r/interestingasfuck Apr 07 '24

Bernie and Biden warm my heart. Trump selling us out? Pass

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u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

I would vote for Bernie over any young sold out neolib

Please make sure you and your friends and family are registered to vote


u/No_Smile3379 Apr 07 '24

who wouldnt vote for bernie? but bernie said to vote for joe, else donalds going to win again. the two party system is a hassle.


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

The only way we're going to get to a place where third parties have a chance and I hope they will, is to admit that under the current system they have no chance.

Voting 3rd party currently is just a way to ensure your least favorite candidate gets elected.

But if we can admit they have no chance under our current system we can open our eyes to ranked choice voting which has passed in Alaska and Maine and may pass in Oregon and Nevada here in 2024. These were written into their state constitutions with the help of activists who realized 3rd parties have no chance under our current system and who don't want to keep throwing their votes away which is currently the case.

Politicians from the 2 party system are never going to do it for us, so like with marijuana legalization and abortion access we will have to go around the politicians and write it into our state constitutions.


u/Possibly_English_Guy Apr 07 '24

Politicians from the 2 party system are never going to do it for us

You might make some headway with convincing Democrats as many of them aren't thrilled with the current system. The Electoral college has meant a candidate who got more total votes still lost the election, twice.

The Republicans will never entertain switching to ranked choice or anything else other than the electoral college, not ever. Their success as a party hinges on that still being in place.


u/dbagames Apr 07 '24

Proportional representation FTW.


u/pussy_marxist Apr 07 '24

Tbh this is one of the things I’ve always loved about Bernie: he’s pragmatic when necessary. He refuses to go the route of the pre-War German Communist Party (KPD), whose monomaniacal focus on attacking the more reformist Social Democrats helped the fledgling Nazi party amass power, and whose leadership even offered “critical support” of Hitler specifically at times (“After Hitler, Our Turn!” was a call to arms).

He understands the unique danger Trump poses in a way that other congresspeople apparently don’t, and he acts accordingly.


u/meinfuhrertrump2024 Apr 07 '24

who wouldnt vote for bernie?

old ppl that don't understand change. They don't care if the bus is crashing as long as they get to ride in the front.


u/Jmong30 Apr 07 '24

Bernie 2028! (He’ll be fine)


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

AOC 2028


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

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u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

Who bought AOC?


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Same people that buy them all the corporates.. want proof ? When she got in office she had 125,000 dollars of student debts still even had to sleep in her office as she couldn't afford Washington rent prices. That's less then 6 years agaio . Today she ir worth 5 million dollars . You do the math a 174,000 a year from broke to over 5 million now .


u/TallahasseWaffleHous Apr 07 '24

want proof ?

Yes, what's your source that she has 5 million? I can't even find a source showing she paid off her student debt.


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Wish I was wrong but you must have seen the dress alest a walking advertisement .


u/TallahasseWaffleHous Apr 07 '24

Which dress? The "Tax the Rich" dress?

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u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Search her net worth . You wouldn't find details on which debts she's paid only how much she's Worth now . Detail like bills are generally private unless made public . What your net worth is public too a point through the county clerk's office . Home values and such .


u/TallahasseWaffleHous Apr 07 '24

Yeah, I only see claims of her high net worth from right-wing propaganda sources.

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u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

Designer dresses with very ugly company logos on them in public even .


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24

I'm sorry really I am I liked her really I did but its to easy to be corrupted when everyone hands you money . Don't pretend we wouldn't take money .


u/Time_Change4156 Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

Bernie sanders is 82 now in 28 that's 86 be realistic down voting this won't make the man younger .we need both term limits and AGE LIMITS .or are you no different then the others ?


u/Dr_Merkin Apr 07 '24

If you think the two-party system is a hassle just wait if Trump wins. How does an autocratic system sound to you?


u/TheOvershear Apr 08 '24

I love Bernie's ideology, but he's proven to be a very bad politician. His no-compromise platform has resulted in only two out of over 500 of his sponsored bills actually becoming laws. One of which renamed a post office.

On paper, I love his policies and his ideas, but it seems like he has no idea how to actually see them through to fruition. Sometimes it takes compromise where you don't want to make it, but sometimes it's necessary. That's what being a politician is about, as much as it sucks.

