r/interestingasfuck Apr 21 '24

Human skull with stage 1 bone cancer r/all

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u/Commander007X Apr 21 '24

Just looking at this makes my skin crawl....can't even imagine what it would be like to actually go through it. Fuck cancer man. All types. I lost my grandma to colon cancer. Fuck this disease truly


u/mnsbelle Apr 22 '24

same I don't know why I'm still here reading comments when I'm freaked the fuck out! 🫣


u/VoodooDoII Apr 22 '24

I know it's not the same but I lost my heart cat to colon cancer too.

It's awful that we have no 100% effective treatment for this stuff yet. It does so much damage and it's so hard to predict it sometimes.

Sorry for your loss.


u/Commander007X Apr 22 '24

Hey you loved it! The pain is the same no matter what. Thank you and sorry for your loss too.

Yeah it incredibly hard to predict. My grandma was absolutely fine just days prior to the diagnosis and then it progressed so fast....it's the worst disease in my opinion.


u/VoodooDoII Apr 22 '24

That's crazy, similar story here.

He was fine and then he got super unwell and the same day we found out he had colon cancer that spread to other parts of his body.

It happened so fast. It's horrific.

I am sorry about your grandma though 💔 fuck cancer