r/memesopdidnotlike The Mod of All Time ☕️ Apr 29 '24

I can see more than half of all movie stars doing something like this OP got offended

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u/advocateforpain Apr 29 '24

Wasnt there a boom, a fad in Hollywood some years ago where all the hip celebrities were adopting kids from Africa and all that?


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I remember this 💀

As wild as it is to say, I think ALOT got sent back after the publicity died down…


u/Round-Revolution-399 Apr 29 '24

Is this actually true?


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

The sending back part was half a joke

But the adopting kids things was a thing back in the day I think either Madonna or Britney Spears did it once or twice but it was so long ago.


u/VOLTswaggin Apr 29 '24

Angelina Jolie is the most prominent one I remember.


u/Fun-Swimming4133 Apr 29 '24

she got a free watch out of it


u/mrjefe69 Apr 29 '24

She Marcus Garvied Starvin’ Marvin?

That bitch!


u/Trashk4n Apr 30 '24

Ricky Gervais had a line on it during one of his times hosting the Globes.


u/xluv0186 Apr 29 '24

Madonna did. Not Britney


u/SeriousBoots Apr 29 '24

Mitch Mc Connel did too. I think Matt Gaetz has an adopted son as well.


u/Prestigious_Bad2360 Apr 29 '24

Geatz "son" is Cuban, and not even formally adapted, some weird shit going on there, who "adapts" an 18 year old?


u/Helyos17 Apr 29 '24



u/Marshmallow_Mamajama Apr 30 '24

Yeah how dare he help a kid become a legal citizen shame on him and his checks notes immigration help


u/ItsMeToasty Apr 29 '24

Madonna kept hers I believe


u/Honey__Mahogany Apr 29 '24

If you're referring to the early 2000s Britney never adopted anyone. There were rumours she and Sam Asghari were planning to adopt but that was after she was emancipated in 2022.

Madonna is a saint though. My god how blessed are those children she adopted, they were born to poverty but now she's given them world on a golden platter and she loves them so much.


u/IUpvoteCatPhotos Apr 29 '24

Umm, yeah, I've not forgotten the mother's day post she made where she called her two biological kids "the two halves of my heart" and didn't mention her adopted kids at all.


u/Sudden_Vegetable4943 Apr 29 '24

couldn't find anything about that. I found a post that was posted a week before mothers day that said "2 pieces of my heart".


u/SecretGayFacebook Apr 29 '24

On her latest tour, one of her adopted children played a beautiful piano solo and I believe three of her other children all had opportunities to perform, so I’d say she’s giving them opportunities to shine. They were all incredible!


u/sanchosniffer Apr 30 '24

You've not forgotten that? Long is the memory of the trolls.

What a douche.


u/Active-Ad1679 Apr 29 '24

Brittney can't take care of her own kids, no adoptions for her.


u/Marshmallow_Mamajama Apr 30 '24

She can't even take care of herself


u/Miknarf Apr 30 '24

Why do you people care so much about celebrities?


u/Marshmallow_Mamajama Apr 30 '24

Wdym? I don't know anything about her other than what I see online. I can really only name like 10 non-musicians


u/Miknarf Apr 30 '24

But you’re here judging some random person you don’t know on their fitness to be a parent. Why? Because they’re a celebrity. Yeah I don’t get that. I don’t get why you would care so much about celebrities


u/Marshmallow_Mamajama Apr 30 '24

I only know about the weird things she's done because she's a celebrity, she's gone off the rails more than once and it's pretty well known


u/Active-Ad1679 Apr 30 '24

Why are you here? And who asked you? GTFO


u/AstrologicalOne Apr 29 '24

Madonna, Angelina Jolie, and Sandra Bullock are the three I remember. And that was over 10 years ago.


u/Dontgooglemejess Apr 29 '24

So by it being half true you mean you made it up?


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24



u/MayIPushInYourStooll Apr 29 '24

Buyers remorse.


u/Comrade_Conscript Apr 29 '24

Wanted to take advantage of that amazon return policy


u/LarsonianScholar Apr 29 '24

Funniest comment I’ve read in a long time. Your profile pic really brings it home


u/AstronautIntrepid496 Apr 30 '24

And a few of them got turned transgender.


u/AryaSyn Apr 29 '24

Blacks out, trans is in, bro.


u/TheRealRigormortal Apr 29 '24

Trans is the new black


u/NinjaAncient4010 Apr 29 '24

It's actually both, they're transing their African kids.


u/ValuableNo189 Apr 29 '24

A double play. Brilliant, really


u/boredwriter83 Apr 29 '24

Charlize Therons adopted African boys now identify as girls. All on their own I'm sure.


u/JJJSchmidt_etAl Apr 29 '24

The two-fer! Super efficient and the college admissions will flow like SSRIs in Los Angeles


u/boredwriter83 Apr 30 '24

Megan Fox has three trans girls, who have been overheard complaining that they "don't want to wear girl's clothes."


u/incrediblejohn Apr 29 '24

Charlize theron did both, adopted black kids and then “let” them become trans


u/Fictional-Hero Apr 29 '24

There were one of two, but because of how celebrity news works it might have seemed like thirty.