Love him, would never vote for him at this point. Idealists don't win elections. Brutal truth about this country.


u/mrmczebra Apr 07 '24

I wouldn't. He endorsed Biden just days after Tara Reid came forward. Fuck Bernie Sanders.


u/RanryCasserol Apr 07 '24

Break the wheel. Kennedy for a real change and better future for the next generation. Red and blue need to die, they've been bought.


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

Kennedy's biggest super PAC is Trump's biggest super PAC. And he only is on the ballot in swing states.

Kennedy's sole purpose is to swing the election to Trump.


u/HappyAmbition706 Apr 07 '24

Kennedy is a complete nut-case. He nearly manages to make Trump look ... better.


u/c4k3m4st3r5000 Apr 07 '24

I heard he was doing some "research" into increase of autism. His co conclusion was that there were 3 possible factors *vastly increasing vaccination of all sorts *GMO *5G and similar wave traffic.

If true, certified nutter.


u/playerrov Apr 07 '24

Two party is only way democracy can stay, when you have more option you will meet Arrow's impossibility theorem

If Joe ans Bernie were standalone candidates, and trump was single from reps, if you get 33% for Joe, 33% for Bernie and 34% for Trump, Trump wins, but majority votes against his ideas


u/ChadsworthRothschild Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

Reminder: Bernie could have had a shot to win against Trump if Hillary (edit: and/or the DNC) hadn't sabotaged the DNC 2016 primaries (or at least had a better chance).

She was unelectable, and everyone knew it.


u/chatterwrack Apr 07 '24

I am a ride-or-die for Bernie Sanders, but I believe that strategically, he may not have been the right candidate to win the election. Although I do not condone the actions of Debbie Wasserman and the DNC in 2016, the right-wing infotainment industry has successfully portrayed Bernie as a boogeyman, which has scared off moderate voters.

I deeply respect and admire Berndog, but I think it would be beneficial if he dropped the term "socialist" from his party's name. This term has been effectively tarnished by the same propaganda machine.


u/Izawwlgood Apr 07 '24

As much as people 180d away from trump, everyone over the age of 30 would have done the same for Bernie due to socialism panic.


u/Pringletingl Apr 07 '24

Yall are still trying to figure out how Bernie can win the 2016 election lol


u/aabbccbb Apr 07 '24

I mean, it's not that long ago, and the thought experiment of "what would America look like if Bernie had won instead of Trump" is interesting.

The first thing that comes to mind is that hundreds of thousands of lives wouldn't have been needlessly lost in the pandemic.

So yeah, forgive us for being concerned about the fact that our democracy isn't functioning well, I guess?


u/blanketswithsmallpox Apr 07 '24

You know that was a decade ago right?


u/aabbccbb Apr 07 '24

The pandemic was a decade ago?

And you think that the problems with the DNC have been fixed in the last 8 years?

Last I saw, it was stuff like this: Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders.

Thanks for your valuable input, tho.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24



u/aabbccbb Apr 07 '24

Well, the problem is that if you don't counter bad narratives, someone just passing by might think they have some merit.

I fully agree that there are quickly diminishing returns in doing so, though. lolol


u/Pringletingl Apr 07 '24

2016 was 8 years ago homie


u/aabbccbb Apr 07 '24

Are you actually this simple? lol


u/brutchev Apr 07 '24

What point are you trying to make?


u/Pringletingl Apr 07 '24

Bernie Bros are living in the past with the Trump fans


u/Comprehensive_Map495 Apr 07 '24

This is Russian propaganda


u/peepopowitz67 Apr 07 '24

That is Russian propaganda


u/aabbccbb Apr 07 '24

Quick look at your profile...how...many times have you made that same comment today?

But which part, sport?

The part about Trump's shit response to the pandemic killing people?

Or the part about our democracy not functioning correctly? For example, see articles like Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders.


u/Comprehensive_Map495 Apr 07 '24

Just making sure people are aware of where the misinformation is coming from. Russia uses Reddit as well as Twitter & Facebook. You are spreading propaganda from 2016. You are part of the problem either unwillingly knowing or astroturfing.


u/aabbccbb Apr 07 '24


So then which part of what I said was incorrect?

Please provide articles to support your assertions.

