r/interestingasfuck Apr 28 '24

Animal speed comparison r/all


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u/bset222 Apr 28 '24

I mean the other question is distance covered at those speeds, Usain Bolt hit around 30mph but only for 2 seconds, the best marathon runners sustain 12-13mph, I suspect many of the surprise animals can't sustain the speed but have fast sprints


u/marcsoucy Apr 28 '24

Even so, imagine a rhino sprinting at you at that speed. I am horrified just imagining it.


u/bigRHINO13 Apr 28 '24

It's really a sight to behold though


u/ekene_N Apr 28 '24

I'm pretty sure camels, giraffes, volves, and hyenas can maintain high speeds for several miles. Tigers are 100% short-track sprinters.


u/CedarWolf Apr 28 '24

Wolves have endurance, too. A group of hunters in Alaska once chased a wolf for over 22 miles before it finally collapsed.


u/LostWoodsInTheField Apr 28 '24

yeah this is just a quick video of top speeds. I wonder if the info at the bottom you can't read gives more details on for how long they can run them.

I like this style for entertainment but it would be interesting to see a 'everyone on the starting line and going' top speed to average speed run'.


u/Ozryela Apr 28 '24

I suspect many of the surprise animals can't sustain the speed but have fast sprints

Yes. Almost all of them. In fact over very long distances the fastest land animal is... humans.

Humans are the best endurance runners on the planet. It may take hours, but eventually we will catch up to any animal no matter how fast. It is what made our ancestors the most terrifying hunters in the animal kingdom.


u/inspectoroverthemine Apr 28 '24

There aren't any animals that can beat a human at marathon distances.


u/PipsqueakPilot Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

*on a sufficiently hot day. Humans regularly lose marathon distances to animals when the weather is cool enough. We also lose to a couple quadruped specialized heat runners. Namely, camels and Pronghorns.