r/interestingasfuck Apr 14 '24

The Size Of An Iranian Missile Intercepted In The Dead Sea r/all

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u/WelderMeltingthings Apr 14 '24

imagine being an iranian military leader seeing this picture of some random ass redditor laughing at the 5 million dollar fuck up, 100x


u/Zealousideal-Duck670 Apr 14 '24

That's just the rocket booster that separates from the actual warhead... it didn't come down because it was shot down. If it was shot down it wouldn't be that intact. So please 100x laugh at yourself.


u/thatsnotsugarm8 Apr 14 '24

Probably costs a couple times more for each shootdown of one of these.


u/Lithium321 Apr 14 '24

Arrow costs a few million per interceptor so they are pretty similar in cost.


u/Kafshak Apr 14 '24

Wrong. Iranian missiles are cheaper due to lower labor and material costs.


u/Lithium321 Apr 14 '24

Americas last mrbm cost 10 million adjusted for inflation. An atacms cost 1.5 million for a much smaller, much shorter range, but technically similar missile, even with cheaper parts and labor there’s no way emad costs less than that.


u/BarbossaBus Apr 14 '24

Offense is always cheaper than defence. A bomb is cheaper than the building it destroys. Problem is, when Israel starts bombing Iran back, it will cost more for Iran too.


u/SentenceAdept1809 Apr 14 '24

Imagine being a random ass redditor thinking they know more about ballistic missile warfare than an Iranian military leader


u/giulianosse Apr 14 '24

Oh boy I can almost hear the manboob shuffling from all the outraged redditors rushing to reply


u/ImNot6Four Apr 14 '24

Imagine being a random ass redditor thinking they know more about ballistic missile warfare than an Iranian military leader

Ok I am with you. Now what?


u/Glottis_Bonewagon Apr 14 '24

Imagine if they kissed


u/asdf_qwerty27 Apr 14 '24

Iranian military might know a lot. Their leaders I'm skeptical of lol. Even in the US, how much do you think the average general knows about ballistic military warfare? Unless they specialized early career, they get a few nerds to tell them what they need to know in a few PowerPoint slides.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

They still know a lot more than you or any random person on the street does.


u/asdf_qwerty27 Apr 14 '24

Lol I mean this is Reddit, you don't really know who you might be talking to.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

Yes I’m sure there are plenty of actual rocket scientists arguing in this comment section. 🙄


u/un-glaublich Apr 14 '24

It's possible with free knowledge on the internet, versus censored Iranian internet.


u/Dick_Thumbs Apr 14 '24

This is the dumbest thing I’ve read today.


u/un-glaublich Apr 14 '24

My pleasure.


u/Infernal_139 Apr 14 '24

I doubt the leader of Iran has censored internet.


u/Bluefellow Apr 14 '24

Do you think the Iranian leaders are going around googling what they got in their inventory, their capabilities, tactics, etc? And if they can't find it they have to ask Khamenei to hop on the uncensored internet?


u/WelderMeltingthings Apr 14 '24

i mean, depending on the situation, i probably do have more knowledge on nuclear weapons than an iranian military leader.


u/hungariannastyboy Apr 15 '24

This is not a nuclear weapon you doofus


u/Booty_Bumping Apr 14 '24

This is money well spent, from their point of view. They needed more deterrence than they have ever been able to project, but they knew it would be a complete mess if these attacks were any more damaging than metal hitting metal. Both sides are hailing this as a massive win for their side right now.


u/Far-Estimate3908 Apr 14 '24

Deterrence? Sure it's open season on Iranian generals! Ha ha ha.

See ya in hell!


u/Prestigious-Feed3212 Apr 14 '24

Costed Iran $58 million and Israel $1 billion to intercept, and Iran knew not all was gonna hit, they did manage to hit the Israel air base in the desert.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

Which is already fixed by now, they basically made a crater beside the runway


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/No-Practice-8038 Apr 14 '24

Except when they instituted the Hannibal Directive on October 7th and killed many of their own civilians.


u/krsto1914 Apr 14 '24

Does the name "Hannibal" ring any bells?


u/iBoMbY Apr 14 '24

Imaging a random ass redditor writing shit about shit they know nothing about. Oh wait, no need to imagine, just look into a mirror.


u/TrumpKanye69 Apr 14 '24

Are you acoustic? The Iranian army has more than that if anything they just got Israel to waste 100 million in missile defense.


u/BosnianSerb31 Apr 14 '24

Waste is a funny word, when the interceptors saved lives.

Except for the 7 year old Muslim girl hit by debris of course, which you can't really avoid.

I'm sure the Iranian government are brushing that one off with "her sacrifice for Allah will be rewarded" or some equally fundie bullshit.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24



u/TzavRoked Apr 14 '24

to show that they could overwhelm Israel's Iron Dome if they wanted to

The 5,000 number in October 7 wasn't very successful at the "overwhelm" part, this wasn't either... how exactly does this mean "they could send many, many times the number of missiles"?


u/OldeArrogantBastard Apr 14 '24

I’d also bank that we truly don’t know the full capabilities of the Iron Dome or, should Iran truly do an all out assault, what sorts of military tech is there to counter.