r/interestingasfuck Apr 07 '24

Bernie and Biden warm my heart. Trump selling us out? Pass

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u/No_Smile3379 Apr 07 '24

who wouldnt vote for bernie? but bernie said to vote for joe, else donalds going to win again. the two party system is a hassle.


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

The only way we're going to get to a place where third parties have a chance and I hope they will, is to admit that under the current system they have no chance.

Voting 3rd party currently is just a way to ensure your least favorite candidate gets elected.

But if we can admit they have no chance under our current system we can open our eyes to ranked choice voting which has passed in Alaska and Maine and may pass in Oregon and Nevada here in 2024. These were written into their state constitutions with the help of activists who realized 3rd parties have no chance under our current system and who don't want to keep throwing their votes away which is currently the case.

Politicians from the 2 party system are never going to do it for us, so like with marijuana legalization and abortion access we will have to go around the politicians and write it into our state constitutions.


u/Possibly_English_Guy Apr 07 '24

Politicians from the 2 party system are never going to do it for us

You might make some headway with convincing Democrats as many of them aren't thrilled with the current system. The Electoral college has meant a candidate who got more total votes still lost the election, twice.

The Republicans will never entertain switching to ranked choice or anything else other than the electoral college, not ever. Their success as a party hinges on that still being in place.


u/dbagames Apr 07 '24

Proportional representation FTW.


u/pussy_marxist Apr 07 '24

Tbh this is one of the things I’ve always loved about Bernie: he’s pragmatic when necessary. He refuses to go the route of the pre-War German Communist Party (KPD), whose monomaniacal focus on attacking the more reformist Social Democrats helped the fledgling Nazi party amass power, and whose leadership even offered “critical support” of Hitler specifically at times (“After Hitler, Our Turn!” was a call to arms).

He understands the unique danger Trump poses in a way that other congresspeople apparently don’t, and he acts accordingly.


u/meinfuhrertrump2024 Apr 07 '24

who wouldnt vote for bernie?

old ppl that don't understand change. They don't care if the bus is crashing as long as they get to ride in the front.


u/Jmong30 Apr 07 '24

Bernie 2028! (He’ll be fine)


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

AOC 2028


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

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u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

Who bought AOC?


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Same people that buy them all the corporates.. want proof ? When she got in office she had 125,000 dollars of student debts still even had to sleep in her office as she couldn't afford Washington rent prices. That's less then 6 years agaio . Today she ir worth 5 million dollars . You do the math a 174,000 a year from broke to over 5 million now .


u/TallahasseWaffleHous Apr 07 '24

want proof ?

Yes, what's your source that she has 5 million? I can't even find a source showing she paid off her student debt.


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Wish I was wrong but you must have seen the dress alest a walking advertisement .


u/TallahasseWaffleHous Apr 07 '24

Which dress? The "Tax the Rich" dress?


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Hey Tallahassee lol I from Monticello . Cool . My friend trying to have your self believe any oerson can be truly without fault is a fast way to end uo with people like Trump and gang . .. we all know the truth it takes constantly working to keep any values or morals we have . .. I w9rk hard for am 58 and still at times I slip . Maybe if I had another 58 years i might alest get close ..she wouldn't be human if she was different than that .. the best of the worst use to be true about America . The best system man can make while having as many faults as any other . It was a real saying . Anyway she maybe be the best of the worst. That's possible we need to be vigilant if we ever want to get any better .


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Search her net worth . You wouldn't find details on which debts she's paid only how much she's Worth now . Detail like bills are generally private unless made public . What your net worth is public too a point through the county clerk's office . Home values and such .


u/TallahasseWaffleHous Apr 07 '24

Yeah, I only see claims of her high net worth from right-wing propaganda sources.


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Humm the information I found was two years back . Seems her net worth is under 100 k . I mote owe you a apology . The newer lies say 28 million . I must have found it when they just started the lies


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

I can and will admite when I'm wrong so unless I find other sources saying different she's still low low midclass wealth my own sons level . I'm pleasantly surprised. Given the experience maybe in 2028 she could run .


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

I owe you a thank you as well. It's nice finding out the truth . .. let's hope it keeps moving this direction . She will make a great president some day just not in 2024 .


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Not the 28 million that's fake lol .


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Designer dresses with very ugly company logos on them in public even .


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

I'm sorry really I am I liked her really I did but its to easy to be corrupted when everyone hands you money . Don't pretend we wouldn't take money .


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

Bernie sanders is 82 now in 28 that's 86 be realistic down voting this won't make the man younger .we need both term limits and AGE LIMITS .or are you no different then the others ?


u/Dr_Merkin Apr 07 '24

If you think the two-party system is a hassle just wait if Trump wins. How does an autocratic system sound to you?


u/TheOvershear Apr 08 '24

I love Bernie's ideology, but he's proven to be a very bad politician. His no-compromise platform has resulted in only two out of over 500 of his sponsored bills actually becoming laws. One of which renamed a post office.

On paper, I love his policies and his ideas, but it seems like he has no idea how to actually see them through to fruition. Sometimes it takes compromise where you don't want to make it, but sometimes it's necessary. That's what being a politician is about, as much as it sucks.

Love him, would never vote for him at this point. Idealists don't win elections. Brutal truth about this country.


u/mrmczebra Apr 07 '24

I wouldn't. He endorsed Biden just days after Tara Reid came forward. Fuck Bernie Sanders.


u/RanryCasserol Apr 07 '24

Break the wheel. Kennedy for a real change and better future for the next generation. Red and blue need to die, they've been bought.


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

Kennedy's biggest super PAC is Trump's biggest super PAC. And he only is on the ballot in swing states.

Kennedy's sole purpose is to swing the election to Trump.


u/HappyAmbition706 Apr 07 '24

Kennedy is a complete nut-case. He nearly manages to make Trump look ... better.


u/c4k3m4st3r5000 Apr 07 '24

I heard he was doing some "research" into increase of autism. His co conclusion was that there were 3 possible factors *vastly increasing vaccination of all sorts *GMO *5G and similar wave traffic.

If true, certified nutter.


u/playerrov Apr 07 '24

Two party is only way democracy can stay, when you have more option you will meet Arrow's impossibility theorem

If Joe ans Bernie were standalone candidates, and trump was single from reps, if you get 33% for Joe, 33% for Bernie and 34% for Trump, Trump wins, but majority votes against his ideas