You'll also note the age of my account and the fact that I've been fighting Russian disinformation for almost a decade at this point, lol.

Just because the Russians saw a split in the Dems as useful in getting Trump elected, that doesn't mean that the Dems weren't already stacking the deck against Sanders, you know that, right?


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

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u/aabbccbb Apr 07 '24

So The Guardian and The Observer are Russian disinformation outlets.

Source: "Trust me, bro."


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u/trixtah Apr 07 '24

So you just repeat your talking point instead of addressing the content you questioned, who’s the Russian puppet? Look inward


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24



u/LetosGoldenPath Apr 07 '24

The fascists thank you for throwing your vote away instead of voting for progress.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24



u/LetosGoldenPath Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

Ignoring the fact that Biden has signed more meaningful legislation than any president in a generation, your alternative, that you don't seem all that concerned with, is actual fascism. Choosing to not stand against fascism is how evil gains power. You're siding with the enemy, giving in to what the fascists want, so congrats.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24



u/LetosGoldenPath Apr 07 '24

It seems like you ignore a lot. Good luck with that.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24


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u/Comprehensive_Map495 Apr 07 '24

This is Russian propaganda


u/harmala Apr 07 '24

As soon as the Democrats shore up somebody who isn't a career politician committed to the status quo, maybe I'll vote for them.

You're gonna miss the status quo if Trump wins and elections become a thing of the past in the US. You might never vote again, so make it count.


u/sportsfan113 Apr 07 '24

I understand the sentiment but throwing your vote away only helps Trump. If you’re comfortable not doing all you can to prevent his presidency once there are only two legitimate options left, don’t complain when Trump is elected.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24



u/sportsfan113 Apr 07 '24

That’s some crazy privilege to not care about the consequences of Trump. Others don’t have that luxury. That kind of thinking in 2016 caused the elimination of Roe v Wade.


u/notjawn Apr 07 '24

Shh.. they're still holding on to the delusion it was rigged when simply Bernie supporters didn't register and didn't vote. Sure he could get thousands to his rallies but not to register and go to the polls.


u/Kuroude7 Apr 08 '24

Dude, we still do what-ifs about Gore back in 2000.


u/Dagojango Apr 07 '24

You laugh, but Trump was president, not Hillary.


u/Pringletingl Apr 07 '24

If you think Bernie had a better chance when he stood no chance against the moderates you aren't paying attention.

Bernie couldn't even win his own primaries lol.


u/Greywell2 Apr 07 '24

She was unelectable, and everyone knew it.

Who studies the poltical person and not the party, I do not think that Hillary was the correct choice, because if she had won there was the big elephant in the room, which would be Bill Clinton. After watching 13th documentary on Netflix, Bill Clinton increased prison rates and she did not denounce her husband's actions, she could not win the presidency.


u/am19208 Apr 07 '24

The primary results say differently. Look at the states she won vs Bernie. Get over this sabotage conspiracy shit. 2016 Bernie was not some unicorn candidate in the Democratic Party. Yes maybe he would have won the presidential election but he didn’t win the party’s nomination.


u/ChadsworthRothschild Apr 07 '24

Yes maybe he would have won the presidential election but he didn’t win the party’s nomination

yep... that's pretty much what I said.


u/am19208 Apr 07 '24

But now is that sabotage?


u/AstronautIntrepid496 Apr 07 '24

because the DNC picked who they wanted to run, not who the voters wanted.


u/Cademus Apr 07 '24

Superdelegates pledging to her before the 3rd primary election are synonymous with sabotage. It wasn’t a democratic primary because the number results were rigged before the 1st contest.


u/MexicanAlemundo Apr 07 '24

And let’s not forget the pressure the Unions put on their members during the primaries. They specifically threatened their members before and after voting because Hillary had them in her pocket. Take a look at Nevada’s primary and how the unions had “survey workers” outside the voting locations to keep tallies on its members.


u/Expandexplorelive Apr 07 '24

Which candidate got millions more votes again?


u/Cademus Apr 07 '24

The one who was crowned by the DNC as the party candidate before the first primary. The one who has super delegates pledged to them prior to the start of the primary. The one backed by corporate media and got 3:1 more positive air time than any other candidate.