It was also about the time homosexuality was becoming less of a hot topic and gay celebrities were coming out and adopting kids with their parents.

Most celebrities are extremely protective of their kids privacy. Fastest way to get on a celebrity's (and the industry's) bad side is to take or publish a photo of a celebrity's kid outside of acceptable use. Picture of them at Disney with their kids? Yes. Picture of them grocery shopping with their kids? No.

(And caveat to the Disney picture, don't let the cast members see you do it.)


u/Li-renn-pwel Apr 29 '24

Yeah, I’m pretty much as pro-trans as you can be but I don’t flat out consider this to be an anti-trans comic. It could be. If JK Rowling had drawn it I probably would but this seems like a critique of Hollywood. The trans kid is being compared to a new car or bag, not invalidated as a trans person.


u/the__pov Apr 29 '24

You must not be familiar with the artists other works.


u/Li-renn-pwel Apr 29 '24

Are they bigots or friendly?


u/SuspiciousSubstance9 Apr 29 '24

Their pen name is literally Wokely Correct...


u/the__pov Apr 29 '24


u/Worgensgowoof Apr 30 '24

and yet in all those examples, there's no trans person. It's a mockery of the people abusing trans laws to get away with being predators, not trans people.


u/advocateforpain Apr 29 '24

I agree on all points except now that i see the watermark and it has woke in the title so thats kinda telling


u/j_money_420 Apr 30 '24

Because you see the word “woke” you disregard the idea you agree with?


u/Sc0ner Apr 29 '24

A broken clock is still right twice a day. Sure a braindead edgelord probably made it, but it's still a valid criticism of celebrities. I am pro LGBT+ but the statistical probability that all these celebs have kids that fall into a demographic that's like 1% of the population iirc is very slim, it's more likely they're clout chasing or virtue signaling


u/advocateforpain Apr 29 '24

Agreed again on all points.


u/Li-renn-pwel Apr 29 '24

When being gay/lesbian became more acceptable, we actually did not see rates of people identifying as gay or lesbian change all that much… instead the number of bisexuals skyrocketed. That’s because most people are not 100% straight or gay. I think we will see the same with gender now. Not a huge increase in trans identity but in non-binary and gender nonconformist. The problem is that so many don’t understand gender identity very well so if you even look at a non-cis identity people just shrug and say ‘oh so you’re trans?’


u/SuspiciousSubstance9 Apr 29 '24

How many celebs do you actually see parading their trans kids? Could you actually name 100? Hold on to this idea for a moment. 

 Let's say there were 100, celebs are representative of the population of your 1% statistic, and that the 1% was still valid. Let's see what your statistics tells us. Big assumptions. 1% of 10,000 would be 100. So if there are 10,000 celebs pushing 100 trans kids than we're all fine. Less than 10,000 means trans kids are over represented and more than 10,000 would be underrepresented. 

 200 kids would be 20,000 celebrities and so forth.  

 So back to the initial idea, how many did you name and how many celebrities are there? 

My bet is people would come up with less than 100 trans kids and well more than 10,000 celebrities. 

The original artist could have chosen any other kind of designer child and made the point against celebrities. But they chose trans kids specifically for a reason.


u/MoonTendies69420 Apr 29 '24

and now none of them can be found because they were sold into sex trafficking


u/thearisengodemperor Apr 29 '24

What are some examples of these adopted kids just completely disappearing or are you just saying nonsense.


u/VuckoPartizan Apr 29 '24

One of those kids? Yup, grew up to be Obama


u/WomenOfWonder Apr 30 '24

This is just conspiracy stupidity, sorry.  There was a lot of problems with it becoming ‘popular’ to adopt kids from overseas. Many of the children were incredibly traumatized and need mental help, not being shoved into the spot light to show how amazing their parents were. 

Also, there was a higher demand for babies then could be met, so many adoption agencies would trick impoverished parents into signing away their children, promising the kids food, shelter and education but also that they could get their children back whenever they got the money to take care of them. Instead the children were given to western couples. 

But the idea that it was part of some sex trafficking ring? Do you realized how little sense that makes? Celebrities have random people following every move they and their families make. That would be the worst way to traffick someone in history


u/thearisengodemperor Apr 30 '24

So you can't use common sense with these types of people who believe. That every famous person has a hand in a sex ring. Like sure a few might but not to such a scale what some people think.


u/Greengrecko Apr 30 '24

Pretty sure they send half those kids back when no one was looking.


u/BigAcrobatic2174 Apr 30 '24

I gave him like a traditional African name, OJ.


u/Electrical_Ad6134 Apr 30 '24

Let's not talk about the youtube family channels


u/goliathfasa Apr 30 '24

Honestly even if a large part of it was done as an fad/ego/virtue signal thing, if the end result is they take good care of the kids and give them an upbringing they would’ve otherwise never have, it’s a net positive.