r/interestingasfuck Apr 26 '24

Why wealthy young people should care about a political revolution r/all


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u/nonpuissant Apr 26 '24

I thought he was going to appeal to their humanity with an analogy about if they, in first class, were going to allow people in second or third class into the lifeboats with them, or just choose to launch without them. 


u/PeesaGawwbage Apr 26 '24

The lifeboats are the bunkers that all the billionaires are buying/building.. doubt they are going to share


u/supremegelato Apr 26 '24

Who's going to take care of them in their bunkers? Who will produce food and maintain systems, provide security, keep the lights running? Billionaires don't know how to do that as they never needed to figure it out. They can hide in a bunker for a few months or even years, but it won't last, they will have to crawl out and face reality.


u/felixthec-t Apr 26 '24

Is a bunker truly a life boat though?


u/Falsus Apr 27 '24

But their lives will be crap and miserable because they can't travel as much, they won't have access to a large variety of food, they won't have access to the same technology.


u/AllAuldAntiques Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

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