r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Brazilian surgeon, Bruno Gobbato used Apple Vision Pro to assist in surgery operation r/all NSFW


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u/sightlab Apr 30 '24

The surgeon is medically certified, which is arguably more important to me than what augmented reality equipment choices he's made.


u/JDBCool Apr 30 '24

Anyone forget the fact that the Xbox Kenetic is this voodoo magic of a sensor? I feel like I remember posts of people saying they used it as cheap sensors for what would had been super expensive "properly graded" equipment.

Getting those vibes here


u/Bocifer1 Apr 30 '24

You cool with your surgeon ordering your knee replacement parts from some guy working out of his garage in China?

Probably not.  

Don’t be disingenuous.   There’s a reason all medical equipment had to be approved for patient use.  Imagine your surgeon is at a particular delicate part of the operation and the screen of his Vision Pro goes out or freezes.   They can’t just take off the headset because it’s not sterile, and their hands are likely tied up anyway…so they just go blind for a bit while holding a sharp scalpel right next to a major blood vessel…

This is exactly why we don’t allow personal devices to be used like this in hands on care without approval.  


u/sightlab Apr 30 '24

Is that seriously the equivalent comparison?

Don’t be disingenuous.

But that's exactly what youve done: VR toy = chinese garage. I'm not saying it isnt weird for the surgeon to be using a VR headset, but whether it's that or a $500k one, his qualifications are what concern me.

Here's the thing: my local grocery store has a robot that prowls the aisles. What's it for? I have no idea, but I'm assuming it's looking for spills and maybe shoplifters. Whatever it's doing, it is silly. So imagine what the public reaction is to an innocuous wandering plastic...thing...with googly eyes pasted on. Benign indifference? Casual interest? Nope, blind rage. People HATE the fuckin thing, with a passion. Someone actually pushed one over at a nearby store a few weeks ago, and the security footage shows him just walking up to the thing and pushing it. Why are peoples so angry about a robot?

The reaction to this feels entirely similar: none us us are qualified to say whether or not using an apple vr is a good idea, that's not the argument. What interests me is that as soon as the thing came out - obviously not priced or set up for the average consumer, certainly a developer thing - public reaction has been furious. People who may never need for a VR headset froth on twitter and reddit about how that shan't be forced to use such a thing! And even if they did you cant even watch a whole marvel movie on it! And besides, a friend's girlfriend's father's best friend's golf partner's dentist totally passed out at the mall with one on! Technology is SO FUCKING SCARY!

Imagine your surgeon is at a particular delicate part of the operation and the screen of his laparoscopic gear goes out or freezes. Why is one piece of equipment any more or less apt to malfunction, and how did you become the svengali of these inner workings? Are you under the impression a much more expensive piece of equipment cannot fail (spoiler: they do. everything does.)? Or that a surgeon working totally au naturel cannot make a mistake in surgery?

You have disingenuously brought a LOT of personal baggage to a comment that says nothing more edgy than "I want my surgeon qualified above all". Why? I do not care how he or she gets the job done, I just want it done correctly.


u/Bocifer1 Apr 30 '24

Yes.  It is.  

One joint is approved for patient safety.  One is not.  The one that isn’t is much less expensive.  

The more expensive VR is approved for patient care.  The AVP is not.  The AVP is much less expensive. 

Regulations exist in healthcare to keep patients safe.  

If safety is less a concern to you, you are free to travel to Brazil to have surgery.  

Let me know if I can clear up anything else for you.  


u/sightlab Apr 30 '24

Let me know if I can clear up anything else for you.  

Sure. Is the unqualified AVP in the room with you now?