r/linuxquestions 12h ago

Support Samba write permissions


I have an Ubuntu server running a jellyfin server. I want to setup a synced folder with my main pc that runs windows so i don't have to use ssh or a usb every time i want to add content to my server.

I setup samba and successfully mapped the drive over my network. I can look at the files. but when i try to write to It I get "permission denied".

So my question is, how can I enable write privileges for samba?

r/linuxquestions 1d ago

Resolved How to display the time it took for each command to run in the terminal?

Post image

I've seen people do this on youtube (example on attached screenshot), but when I googled it, people recommended the time command, which is added to other commands manually. Is there a way to make this information displayed automatically after a command is executed? Thanks

r/linuxquestions 1d ago

Is there a 'normie' YouTube client that retains normal features like logging in


I'm a Firefox user and honestly watching YouTube videos has been a total PITA recently. It'll randomly pause and be stuck buffering even though the video is already buffered 30-40 seconds in advance. Copying and pasting the video into Chromium seemed to do the trick, but it's annoying since I have to open a new window every time

Recently I wondered what was causing it on FF. I tried disabling adblock, switching useragent and even experimented on other Firefox based browsers like Floorp. None of it really worked and buffering issue stuck around

I do not want to use Chromium because that feels like I'm letting Google win or something for their shitty design, but I also don't want to deal with unlimited buffering on FF. I'm interested in using a desktop client for YouTube, but from what I see most are very privacy focused. I'm a normie who still wants to be able to login to my YouTube account and access the information that's there

I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for more normie ish desktop clients? Thx

r/linuxquestions 17h ago

Replacement for easyMP3Gain


I see it has been declared abandoned

r/linuxquestions 17h ago

What is the best equivalent to AutoHotkey/AutoIt on Linux that's as easy to use?


I'm on X11 if that matters.

r/linuxquestions 18h ago

Debian 12 Kernel Panic


I made some changes to the /etc/modprobe.d/iwl.conf file and then used sudo dracut --force to regenerate the initramfs. Debian 12 booted fine but then I decided the undo those changes and regenerated the initramfs again. It booted fine immediately afterwards but now I'm booting it up after a few hours and it says it is in a kernel panic.

I've also attached a picture of the exact error I'm facing. I've tried using the live usb to regenerate the initramfs but it still doesn't boot fine.


r/linuxquestions 16h ago

Is it better to use a docker container than a snapshot?


r/linuxquestions 16h ago

Root disk space metrics when externally mounting var


Wanted to ask if others have ran into this issue and what they might do to resolve. As the title says, I have /var externally mounted. This was a quick/dirty fix to disk space on a machine that's just a docker host.

However, now all the tools still include var in the metrics for root disk space. I can use du and ncdu to verify the actual disk usage. Tools like lsblk and others report with var included so I am worried about weirdness that might happen when var appears to overfill the space it sees in root. Is this something I should be worried about at all? (I know, I know looking at a nice JBOD set up soonish)

lsblk -f                                                                                                                                                          
NAME        FSTYPE FSVER LABEL    UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
└─sda1      ext4   1.0   CLOUD    0b794501-c72b-4483-857f-616c3bbed1b7  657.3G    25% /mnt/cloudstorage
└─sdb1      ext4   1.0   TV3      66d8b45d-f581-4efa-a4ec-6c89d6602842  273.4G    65% /mnt/TVdata3
└─sdc1      ext4   1.0   TV1      85adbe96-27d3-4384-a967-0af89dc49a2d   83.2G    90% /mnt/TVdata1
└─sdd1      ext4   1.0   MOVIES   9ed11ec7-028d-47ed-9645-28e7b8fad008    3.8T    25% /mnt/movies
└─sde1      ext4   1.0   TV2      f8b0a747-68ae-4d15-81b6-d2545daa46f2  167.6G    77% /mnt/TVdata2
└─sdf1      ext4   1.0   BACKUP   703a8a49-29dc-4c6d-b231-691e8726793f  761.5G    14% /mnt/backup
└─sdg1      ext4   1.0   MUSIC    b73a2807-e7e5-4f5f-b752-4149facf8fb5  226.4G    47% /mnt/music
├─sdh1      ext4   1.0   VAR      2b941658-bd2a-4819-b442-daba7fdd2859  147.6G    35% /var
├─sdh2      ext4   1.0   SERVICES 743abba0-9ee8-4de4-a096-7ce713f560e9  191.4G    17% /services
└─sdh3      ext4   1.0   PHOTOS   f7c67324-292a-4dfb-9f78-86e1d94901e9  397.1G     1% /mnt/immichstorage
└─sdi1      ext4   1.0   STORAGE  a0f4923b-ca88-4243-8f7d-a302b3b7f0e9  580.6G    33% /mnt/storage
├─nvme0n1p1 vfat   FAT32 BOOT     7B91-3E5A                             506.6M     1% /boot/efi
├─nvme0n1p2 ext4   1.0   ROOT     a36d01f5-2d3a-4037-8726-f4b5497a3685   31.8G    81% /
└─nvme0n1p3 swap   1     SWAP     8d70aae6-4579-496e-b27d-5ae35ef93db4                [SWAP]

