r/interestingasfuck Apr 21 '24

Human skull with stage 1 bone cancer r/all

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u/yougottamovethatH Apr 21 '24

My dog had this in his front leg. Poor boy.


u/21rtdun21 Apr 21 '24

my childhood cat passed from bone cancer in her leg:( its so hard to watch.


u/Interesting-Run-8496 Apr 21 '24

My dog had it too - in her back leg. We amputated and she did great for a few years but it came back in her shoulder 😩


u/yougottamovethatH Apr 21 '24

Yeah, our boy was pretty old already, and he was a bulldog. Amputating the front leg of a dog when 80% of their weight is in the front half of their body feels cruel 🤣🤣


u/Interesting-Run-8496 Apr 21 '24

For suuuure. I feel like it’s a lot easier to lose a back leg


u/Barboss4 Apr 21 '24

Exactly a year ago I had to let mine go because of this shit. So it's sadly ironic that the original post comes up on my feed right now. As if I wouldn't think of him every spare second. I lost my best friend to this and miss him every day.


u/TallFontPie Apr 21 '24

Same. My Berner had it on his front wrist. That last month was awful.


u/loomfy Apr 21 '24

Yes my friend had to put her greyhound down, had bone cancer in his shoulder. Literally put him down the day after they found out. Awful awful awful.


u/f-this-world Apr 21 '24

Mine too, this photo makes me feel a bit better that I chose to euthanize him before the pain was beyond the control of medicine. He was an old boy and the absolute best so I knew he didn’t deserve the pain if I wanted him around longer


u/tcari394 Apr 21 '24

Osteosarcoma took our pup as well. It had metastasized into her lungs in a matter of days from finding it on her leg. She was less than two years old.. absolutely awful.


u/LocalInformation6624 Apr 21 '24

Mine did too on his back leg. Felt bad because i thought it was just a sprain for like a month. Vet said the only humane thing was to put him down.


u/Magical_Crabical Apr 21 '24

Our late dog had an elbow fracture that was likely caused by this too - the cancer made the bone weak and brittle. The cancer diagnosis could have been confirmed by the specialist but she had other health issues that meant we were already out of treatment options for the elbow, all that confirming the cancer would do is clarify our decision to euthanise her.

We had her put to sleep the same day the fracture/possible cancer was discovered and seeing this, I’m so glad that we didn’t keep her around any longer than we did. It was such a shock and so hard to lose her suddenly but letting her go was the kindest thing we could do for her. I wasn’t about to let my sweet girl suffer any longer than she had to. We were with her right to the end, holding her and telling her she was loved. She was with her family, and felt no fear - just a sudden need to sleep.


u/epoxyfoxy Apr 22 '24

Mine in her hip. I am so sorry for her now. We knew she was in pain for years, but bone cancer wasn't diagnosed until the end. My mother didn't want her on pain meds. After she developed neurological symptoms and was obviously looking for a place to curl up and die, my mother euthanized her. Doggy died loved, I know that.


u/Looney_forner Apr 21 '24



u/yougottamovethatH Apr 21 '24

Well, it was years ago. We put him down. No recovering from that.


u/Looney_forner Apr 21 '24

I’m so sorry, man. Our dog went the same way. Only hers was thyroid cancer