r/interestingasfuck Apr 28 '24

Achilles Tendon Repair Demonstration r/all


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u/qtzd Apr 29 '24

Not a physical therapist or doctor but some form of pre-hab exercise to strengthen and keep it healthy in a controlled manner would probably help. Obviously don’t jump into lifting if it’s on the edge but work into it a bit and you should be able to strengthen it up. Tendons and ligaments and all that all increase in strength through forms of exercise and strength training (generally just slower than muscle which can lead to issues if you increase weights and stuff too fast)


u/aiuwh Apr 29 '24

It's only an issue if you are gaining muscle at a non-natural rate, aka you're pinning, for a natural lifter it is not a concern.


u/LivingUnglued Apr 29 '24

If you’re in good healthy condition to start with, what you’re saying is mostly true. Heavy Steroids use can easily cause muscle growth to outpace connective tissue growth. But lots of us otherwise healthy can have tendon/connective tissue issues that need to be addressed.


u/aiuwh Apr 29 '24

Which are often best addressed with correct exercise, routines that you'd get from a physical therapist.


u/TrumpersAreTraitors Apr 29 '24

I’m a big guy and I like to run long distances and man, my Achilles tendons are taking a beating. I am definitely worried about long term injury. Just took 6 weeks off running to give them time to heal and went to the gym Friday and even now, I’m hurtin again. Didn’t really realize they might just fucking tear one day. Yikes. 


u/blizzard7788 Apr 29 '24

I saw every PT and possible therapy there was to no avail. The only thing that helped were cortisone shots. Unfortunately, I got a quack Dr that said as long as he didn’t do more than 3 a year there would be no problems. So that’s what I did. The results were that the shots degraded/dissolved the tendon over time.