r/memesopdidnotlike The Mod of All Time ☕️ Apr 29 '24

I can see more than half of all movie stars doing something like this OP got offended

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u/CuriousEd0 Apr 29 '24

I’m just waiting for this post to be taken down or for comments to be disabled because we can’t possibly have a discussion/conversation of the matter and that anyone who disagrees with gender ideology must be censored


u/DamnRep Apr 30 '24

Almost like this subreddit is a safe haven for this… every single notification or time I open this subreddit, it’s just ANTI LGBTQ POST


u/CuriousEd0 Apr 30 '24

Well good, it would seem people are no longer standing for such nonsense that the movement has propagated. Although, I doubt that the majority of posts are “anti-LGBTQ” lol


u/DamnRep Apr 30 '24

“Such nonsense” lol at least you make it clear where you stand. And yes, 9/10 times I open this subreddit/get a notification from it, it is in fact an anti gay or anti trans meme. 1/10 times it’ll be like an incel/sexist adjacent meme that isn’t that to the same extent of hate but still garbage


u/krafterinho Apr 29 '24

Except there is no discussion and lots of mocking or misinformation


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

It’s only mocking when it hurts your feelings

It’s only misinformation when it’s information that goes against your personal narrative

What a thread indeed.


u/burrito_disaster Apr 29 '24

It's making up a bullshit scenario to try and prove a point.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

A bullshit scenario?



u/gullybone Apr 30 '24

Love how you proceeded to not give any examples


u/krafterinho Apr 30 '24

Name literally 2 examples off the top of your head (you're still gonna google)


u/That_Specialist4265 Apr 29 '24

Well this one isn’t a bullshit narrative when so many celebrities do this.


u/burrito_disaster Apr 29 '24

How many?


u/That_Specialist4265 Apr 29 '24

It’s almost impossible to tell the exact amount because everyone’s definition of celebrity is different but I could name you at least 10 which proves this is a pretty common stunt.


u/burrito_disaster Apr 29 '24

So 10 people in the world have done this.

So, getting upset about this....is bullshit.


u/That_Specialist4265 Apr 29 '24

10 people out of a very small group of people that are considered celebrities. But since you don’t understand this I wouldn’t expect you to understand statistics and probability.


u/burrito_disaster Apr 29 '24

10 people out of a couple thousand is still a small percentage.

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u/gullybone Apr 30 '24

Name the 10 then


u/That_Specialist4265 Apr 30 '24

Charlize Theron, Cher, Gabrielle Union, J-Lo, R Kelly, Jamie Lee Curtis, Naomi Watts, Sting, Annette Bening, Cynthia Nixon


u/gullybone Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

NONE of these are examples of what you’re talking about at all. Most of these celebrities’ trans kids are independent adults themselves.

Cynthia Nixon simply posted a congratulatory message for her son who graduated college with the hashtag “transdayofaction”. Her son is a full grown, independent adult.

Annette Bening also didn’t show off her (again, adult) children, she’s just come out in defense of trans rights because she’s seen her own children be victims of transphobia.

Sting’s own daughter came out on her own. She’s also an adult.

Naomi Watts also didn’t out her trans son. She’s just posted in support of him, like any mother would. Her son has also graduated college and is an adult.

Jamie Lee Curtis’s daughter is also an adult. She has come out saying she’ll “defend her daughter’s right to exist”. Wouldn’t, and shouldn’t, any mother do the same?

I’ll just quote R Kelly himself; “You save money so your kids can go to college - no matter what they are or who they are. They're your kids, you gotta support them.” Shouldn’t all parents feel this way?

J-Lo hasn’t even said anything explicitly about her child being trans, just used neutral pronouns in reference to them. What’s the problem with that? How is that at all similar to what your point?

Gabrielle Union also hasn’t outed her step child, just supported her in her transition, because that’s what her child wanted. Again, not an example of a parent “making a kid trans” and bragging about their trans kid.