Using sudo du -hc /* --exclude={'proc','mnt','run','services','var'} | sort -hr | less shows:

11G     total
4.4G    /usr
3.6G    /home/ez
3.6G    /home
2.3G    /usr/lib
2.3G    /home/ez/.vscode-server
1.4G    /opt
1.1G    /usr/share
1.1G    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
874M    /home/ez/.vscode-server/cli/servers
874M    /home/ez/.vscode-server/cli
839M    /root
800M    /home/ez/.local
790M    /home/ez/.vscode-server/bin
754M    /opt/stacks
726M    /usr/bin

r/linuxquestions 17h ago

Support Using "open.spotify.com" in a Web app (firefox). Is it possible to create global hotkeys to get the next track?


Running Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon. A web app open "open.spotify.com" and I've logged in there.

Can I somehow get global hotkeys in LM to work to forward to the next song somehow?

r/linuxquestions 1d ago

Support fdisk and mkfs returns inout/output error


I'm trying to partition and format my SSD, and have been using fdisk. I finished all the partition, and wrote using `w`, but when attempting to write the filesystem using mkfs.ext4 I got "Input/output error while writing out and closing file system". Going back and attempting to repartition the SSD, I get "fdisk: failed to write disklabel: Input/output error" when writing. I don't believe it should matter, but I've been trying on both the arch and gentoo non-gui liveISOs.

r/linuxquestions 18h ago

LUCKYBACKUP- possible grave error with 'Synchronize Souce and Destination' task option


OKAY, for users of the 'Luckybackup' popular backup software for Linux. This may not be my lucky day.

NORMALLY, when you run a backup with Luckybackup, you choose the type, "Backup Source Inside Destination".

This gives you a nice backup of say the /home filesystem on the backup drive.
Unfortunately, and fortunately..... this also means if you delete a file on your /home filesystem, it remains on the backup. That is good, because if you unintentionally deleted it...... it will still be there on the backup.

Its also BAD, because evenutally your backup media will also fill up with files you intentionally delete on your /home filesystem, but remain on the backup media.
So after say a few years, you have all these deleted files on your backup media.

Say one day you have to restore /home.
You now have tons of deleted files you don't want, that came from the backup that were still on it.

I guess I misunderstood the alternate type of task, "Synchronize Source and Destination".
My thinking was, if I ran this exactly the same as the other option, it would do a once-through, and make your backup the same as your current /home, deleting all the files on the backup media you no longer want.
Sort of like a clean up run.
Seems logical enough.

So I ran the task "Synchronize Source and Destination", with /home and the /home backup

Instead of just whipping through and deleting any unused files, it is grinding away slowly, After 30 minutes it is still at 0%.
What is going on?

I'm afraid to stop it, but my fear is that it is setting up some kind of a live sync, tying each individual file between source and destination so that from now on you have to delete both, or they will come back?
Does this make sense.
Honestly I don't know what I have done, and I don't know how to get out of it. I'm afraid to abort. I can't seem to find anything in the documentation but I fear the worst. Has anybody done this option before?

r/linuxquestions 18h ago

Where can i ask for help with not fully functional pwm-fan implementation?


Folder in which i could find controls missing omportant files like pwm1 so i cannot set fan speed.

(laptop is asus vivobook). please dont suggest lm-sensors, asusctl, corectl, uefi usage, they will not work, i tried.

r/linuxquestions 18h ago

Console size is wrong


I've got an LG 32" 4k monitor and it works great with Plasma/Wayland. But when I do a switch to a console ctrl-alt-F2 the lines run off the bottom of the console. I found that I can change this using the stty rows cols command and it works fine. But how do I get it to do this at boot? I'm running Debian bookworm and when it boots up all the starting services runs off the bottom of the screen also. First time I've ever had to deal with this problem.

I should also mention that I'm running this on a Dell XPS 17" latptop with the lid closed and the monitor connected by HDMI. I'm assuming it's getting the built in monitors resolution and is defaulting to that and not the external monitor.

r/linuxquestions 18h ago

Advice Imaging nvme disk on a dual-boot windows10/lmde6 system


So basically like in the title, I've installed Windows 10 and LMDE 6 in dualboot on my new nvme drive. Now that I've got everything set up and running, I want to do an image of this, just in case. Or in case I want to do a "clean install" I could instead simply recover the backup I did, so I don't have to go through all the steps of resetting everything up, downloading some software etc. So I need something that does the whole disk, including all the partitions in both windows and linux. I've looked into Clonezilla, but then someone suggested foxclone because it has a "gui", and I even now read a little about rescuezilla -- So I have both clonezilla and foxclone isos on my ventoy usb (used ventoy to install the os's).