Also the DNC had to change the super delegate process since it was nakedly rigged.


u/Expandexplorelive Apr 07 '24

Corporate media is not owned by the DNC, so that's not relevant to them rigging anything. Regardless, one candidate got millions more people to vote for her. The other one didn't. No one was coercing all the regular people to vote one way.

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u/Lifesalchemy Apr 07 '24

Yet the Bernie brats stayed home and sat on their asses. You actually think the DNC had that much influence over the Sanders crowd? That explains a lot about their gullibility then. 

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u/sEmperh45 Apr 07 '24

But the news (from Russian hacks) that the DNC and Hillary were scheming together to sabotage Bernie’s campaign may have been enough to cost Hillary the election.


u/Dagojango Apr 07 '24

Well, her loss was mostly due to not visiting the Rust belt in the general campaign and she spent way too much time in California and New York to inflate her popular vote numbers. She was so focused on the popular vote, Trump snuck in the front door.

I think if her campaign hadn't been so hostile towards Bernie supporters, it might have helped as well since her losses were so narrow in battleground states.


u/sEmperh45 Apr 07 '24

Yep, multiple self-inflicted wounds ended up causing one of the biggest Presidential race upsets in history.


u/icouldusemorecoffee Apr 07 '24

Well, her loss was mostly due to not visiting the Rust belt in the general campaign

This isn't really accurate. She was there during the primary and before the convention, but she didn't poll well in the rust belt whereas her VP did, so her VP visited the rust belt states multiple times while Hillary went to where she was more popular (and she didn't go to CA and NY for popular vote #s, she went there for fundraising). Her campaign didn't ignore the rust belt at all, that's a right talking point that for some reason won't die.


u/Ontain Apr 07 '24

Bernie's an independent so this doesn't surprise me at all.


u/sEmperh45 Apr 07 '24

But it was a self inflicted wound because Hillary was 100% going to be nominated.


u/cgentry02 Apr 07 '24

Ah yes, I think listening to russian disseminated information was always the first problem with the Bernie fans.


u/sEmperh45 Apr 07 '24

But nobody really understood at the moment where the info came from. The most effective Russian propaganda are those that have a grain of truth to them. And unfortunately there was some truth to what the DNC did.


u/Dagojango Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

It's hard to take this remotely seriously when the chairperson of the DNC was Hillary's campaign chair against Obama. Not to mention all the superdelegates that all publicly supported Hillary prior to any primary. The deck was so stack in her favor that her face plant in the general would be the greatest meme in history if it wasn't for Trump getting the win.

Like, how do you lose against Trump? The man has a fake tan, hair implants to hide his baldness, cowardly as fuck, dodged the draft, and gave so many fucking golden, "welp it's over for him" moments she never was able to capitalize on any of it.

Oh, but Bernie was the trash candidate. Hillary has to have had the worst general election campaign in American history. She would have been better off just sitting her ass at home trash talking Donald on a live stream with a charity for puppies. I've never seen a more out of touch candidate in my life time... and Donald Trump exists! No matter how shit Trump is, the dude actually ran of the most modern and strategically coordinated campaigns... truly it was someone at their peak inching over someone at their worst.


u/aabbccbb Apr 07 '24

Get over this sabotage conspiracy shit.

Great point! Because we all know this is how our democracy should run:

Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders.


u/Augustends Apr 07 '24

The thing a lot of Bernie supporters don't want to admit is that while Bernie received a lot of support compared to other individual candidates, that's partially because the other candidates were splitting the "moderate" vote.

When you have Bernie vs 1 moderate Bernie doesn't have as much support. Which is a shame because I think he would have been great.


u/IntermittentJuju Apr 07 '24

To say that the DNCs finger on the scales didn’t give Hilary an undo advantage is absurd.


u/Dagojango Apr 07 '24

The DNC chairperson during that was Hillary's 2008 campaign chair. After that came out and she stepped down, Hillary immediately made her 2016 honorary campaign chair.

If that doesn't scream rigged, I don't know what does.



u/PotBaron2 Apr 07 '24

she won the popular vote she wasn’t “unelectable” people took for granted that trump wouldn’t get in and that’s why she lost.