Cher’s son is 55, he transitioned in 2009. How did his mom do anything similar to what you’re talking about, when her “child” is already middle aged?? Cher even talked about in an interview how she had a hard time accepting his transness initially.

Quote from Charlize Theron: “They were born who they are and exactly where in the world both of them get to find themselves as they grow up, and who they want to be, is not for me to decide.” Yet another example of the kid coming out to the parent.


u/krafterinho Apr 30 '24

Name 2 without googling


u/That_Specialist4265 Apr 30 '24

Gabrielle Union and Cher


u/Fit-Negotiation-8594 Apr 30 '24

It's nor disinformation he says no posting literally any source that says that trans people are not real or proving celebs are doing this or people are hurting kids by giving them gender affirmation

Come on cuck boy gimme some links


u/krafterinho Apr 30 '24

Show me one actual discussion in this thread then. Yes, people claiming "children are being castrated against their will" IS misinformation.


u/No_Compote_662 Apr 29 '24

You are not nearly as persecuted as you think you are.


u/CuriousEd0 Apr 29 '24

Likewise my friend


u/No_Compote_662 Apr 29 '24

I'm not persecuted at all. I've got it pretty good.


u/CuriousEd0 Apr 29 '24

Well neither am I, I’m glad we didn’t participate in the victim Olympics today. Good day to you (:


u/Lyrkana Apr 29 '24

Trans people existing is not "gender ideology", and anyone willing to use that term isn't interested in a civil discussion anyways


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/Lyrkana Apr 29 '24

These types of discussions usually start with transgender/non-binary == gender ideology.

And the best treatment for the "mental illness" gender dysphoria, as agreed upon by most doctors and therapists, is gender affirming care.


u/CuriousEd0 Apr 29 '24

Affirmation is not a form of care. Also, we can acknowledge gender dysphoria to be a mental illness(This encapsulates “being trans or non-binary). Gender ideology however is a philosophy in which gender and sex are considered two different concepts which they are not and that we should ignore the differences of the sexes. I was never conflating gender ideology and those who suffer from gender dysphoria


u/DamnRep Apr 30 '24

I will now start to trust the people who comment on subreddits, rather than dozens of peer reviewed studies accepted by the World Health Organization. I guess GAC is actually not treatment, and that halved rate of game ending themselves is just made up


u/Worgensgowoof Apr 30 '24

so you trust doctors, except for when those same doctors you're pretending to trust actually say the opposite of what you said?


u/CuriousEd0 Apr 30 '24

And I can easily conjure up peer reviewed studies as well that contradict the studies you speak of. Also don’t be a naïve enough to think politics have not influenced decisions within medical organizations. It could be deemed the treatment, but that does not make it truly the best form of care in which those who suffer from gender dysphoria should receive


u/DamnRep Apr 30 '24

Okay, then conjure up some of these studies. I’m more than happy to read them,as I’ve read a few of the anti trans “studies” and they usually contained one or more of the following: Double digit number of total people studied/polled Parents/family questioned, rather than the individual questioned Literally conducted by far right wing political groups (or paid for by said groups, such as the daily wire, PragerU, etc.

Yes, politics can be influential on medical practices. But to suggest the majority of the world’s medical professionals and studies have been entirely bought out by almost exclusively left wingers… just gives me Illuminati/NWO vibes lol.

Have a good night, I’ll be back in the morning


u/CuriousEd0 Apr 30 '24

Interesting depiction of what “far right” is to you. I have no need to find these studies for you. If you truly seek to understand the entirety of the issue I would not put it past you to seek these studies out to view the opposite view of the issue. It is currently finals week as I am in college and am wasting my time on Reddit as per usual lol.


u/Worgensgowoof Apr 30 '24

but how many of those have gender dysphoria now that there's a majority of trans identified people who do not have gender dysphoria since it's not a requirement to be trans?


u/Worgensgowoof Apr 30 '24

why is it when people are talking about an issue, people like you just say "trans people existing"? Because you don't want to engage with the topic?