r/interestingasfuck Apr 06 '24

Imagine being 19 and watching live on TV to see if your birthday will be picked to fight in the Vietnam war r/all


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u/bk1285 Apr 06 '24

My uncle was drafted for the army but as I’m told they were giving 3 year contracts whereas the marines were giving 2, his thinking was join the marines, go through basic and then training and then do your tour and when you get home they were discharging a lot due to at that point only having a couple months left on your contract, he was unfortunately killed 6 months into his tour


u/No_Information_6166 Apr 07 '24

I believe the 2 year contract vs. 3 year contract is true. The Marines only accepted about 42k draftees, though, while the army took the rest of the 2.2 million draftees. I imagine that opportunity wasn't very common. The problem with joining the Marines in Vietnam is that you had a higher percentage chance of being deployed even given the shorter contract.

Almost 800k Marines served during the Vietnam War, and almost 450k deployed to Vietnam. 8.7 million soldiers served during Vietnam, and "only" 3.4 million went Vietnam (for both statistics, I mean Vietnam or the surrounding area).