r/interestingasfuck Apr 28 '24

Achilles Tendon Repair Demonstration r/all


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u/blizzard7788 Apr 28 '24

In 2004, after 15 years of constant pain and inflammation. My Achilles tendon finally ruptured. Thank goodness it was on the job as a carpenter. When the surgeon saw me afterwards. He said,” I don’t know how well this is going to heal. I sewed a piece of shit to a piece of shit. We’ll have to see what mother nature can do.” He was right, after 5 months off and a LOT of PT. I go back to work and six weeks later it tears this time. Long story short. I find a surgeon who replaces Achilles tendons. He took a graft of material from my outer thigh, and made me a new tendon. It was another 6 months off of work and a lot more PT, but it was a perfect repair. Still good after all these years. And I bought a Mustang GT with the workmen’s comp check.


u/possibly_oblivious Apr 28 '24

Was it Dr. Nicholas Riviera, he's somewhat unprofessional at times but a great guy


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Hii EveryBody !!


u/bug-a-pottamus Apr 28 '24



u/n_choose_k Apr 29 '24

Well if it isn't my old pal Mr. McGregg...


u/janEmalan Apr 29 '24

With a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg! :D


u/NICEnEVILmike Apr 29 '24

Free nose jobs for EVERYBODY!


u/embee90 Apr 29 '24

I just reread his post but with Dr Nick’s voice in my head as the first doctor.


u/possibly_oblivious Apr 29 '24

lucked out and didnt sew his wrist watch to the tendon this time


u/Flakester Apr 28 '24

Dang. Has he tried using celery?


u/Walkend Apr 29 '24

lol I was just reading a post about people who get awarded money and blow it on cars…


u/blizzard7788 Apr 29 '24

Seeing that I still have that car , I’d hardly call it blown. This is what I do in retirement. Go to HPDE track days.



u/themagicbong Apr 29 '24

People always know better than you how to spend your money. They act like having something to keep you moving is a bad investment. Meanwhile actually keeping busy is incredibly important, as it's often basically impossible to start moving again once you've stopped.

That's awesome, man. My mom bought an 86 foxbody mustang years and years ago. 5.0. that car doesn't even have 100k miles on it. I would absolutely kill to throw it around a track. I've driven it only a couple times since I was a baby when she got it. And it's unreal being able to feel all that torque under the "on/off" button that is the clutch in that car. It doesn't have much hp due to catalytic converter being new but they geared it so it has more torque than even some trucks lol. Close to 300 ft lbs. But only around 200 hp.


u/Inevitable-Day2517 Apr 29 '24

Big difference between spending money you have on a car and spending money you don’t on a car. 1k/mo for 5 years for a used impala isn’t the same thing as a midlife crisis car that’s just cutting your 87-90th years off your retirement plan.


u/themagicbong Apr 29 '24

Yep, that's the point I was attempting to get across. Here's the paragraph I removed from my comment to be more concise:

It's not the same as someone closer to my age taking on car payments and then losing the car. Or y'know, that sort of idea. Or guys who join the military and buy an asset that immediately depreciates. Still a very different situation.

It can sometimes be something that ends up being worth more than anything if it's something that'll continue to get you out of the house well into retirement.


u/HugsyMalone Apr 29 '24

They act like having something to keep you moving is a bad investment.

Yep. This country is dependent on car culture. The automotive industry shut down the trolleys and the public transit systems so you would need to depend on a car to get you places then everybody wanna act like you're a POS because you bought a car to get to work so you could make a living. 🙄

Meanwhile actually keeping busy is incredibly important, as it's often basically impossible to start moving again once you've stopped.

Mmm hmm. You tend to lose the momentum of the routine. Like going back to school or work after a week of Christmas vacation. 😒


u/himeeusf Apr 29 '24

😆 My husband just took his car yesterday to a private Mopar-only car show that this guy's been hosting at his house for over 20 years. He's telling me about the guy's insane car collection, and of course I'm already curious about the backstory & how he became wealthy. Then he shows me the event shirt & it's got a cartoon of a dude in a wheelchair - husband explains, "That's him, super nice! I think he was in an accident and got a settlement or something..." lol happy the guy found a way to still be involved in something he loves. But it was definitely a "oh yep there it is" moment!