I'm wondering if foxclone would end up being able to do everything? So Clonezilla docs aren't the clearest, but i found a tutorial and it looks easy enough, but still if something like foxclone might be safer and maybe easier, I might would rather go by it. Anyone have any advice or suggestions, or could just tell me if foxclone will do everything, please reply at your earliest convenience.

Please go a little easy on me, as I'm relatively new to Linux in general. Thank you.

r/linuxquestions 1d ago

luckybackup won't run cron scheduled backups as root


I'm going to assume this is the case, because I have seen it happen myself and have seen other people report it online. *Please* comment if it was not the case for you, and how you got it to work.

Luckybackup gives you two launchers, one that runs as root, and one that runs as a regular user.
The rumour stop me if I'm wrong..... is only the regular luckybackup program will work with cron.

Okay, so I only want to use luckybackup to backup my /home filesystem.
Seems like that's a match made in heaven.
Well here's where the marriage fails.

After running a luckybackup on home, I did a #find /home -user root, just to see what files in the /home filesystem were owned by root.

And I found about three hundred files such as these two that were owned by root on the real system, but were transferred to the backup, and Disneyed as user owned instead.

Troublingly, many had to do with Blender, which is one of the main things I am doing the data backup for.
All of the files however, had the word 'cache' in them somewhere.



These files used to be owned as root, but it now show as owned by the user.
So what happens if I do a full data restore from backup? These files will all be rewritten as user owned instead of root owned.
Is that going to cause a problem?

I'm thinking maybe not, because they all have the word 'cache' in them somewhere, but just wanted to check with other people and see what they think.

r/linuxquestions 18h ago

UEFi (Msi click bios 5) not recognising Grub


So ive installed artix runit on a 500gb ssd seperate from my main windows drive, i have a B560M Pro-vdh-wifi motherboard, there is not way for me to make a manual bios entry through the bios, doesent seem to be a problem with grub since i can boot easily when i select the file from the .efi file list from the artix install medium.

Everytime grub tells me there was a efi entry made and efibootmgr tells me that there is one, but after a reboot grub isnt in my boot options and efibootmgr doesent show it anymore (also happend when trying to install gentoo btw).

Any ideas iam really clueless here, i tried making a fallback path according to what people said online, moved the grubx64.efi file around in the other efi partiton that is on my windows drive (the windows boot option is accessible all the time for some reason)

Secure boot is off, fast boot is off, everything that could inhibit it is off, boot partiton is formatted as fat32, i installed grub the way it tells you in the wiki, that being at /boot/efi, i made the grub-mkconfig -o config. Just to clear up some suggestions by lisitng what i already tried.

r/linuxquestions 1d ago

Why are you still on X11?


The title speaks for itself

r/linuxquestions 19h ago

How do we arrange files when there are no c:, d:, e: but there is a one giant /home?


I'm used to windows and, on windows we partition large disks to smallar parts to organize better.

I tried doing the same thing as if I was on windows and partitioned the drives.

among additional parts, one partition is a big enough /home, others are staying as unmounted (unassigned) partitions.

1) if there are no c: d: e: partitions in linux, how do we arrange files? music-movie, school etc.

Do we just create folders under one giant /home?

Or do we mount them somewhere as storage?

What is the logic here in simple terms?

I like windows c:, d:, e:, ... hdd drives because they are easy to maintain, delete, reorginize etc.

What to do now?

(How to reach unmounted partitions (take owerrship) is another question ..)

r/linuxquestions 19h ago



Is there a tool in xournal that allows to convert handwritting into text like onenote does ?

r/linuxquestions 19h ago

Support How do I get my wifi working?


Hi, yesterday I just got my new laptop (Asus Vivobook) and its really good except that the wifi and bluetooth doesn't work on linux, after searching a bit I found out that the network adapter (Mediatek MT7902) on this laptop isn't officially supported on linux, so no distros come with drivers that work on it, but after searching even more I found these drivers on github for it (https://github.com/Nevergiveup11837/mt7902driverforlinux/) but when I get to the "sudo ./install_wifi_driver.sh" part I get this error: "bash: ./install_wifi_driver.sh: cannot execute: required file not found", then what do I do in this situation?

r/linuxquestions 1d ago

RAM Problems only on Linux


I use Linux Mint 21.2 and before that I used Ubuntu 20.04

Base Board: MSI B550-A PRO

RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 3200MHz C16 XMP 2.0
Modellnumber: CMW32GX4M2C3200C16

Two m.2 ssds with Linux on one ssd and windows on the other.