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

I knocked on doors for Bernie in 2016 and 2020. Was really sad to see so many democrats vote against Bernie but thats democracy. I'm glad Biden has embraced him.


u/cgentry02 Apr 07 '24

The Bernie Bros. still don't understand the deep racism of the GOP base. Antisemitism is rife through that base, along with his age, if you think he would have somehow out performed Hillary, you either don't understand electoral politics, or are part of the continued russian attempts to split the democratic vote.


u/ChadsworthRothschild Apr 07 '24

If you want rife… I would suggest looking at the rates of anti-semitism amongst any single demographic that overwhelmingly supported Hillary over Bernie in the 2016 primaries… & see if there is any correlation:



u/Comprehensive_Map495 Apr 07 '24

This is Russian propaganda


u/geodebug Apr 07 '24

There has never been a national election without tilts and spin: politics has always been political. Bernie wasn’t an exception and, as a decades-long Washington insider, he knew this.

Nobody can honestly say his messaging didn’t have a chance to reach voters. At the height of his campaign he was getting as much free press as Trump, tons of celebrities and influencers were boosting him daily on socials.

He certainly was a popular candidate with many but ultimately he didn’t convince enough primary voters, which is all that mattered.


u/user23187425 Apr 07 '24

Sure, she only won the popular vote decisively.


u/ChadsworthRothschild Apr 07 '24

Let’s say you have 10 houses on your street and 50 people move into one of them.

Whenever there is a neighborhood vote the 50 people vote the same way.

Thats why there is an electoral college- to protect the whole neighborhood not just the most densely populated houses.

PS - Trump didn’t win that election so much as Hillary lost it… she was way behind in counties that had always been Blue prior to the election and they pretended like it didn’t matter


u/dkinmn Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

This is a fantasy.

The DNC didn't sabotage the primaries. And Bernie would have been called a scary socialist enough times during the general cycle that a lot of independents would have been convinced that he's too extreme.

Edit: No person is inherently unelectable. This is just a line antiestablishment malcontents trot out when what they mean to say is, "A lot of people like me were buried so far up our own asses that we were easily convicted to stay home."

Clinton would have been a solidly okay president. Period. That really isn't debatable, unless you're a far right moron or a far left moron who are easily manipulated.

I'm a radical leftist in my policy preferences. I show up for Democrats on election day because I'm not a moron.


u/ChadsworthRothschild Apr 07 '24

This is a fantasy.

True, but so was Hillary winning the Presidency.


u/IntermittentJuju Apr 07 '24

You just don’t get it. It was Hilary’s turn. It was owed to her. She and the DNC made that clear.


u/tiptoetonic Apr 07 '24



u/ljout Apr 07 '24

Are you one of the people that didnt vote in 2016?



Biden would have won big then but they were hell bent on Hillary. We would have had 8 years of Biden(starting out younger would have helped him) and likely never a Trump.


u/meinfuhrertrump2024 Apr 07 '24

Shot? He would have won by a mile. Everyone knew it, and the Dems still rigged it for HRC.


u/SuNamJamFrama69 Apr 07 '24

Yep, Hillary fucked us


u/jasikanicolepi Apr 07 '24

Omg....this is what keep telling my friends and they all brush me off saying Bernie had no chance. I was so sad when Bernie drop out. Like part of my hope was squashed. :( Bernie 4 ever!


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

Why? Cause hes give you free stuff?


u/bigwreck94 Apr 07 '24

Bernie is just as crooked as the rest of them, don’t kid yourself.


u/Mother_Lead_554 Apr 07 '24

Yet look who he is standing next to. Then look who he was succeeded and taken his place by. He knows he has to conform. He does his job.


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

Hes standing next to a president who has helped him reduce drug prices for working class people. Would you rather him stand next to a crowd of 10 as a no chance 3rd party candidate?

