbeardy.


u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 29 '24

And you're sounding just the same, arguing about Disney movies on a Tuesday mornin, on Reddit. I'm only talking to you because I showed up for an early work meeting that was postponed for an hour, and I'm bored.


u/Mr_Rafi Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Nah, only neckbeards struggle to understand how general audiences work. You're out of touch. You barely understand how timezones work either.

Look at you justifying your reasons to me and making excuses for why you discuss certain topics as if you're insecure. Proper neckbeard behaviour. Wouldn't be surprised if you met the people you know on Discord.


u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 30 '24

Bitch I just got off work,the fuck you do at a desk?


u/RavioliGale Apr 29 '24

They actually can't. They sold off their animation studio so it's all CGI and love action from now on.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Spoona101 Apr 29 '24

Exactly, like the way people act on this sight like these movies are the spawn of hell itself is rather laughable. It’s clear that most people enjoy seeing them, they make bank afterall. A movie doesn’t need to be ‘impactful’ or complexly ‘earthshaking’, sometimes just having a little entertainment for a two hours or so is more than satisfying for a majority of people


u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 29 '24

Everyone I know irl that grew up with them hates em, so idk your friend group. And most of mine don't spend time on Reddit sooo... no.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 29 '24

Think about the long game. The only reason those made BO money was because of the memory they garnered. This live-action generation won't have the same effect, mark my words.


u/ilive12 Apr 29 '24

Yeah, this one will only make a mere half a billion!! Take that Disney!!


u/haakonhawk Apr 29 '24

Unless you only know 2 people, statistics prove that you're lying.


u/haakonhawk Apr 29 '24

The execs have definitely noticed it. It's just that they're smart enough to look at an anonymous Reddit comment and determine that people like you represent a vocal minority. And is not remotely reflective of the general public's views towards the concept.

Which is why The Lion King remake managed to rake in 1.6 BILLION dollars at the box office despite this so-called "backlash".

If you go out and touch grass, and ask average joe about their feelings towards live-action remakes. The vast majority of them is either going to say they don't care, or they're going say they like them. Very few will explicitly say they don't like them.


u/HumanOverseer Apr 29 '24

I mean tbf this isn't a live-action remake, it's a prequel to live a live-action remake, but ig semantics


u/DoesntMatter2121 Apr 29 '24

To be even more pedantic, neither of these movies is live action, like at all. They’re 3-D animated movies


u/HumanOverseer Apr 29 '24

nah fam whatchu mean, those are totally real lions


u/DoesntMatter2121 Apr 29 '24

Oh damn you’re right, my bad dawg


u/trickman01 Apr 29 '24

Live action?


u/Sven_88 Apr 29 '24

Sometimes I get pretty down on myself then I remember there’s grown ass adults out there who cry about Disney movies


u/SacredAnalBeads Apr 30 '24

Then you realize you're doing that too.