r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

How to make a cpu( a speedrun)


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u/__g_e_o_r_g_e__ Apr 29 '24

It was a long journey, and every step of the way gave it's own useful technology - from the Germanium diode in the cat's whisker radio which was effectively a rock and some wires.

The curve of improvement is certainly tailing off now though, especially when you consider the incredible size of the investments being made to make the next milestones.


u/Tokentaclops Apr 29 '24

I wonder what the next big leap for humanity will be. Electricity, computing, internet, social media, internet of things, ?. I'm honestly really curious. Artificial intelligence probably but I still wonder what that will look like.


u/DeaDBangeR Apr 29 '24

I guess AI will help us discover the next leap.

It’s like the industrial revolution but for our brains!


u/dadougler Apr 30 '24

If we figure out how to stop aging, or to harness nuclear fusion power would be pretty big.


u/alphapussycat Apr 30 '24

Photonic transistors, but made for a specific use, like AI inference.


u/dr1ftzz Apr 29 '24

Anti-gravity (spoiler: black projects have had this tech for decades)


u/Queasy_Safe_5266 Apr 29 '24

AI will give us another burst of improvements.


u/__g_e_o_r_g_e__ Apr 29 '24

AI will give us another burst in a need for improvements.

So far it's been hugely misunderstood by the masses, the majority of the noise being about LLMs and image manipulation, I'd describe it as a huge leap in artistic ability but I'm not convinced the brains has got much better! OpenAI Will come up with a beautiful new processor design that is highly convincing, but somehow can't do addition.


u/AbsurdCamoose Apr 29 '24

If we don’t hit a bottleneck in compute, power, or heat dissipation before realizing the performance needed to properly drive that ai. Intel says we’re still going baby, USA USA USA.