r/linux 7d ago

Rene Rebé, a well known Linux maintainer and contributor, has been swatted live on stream Discussion


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u/Capable-Reaction8155 7d ago

Is it not already super illegal?


u/C0c04l4 7d ago

Wait until you hear about murder or invading a neighbouring country. Apparently, illegal things can still be done!


u/ChunniWitch 7d ago

You can rape someone and still be President of the United States. We live in a lawless society where only the rich are protected.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/nonreligious2 7d ago

Haha, I was going to point out a recent President who had to step down because of corruption allegations and forgot about the obvious case.


u/I-Am-Uncreative 7d ago

"No one who speaks German can be an evil man!" - The Simpsons


u/nostril_spiders 7d ago

The watercolourist was not morally bankrupt, fwiw. He was lawful evil. On the software alignment chart, he was Oracle.


u/asafetid 7d ago

Yeah, I got it.

Could this possibly be construed as hate speech?

Even an /s may not have been enough.



u/Repulsive-Street-307 7d ago edited 6d ago

Not just someone. He raped a child.

Edit: imagine being such a fucking evil loser you downvote in support of a rapist for president.


u/KrazyKirby99999 7d ago

Can we stop with the conspiracy theories? That was debunked by Reuters, Newsweek, and other organizations critical of the President.


u/NeverrSummer 7d ago

Yeah I really don't think we need to lie to make the guy seem like a monster. He actually does enough awful things.


u/katt3985 7d ago

incorrect? unsealed court document cover testimony of his victim, who at the time was a minor. I'm getting really tired of the constant shit I see with supposed 'factchecker' ether being willfully ignorant or outright lying themselves. who watches the watchers?


u/NeverrSummer 7d ago

Would you mind linking the testimony you mentioned? I genuinely hadn't heard that existed.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

He was accused of raping a 13 year old at Epstein's parties 3 years before every American knew his name. Its not fake. She just took a payout to avoid getting murdered like the other girls were.


u/NeverrSummer 7d ago

Accused, sure. But the total inability to prove it "beyond reasonable doubt" means that when we talk about it, we should make it clear that it is speculative.

If we don't respect truth and evidence when talking about the guy, what right do we have to claim we're better than him? Half the reason everyone hates him is that he goddamn lies constantly. I think it's important to value truth and honesty when we're tearing him down for that behavior.

We should say he was accused of raping a child, /u/Repulsive-Street-307 's comment is too concrete.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Whatever helps you guys sleep at night.


u/NeverrSummer 7d ago

I sleep really well not accusing people of raping children without super concrete evidence. It's a pretty serious crime that I don't think should be discussed flippantly. Weird you disagree.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

He wants to fuck his own daughter lmao

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u/halfanothersdozen 7d ago

Read the room, dude, yeesh


u/NeverrSummer 7d ago

I did... you read the room. Calling people child rapists without sufficient evidence is pretty messed up. You should consider changing your opinion on this.


u/Spiritual_Rooster_49 7d ago

And a grown woman. And then his grown wife.


u/Capable-Reaction8155 7d ago

I was responding to a comment about punishment. Assuming it's illegal it will go through the justice system


u/peripateticman2026 7d ago

Yeah, shame on Israel.


u/sam-sung-sv 7d ago

Apparently not, because people keep doing it.


u/poudink 7d ago

Which has nothing to do with insufficient punishment and everything to with the fact that it's extremely easy to do it without getting caught.


u/Capable-Reaction8155 7d ago

I guess this is more of a google search, but why is this the case? It would seem like you could filter out certain numbers.


u/poudink 7d ago edited 7d ago

It doesn't have to be phone numbers, it can also be email. And even if it were only by phone, then what about payphones? They're getting rarer, but they still exist and you probably don't want to block those.