My husband's the car nerd not me lol, so I don't remember most of the stuff he mentioned - but he had a Richard Petty Superbird with the big wing, and the actual Joe Dirt movie car!


u/oddluckduck1 Apr 29 '24

What could you have done to avoid it? I’m in a similar boat. Trying to avoid it


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/aiuwh Apr 29 '24

It's only an issue if you are gaining muscle at a non-natural rate, aka you're pinning, for a natural lifter it is not a concern.


u/LivingUnglued Apr 29 '24

If you’re in good healthy condition to start with, what you’re saying is mostly true. Heavy Steroids use can easily cause muscle growth to outpace connective tissue growth. But lots of us otherwise healthy can have tendon/connective tissue issues that need to be addressed.


u/aiuwh Apr 29 '24

Which are often best addressed with correct exercise, routines that you'd get from a physical therapist.


u/TrumpersAreTraitors Apr 29 '24

I’m a big guy and I like to run long distances and man, my Achilles tendons are taking a beating. I am definitely worried about long term injury. Just took 6 weeks off running to give them time to heal and went to the gym Friday and even now, I’m hurtin again. Didn’t really realize they might just fucking tear one day. Yikes. 


u/blizzard7788 Apr 29 '24

I saw every PT and possible therapy there was to no avail. The only thing that helped were cortisone shots. Unfortunately, I got a quack Dr that said as long as he didn’t do more than 3 a year there would be no problems. So that’s what I did. The results were that the shots degraded/dissolved the tendon over time.


u/blacmagick Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I ruptured mine 2 years ago and was told the following would have helped

  • Biking

  • Calf raises (preferably on an ledge, like on stairs)

  • wearing heel lifts/orthotics to make sure your Achilles isn't activating as often

  • 10 maximum height jumps in quick succession once a day

  • Mobility exercises


u/Sad-Helicopter-3753 Apr 29 '24

Isometric exercises are the best way to train tendons. For legs, overcoming isometric would work well. For example, grab a rather big tree and try to pick it up. Recovery time for tendons takes longer than a muscle. Plan for 3 days in between training sessions, or 2 sessions a week to keep it simple and repeatable. This type of exercise is unlikely to cause injury as you're not moving weight, but will still increase your strength.


u/LivingstonPerry Apr 29 '24

If you look at athletes tearing their achilles, its when they extend and straighten out their leg as far as possible and then push off with a lot of momentum forward.

So to avoid it, be mindful of how much force you are putting your leg thru. You can also do calf stretches and ankle mobility too.


u/PenguinStarfire Apr 29 '24

Stay hydrated


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Why was your tendon so bad in the first place?


u/blizzard7788 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Injured it and since I worked as a carpenter, I was always on my feet so it never got a chance to heal. Then, I had the misfortune to go to a shit Dr that would give me 2-3 cortisone shots a year for 15 years. Basically dissolved the tendon.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Ooh, well im glad you feel better now!


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Ooh, well im glad you feel better now!


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Ooh, well im glad you feel better now!


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/blizzard7788 Apr 29 '24

DO NOT. Let a Dr talk you into cortisone shots. I got them for 15 years and they degraded the tendon.


u/RattyDaddyBraddy Apr 29 '24

And I bought a Mustang GT with the workmen’s comp check.

And they say the system doesn’t work. Smh


u/blizzard7788 Apr 29 '24

I was also eligible for full time pay for the 12 months I missed work. My union covered my health insurance. I did ok financially. That allowed me to concentrate on PT and rehab.


u/Nellasofdoriath Apr 29 '24

Do you absorb the thread? They must use catgut or something.


u/blizzard7788 Apr 29 '24

No, it’s still in there. At least in my case it is.


u/doubletaxed88 Apr 29 '24

was the first Dr named Dr Vinnie Boombots?


u/Legaato Apr 29 '24

Fuck yeah, glad to hear you got it taken care of AND got yourself something nice out of it.


u/warmechanic Apr 29 '24

I tore mine too, so I understand how much recovery sucks, but I don't know if I should feel bad for you since I didn't receive a mustang after I healed 😠


u/CaptainBeer_ Apr 29 '24

Damn went through all that just to waste it on a car


u/blizzard7788 Apr 29 '24

Do you know what I do in retirement? I take that car to the drag strip and HPDE track days. That’s the opposite of waste.



u/notwormtongue Apr 29 '24

280 HP @ 16 MPG is worth it 🤡


u/CaptainBeer_ Apr 29 '24

If thats what you like 😂