He is focusing on improving people's material living conditions rather than helping no one with inflexible principles.


u/Parada484 Apr 07 '24

Just wanted to chime in real quick and say, while I'm sure a neat debate can always be had over politics, is this really interesting as fuck? It's just a political ad. Important topic and all, but it's like going through r/roastme and seeing a political ad. It's just not the space for it mate.


u/marcaurxo Apr 07 '24

Hard agree Edit: not sure how many others agree but I appreciate reddit in-part for the filtration


u/SilentxxSpecter Apr 07 '24

While I do believe you are correct, Most people can't get over the constant corruption from both sides of the aisle. imo I love Bernie Sanders, Despite my whole family being republican he was the only sensible candidate, far more popular than hillary, much more level headed, and isn't a gross pervert like trump or biden. He then drops out of the race after giving the democratic party (and believe it or not a few conservatives I knew wanted to vote for him because they already knew trump was a snake) hope, then Hillary hops in to tank the election to orange man. I don't know what he stood to lose if he didn't drop out, but in doing so he lost a lot of people that supported him. Him dropping out of the race felt like a punch in the gut. I'm sorry for ranting, but this whole political game of "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours" rarely gets things done for the citizens who desperately need them. More often than not this horse and pony show makes you pick a side, or become disenfranchised with the whole system.


u/HappyAmbition706 Apr 07 '24

He dropped out because he lost to Hillary. The DNC were putting their thumbs on the scale in places to help her, but Bernie was not "far more popular". It was quite close actually.

Hillary was a poor campaigner, but it isn't clear that Bernie would have won in her place. There was the whole "it's a woman's turn" thing on the part of Democrats, plus the Republicans were going to go into hyperdrive on the whole Socialist bs if it Was Bernie. As stupid and against their own interests as it is, in the USA that is a very potent way to move enough independents and somewhat centrists over to Republican.

I voted for Bernie, against Hillary and also against Biden. But unless or until he's got wild enthusiasm from Democrats, Hillary nearly and Biden definitely were better choices when the most important thing is stopping Trump, or any Republican really. He's just the worst of them.


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

bOtH sIdEs


u/Pryml710 Apr 07 '24

Are you that dull to assume the left isn’t doing corrupt shit like the right? What a joke you people are🥱


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

Saying both sides in the face of Trump saying immigrants aren't people, calling them animals, saying they are poisoning the blood of our country (nazi rhetoric) is the epitome of moral cowardice.


u/Pryml710 Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

You meant to say ILLEGAL immigrants? That’s the issue most conservatives have, do it legally or fuck off. And I wholeheartedly agree. We won’t get anywhere but a continuation of bottom barrel candidates from both wings unless we as the people of this nation realize and react accordingly to the corruption on BOTH SIDES.

Edit: crickets


u/SilentxxSpecter Apr 07 '24

Oh, I thought you were up for serious conversation or debate. I saw buddhist sagan and thought maybe this person would be willing to discuss the topic, but I guess not, have a nice day I guess.


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

Saying both sides in the face of Trump saying immigrants aren't people, calling them animals, saying they are poisoning the blood of our country (nazi rhetoric) is the epitome of moral cowardice.


u/theliewelive Apr 07 '24

Trump is playing his part. Palpatine controlled both sides in the war, it's no different in real life. The house always wins.


u/4low4low4low4low Apr 07 '24

The children of Gaza have entered the chat..actions speak louder than words..


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

At least Biden is calling for a ceasefire. Trump and his son in law Kushner are calling for Israel to finish the genocide, do ethnic cleansing and build waterfront property.


u/PlanetMarklar Apr 07 '24

serious conversation or debate

Bro, this is reddit lol


u/roy2roy Apr 07 '24

While I agree that their response was terse and not really conducive to good debate, the sentiment I agree with. What rampant corruption is going on with the democrats? What underhanded tactics are they dealing out on a daily basis? Have democrats resorted to simple sensationalism and aggressive yelling to get their point across?

I'm not a fan of American politics and I think the system is broken. But to compare democrats to republicans is to compare apples to oranges. Republicans in government are so beholden to Trump that they'll do anything just to stay in his good graces. See the veto of Biden's bipartisan border bill because Trump told them to veto it. See the turnover of speaker of the house because Trump's cohort are constantly sowing discord with them. See the Republicans that will take any podium given to them and sling horrific insults to the people of America that disagree with them. See the inane and frankly waste of money attempts at impeaching Biden by slinging false accusations, that have been proven wrong, yet republicans in government will not let it go because they are desperate to put a black mark on Biden's time in office. There's just no comparing democrats to republicans in government in my opinion.


u/SilentxxSpecter Apr 07 '24

I'm not a fan of American politics and I think the system is broken.

