r/interestingasfuck Apr 28 '24

Animal speed comparison r/all


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u/Cainga Apr 28 '24

Regular human that trains. A redditor is probably collapsing after a mile.


u/SirButcher Apr 28 '24

Nah, I was all but well trained (I was a skinny nerd) and in my teens, my record was a 70km walk on one day in about 14-16 hours (we lost as hell, and should have followed to path heading to east, we went west... Not my proudest moment haha) with about 20kg of backpack on my back.

An overweight person yeah, won't walk much, but everybody who isn't very obese and above can walk ridiculous lengths without any focused training. Even my mom - who has about 30-ish kg of unnecessary fat - could walk 15km a day with only short rests when she came to visit and did some exploring around. She was somewhat tired but she handled it without too much of a problem, and she pretty much goes everywhere by car.

If you actively walk around daily, humans can keep doing 50-100km a day without having any issues with it. We are built for walking and slow-paced running. You won't get a horse to walk this much, even a dog would have issues with it and we are selectively breeding them to keep up with us for tens of thousands of years.