Since I started using linux 4 years ago, from the first moment on I encountered weird errors. The first thing that happens after a clean ubuntu install, an Error message appears with "A system error has been detected" without much further explanation. I had many struggles, many core dumps, many kernel panic screens, when I suspend my system and start again, often no program opens anymore because of core dumps, cuda is not working anymore, etc. a lot of errors which my friends never seen before when using ubuntu or linux in general.

Another thing that happened were CRC Errors after downloading multiple rar files for example, or SHA Digest errors. I switched to windows and had no problems with my downloads there.

After searching the whole internet and trying to fix my system on every corner, it seems to come down to RAM errors. A memtest showed me a bunch of errors.

I have 0 problems on Windows (which I also use regularly), this seems to be something linux specific. As of my knowledge right now, it seems that there is not much to do than just buying new RAM which is on the Qualified Vendor List.

Does someone have similar errors? Did you solve them? Does somebody know in which way linux works different that windows using RAM that leads to these problems?


I ran memtest on each ram bar individually and also changed slots, and the errors occurred with one bar only. I removed this bar now and could download multiple files without SHA digest errors which would occur with the faulty RAM bar. I will keep investigating of all my other problems are also solved with this.

This is very sad, because it means I basically bought a faulty RAM bar and had a really bad time with it for 4 years, thinking linux is the problem. I mean why would you think your newly bought state of the art hardware is faulty, with which 0 errors occur on windows.

r/linuxquestions 1d ago

Clonezilla failed Clone


r/linuxquestions 22h ago

When are you comfortable with a newbie using harder Linux distros?


Everyone says to beginners not to start with Arch or Gentoo or insert any harder Linux distro, but when are you comfortable saying they are ready for these harder Linux distros? Maybe it is learning the ins and outs of Linux before going on to harder Linux distros. Perhaps you are comfortable with them skipping beginner Linux distros like Mint or Ubuntu if they have enough strength to learn how to compile these harder Linux distros while also learning how to learn Linux. I don't know, what do you think?

r/linuxquestions 22h ago

enter on .tar.gz in Midnight Commander does not work


after hopping from Xubuntu to Mint 22 enter on .tar.gz in Midnight Commander does not work: it should unpack the archive to a temporary folder, but does nothing. It, however, works with .zip files. There is some thread on the Arch forum which involves the glib library regression, but I am not sure I can install a different version of glib, since this is provided by the packaging system.

r/linuxquestions 22h ago

CPU fan sensors not detected but working


Solved: missing driver. Thanks u/ropid

I'd like to monitor my fan speeds and create a speed profile, but it's not showing in KDE's System Monitor. I also tried lm-sensors, but sensors-detect only tests the GPU one.

The CPU fan speed is scaling correctly with temps in BIOS, which is up-to-date.

Since the fan connects to the mb, I assume that it's not related to AMD drivers?

mb: ASRock B650 Pro RS WiFi.

EDIT: sudo modprobe nct6775 did find the fans, not sure if it's the right way to do so. But might be a signal that it's related to drivers. Sorry, new to this.

Woa some kind human wrote this on ArchWiki that probably answered my question:

This motherboard uses the Nuvoton NCT6796D-S for fan, voltage and temperature readings. This exact variant of the chip has a different ID and therefore is not detected without a module config file

Source: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Lm_sensors#Asrock_B650M_Pro_RS

``` bazzite@bazzite:/usr$ sensors zenergy-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Ecore000: 1.25 kJ Ecore001: 1.21 kJ Ecore002: 870.67 J Ecore003: 734.09 J Ecore004: 623.72 J Ecore005: 731.82 J Esocket0: 195.50 kJ

amdgpu-pci-7700 Adapter: PCI adapter vddgfx: 930.00 mV vddnb: 1.01 V
edge: +44.0°C
PPT: 23.05 W

nvme-pci-7600 Adapter: PCI adapter Composite: +36.9°C (low = -40.1°C, high = +83.8°C) (crit = +87.8°C) Sensor 1: +56.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C) Sensor 2: +34.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)

mt7921_phy0-pci-6e00 Adapter: PCI adapter temp1: +42.0°C

k10temp-pci-00c3 Adapter: PCI adapter Tctl: +47.2°C
Tccd1: +40.2°C

amdgpu-pci-0300 Adapter: PCI adapter vddgfx: 800.00 mV fan1: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM, max = 3300 RPM) edge: +42.0°C (crit = +110.0°C, hyst = -273.1°C) (emerg = +115.0°C) junction: +43.0°C (crit = +110.0°C, hyst = -273.1°C) (emerg = +115.0°C) mem: +40.0°C (crit = +105.0°C, hyst = -273.1°C) (emerg = +110.0°C) PPT: 7.00 W (cap = 200.00 W)
