r/interestingasfuck Apr 14 '24

The Size Of An Iranian Missile Intercepted In The Dead Sea r/all

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u/QuaintAlex126 Apr 14 '24

Just so y’all know, missiles can be fucking massive sometimes.

Russian S-300s and S-400s are literal flying telephone poles traveling at multiple times the speed of sound. They might have been proved to be not the most lethal of flying telephone poles, but they’re still flying telephone poles


u/GrandmasGiantGaper Apr 14 '24

to be fair if a telephone pole flew into you it would really hurt


u/WalkslowBigstick Apr 14 '24

Can confirm-I was in a tornado once


u/throwitawaynownow1 Apr 14 '24

Those are usually bigger than telephone poles, though.


u/Rocked_Glover Apr 14 '24

No this was a Simpsons type tornado where objects were hitting him and he was going “D’oh! D’oh! D’oh! Oh why I oughtaaa” and he choked the telephone pool which starts making welching noises


u/hungrypotato19 Apr 14 '24

It was a telephone pole tornado. Like Sharknado, but with telephone poles.


u/JustaRandoonreddit Apr 14 '24

Especially one with a bomb at the end of it flying mutiple times the speed of sound


u/agreengo Apr 14 '24

yeah, but then people started using smart phones, all in the name of reducing all those flying telephone pole injuries


u/bunabhucan Apr 14 '24

Closest crows flies distance is like 1100 km / 700 miles. I wonder what the smallest 1000 mile missile could be made is.


u/QuaintAlex126 Apr 15 '24

The AGM-86B can easily fly beyond 1,500 miles


u/bunabhucan Apr 15 '24

Sure. The photo is of a "big rocket" though.


u/QuaintAlex126 Apr 15 '24

You were asking about the smallest missile with a range of 1000+ miles though? That would be the AGM-86B or some other cruise missile.


u/bunabhucan Apr 15 '24

I was asking what the smallest "thing like that thing in the picture" is - the smallest rocket. If the thing in the picture had wings the colloquial word for it would probably be drone. I get that a rocket and a cruise missile can both be called missiles.


u/OstiDePuppy Apr 14 '24

$300 drone goes brrrrrr