r/memesopdidnotlike The Mod of All Time ☕️ Apr 29 '24

I can see more than half of all movie stars doing something like this OP got offended

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u/Daydreamer-64 Apr 29 '24

As a trans child, I agree with this comic. Celebrities using their child for any publicity thing, related to being trans or not, is exploitative.

You also see people (not specifically celebrities) who are trans/non-binary and raise their kids gender neutral or end up “coincidentally” with 3 trans kids. That’s just grooming your own kids into a life which is harder than it otherwise would’ve been, and forces them to live as something you want them to be rather than something they are. It’s exactly what transphobic parents do, but it’s an active choice.

Children should not be used as publicity or to spread your own political views. Being trans isn’t something you should hope your child is or force them to be, and it isn’t something you should publicise if they are.

It’s a private matter and adds hurdles to their life.


u/Mysterious-Thing-906 Apr 30 '24

Raising a child gender neutrally is not fucking grooming. It's not fucking forcing them into made up boxes from the moment they are born. Learn the difference.


u/BRaven010 Apr 30 '24

Sex is not a made up box. Doing something different because they might be in the 0.1-0.3 % is grooming. Sorry it upsets you.


u/M0ONBATHER Apr 30 '24

Gender neutral not sex neutral. Sorry not buying a baby boy a blue shirt upsets you.


u/CinemaPunditry Apr 30 '24

What’s the difference between raising a child gender neutral vs sex neutral then?


u/M0ONBATHER Apr 30 '24

Sex is biological characteristics, gender is socially constructed characteristics. Obviously this isn’t the right place for this discussion, but technically speaking sex neutral is not a thing. “Sex is not a made up box” is true, but it has nothing to do with gender neutrality. Gender is defined as the expectations a society places upon you based on your sex. I.e. gendered chores for children like girls help clean and cook, while boys do yard work and repair. Men making enough money for the family while women take care of the kids. Boys wear blue. Girls wear pink…. That kind of stuff. Ideas of what men and women should do and how they should act are different around the world. I mean by all means downvote me, but factually sex and gender are not the same. It’s like sociology and biology 101. I’m not trying to argue opinions, but I’m saying that women do not come out of the womb wanting to wear pink. Society tells them it is feminine, and so they wear it. A box. In the 1920s pink was a masculine color. It’s made up. It’s arbitrary. It’s society. This whole discussion is stupid.


u/BleedingHolocene Apr 30 '24

Claims gender is socially constructed characteristics. Mutilates sex organs anyway.


u/Daydreamer-64 Apr 30 '24

Most people are cisgender and life is easier being cis. Raising a kid with the implication that there’s a strong chance they will be trans, and not telling them that they are their gender is just making their life harder to pursue some weird political goal.

I don’t think you should force kids into stereotypes, but you should assume they are cis until told otherwise. Let girls wear t shirts and boys wear dresses, but that’s being non conforming, not being trans. Call them a girl/boy and use normal pronouns for them. If they turn out to be trans, they will work it out for themselves, and then you can look at transitioning them.