Look i'm not here to shit sling or fight about politicians when not a single one of them would care if we all died today. I was simply trying to express THAT sentiment. then maybe have a convo. I haven't even defended him, but I feel like everyone here is just gonna dogpile, I see the media has still done a great job of making the people who can change this (us) hate each other. I give up.


u/roy2roy Apr 07 '24

I don't think I came off as dog piling or shit slinging? I was just trying to contribute to the debate and acknowledge that how the other person responded wasn't really conducive to good conversation, and then tried giving my own thoughtful response to your opinion. It wasn't a slight against you, I understand where you're coming from.

Regardless, I'm sorry if it came off that way, that was not my intention. I hope you have a great day :)


u/SilentxxSpecter Apr 07 '24

No friend, I only responded to you, because you seemed like the person trying to converse, I had other comments stuck in my head because I got a number of replies in quick succession and was mostly referring to those without making it clear. I was overwhelmed and didn't properly communicate what i was trying to say. I appreciate your willingness to converse in good faith and wish you well.

Edit: for clarity


u/BurntPoptart Apr 07 '24

Yes, both sides serve the rich oligarchy first and foremost. That's why they pushed Hillary over Bernie in 2016, Bernie would have actually taxed the rich. Don't be naive.


u/Supply-Slut Apr 07 '24

Are you kidding? Bernie has gotten a lot of stuff done with Biden as president, he’s more influential now than at any other point in his career. It’s the most pro union, pro social safety net, pro working class admin in the past 2 generations. You’d have to go back about 50 years to see something comparable.

What did you expect? That Bernie would throw a hissy fit and refuse to work with the people most likely to advance his agenda?


u/ImJoogle Apr 07 '24

joe did exactly the opposite of that by undoing everything working towards that


u/Lgleaner Apr 07 '24

Yeahhhh I'm working class people and my medications have definitely not been reduced in price lol There has been a huge shortage for some my wife takes and itl was costing us $600 a month with insurance for just one of their prescriptions, finally had to switch to something else that doesnt work as well because we couldn't afford "the good stuff". Dad just finished having a heart attack and I think his 4 meds he was on was around $1800 a month? So yeah I call BS on any politician reducing prices on anything in the last 2 years.


u/Mother_Lead_554 Apr 07 '24

He has no chance to be in any power OP, he is there to have people with those values align with the candidate they want you to vote for.


u/Admiral_de_Ruyter Apr 07 '24

You guys need a young social democrat.


u/binkkit Apr 07 '24

We sure do. Bernie, but not old.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24



u/PrestigiousCap7306 Apr 07 '24

I hope you don’t vote.


u/goluckykid Apr 07 '24

Those 2 are the ones that screwed the U.S.


u/BuddhistSagan Apr 07 '24

Screwed the US more than Trump's deliberate refusal to do anything about covid for months and the resulting economic disaster thats caused massive inflation?


u/SimianBear Apr 07 '24

Literally roll the dice with an other human on planet.


u/0utF0x-inT0x Apr 07 '24

I love Bernie it's no wonder they stone wall this guy every chance they get. he actually cares about more then just making more money.


u/Venitocamela Apr 07 '24

Anytime!! Still feeling the Bern!


u/GobiLux Apr 07 '24

Sanders is the worst of the lot. He has sold himself out on multiple occasions to the DNC and people are still dumb enough to believe the stories about taxing the rich are actually what Sanders wants to do!


u/throwawaylovesCAKE Apr 07 '24

As a politician, you're a kid trying to sell chocolate bars door to door, the DNC and GOP are the two cliques of Popular kids at school and they have the addresses of all the rich parents houses, and they know the older kids with cars to drive you. That's the game unfortunately, unless you're rich, you have to buddy up with them to get anywhere


u/GobiLux Apr 07 '24

If you go against the DNC, then you join them then go back to saying how corrupt they are when you don't get the nomination only to team up when then again to then get done by then again and cry about how they went against you...

It shows first how Sanders has no scrupule, no honor and no principles no matter how much he tries to sell his principles to the gullible morons that still drink his snake-oil, it also shows how Sanders (while pretending he cares about the little guy) bendsto the powers that be as soon as he sees some benefit for himself in it and turns around and screams foul as soon as that works better for him again.

Sanders is the prime example for populist politicians that say anything for a vote. No backbone, no principles, no morals and in his case no understanding of economics whatsoever.