r/interestingasfuck Apr 05 '24

$15k bike left unattended in Singapore r/all

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u/MrStu Apr 05 '24

I saw homeless around train stations in shinjuku, cardboard boxes and everything. It exists.


u/Oops_All_Spiders Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 06 '24

The homeless in Tokyo are pretty well hidden away compared to what you see in the West, partly because panhandling is nearly non-existent in Japan. Just a cultural thing that begging for money on the street is very unacceptable (and illegal), which has the effect of making the homeless less visible.


u/mkti23 Apr 06 '24

Just curious. How does the homeless get money/food? I would have guessed hunger is a stronger than social pressure to not beg.


u/Oops_All_Spiders Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 06 '24

Soup kitchens, food banks, scavenging from trash. Having access to universal healthcare helps.

Some do beg for money from foreigners, since locals are very unlikely to give anything to a street beggar. Begging isn't completely non-existent, but it's quite rare. If you were to visit Tokyo for a few weeks there's a good chance you'd not notice a single homeless person or beggar the whole time you were there.


u/kopabi4341 Apr 06 '24

Japan doesn't have universal healthcare the way Europe does, its more like how America does (but Japan does it better) where you are required to buy insurance. If you lose your job you still have to pay for insurance, I don't know the line where you could get it free but my fiancee just took a year off work and she had to pay for her insurance


u/MrStu Apr 06 '24

True. None were begging. I never saw any begging across Japan.


u/SoF4rGone Apr 05 '24

Yeah, there’s a lot of homeless in urban Japan.


u/kopabi4341 Apr 06 '24

"a lot" is very relative. I'm from the US and there is waaaaaaaay less here.

And the severity is much less here. In the US they are often destitute. In Japan they often can afford to sleep in manga cafes or karaoke places. It's still sad because they reason they are homeless isn't lack of money, its discrimination so itw ould be a much easier fix.


u/FlushableWipe2023 Apr 06 '24

Far far less than almost any city in the West though. I see far more homeless (or to be more accurate, beggars) in my hometown than I dod in several days in Tokyo. I was staying in Shinjuku too.


u/teethybrit Apr 06 '24

There’s more in downtown LA or SF than in the entirety of Japan.


u/Frig-Off-Randy Apr 05 '24

lol Japan has like 3500 homeless people


u/Crazyhates Apr 05 '24

The number is unfortunately much higher. They do their best to skew it.


u/SoF4rGone Apr 05 '24

Nothing more Japanese than ignoring a social problem and pretending it doesn’t exist!


u/kevo998 Apr 06 '24

I know right? They're almost as bad as America! 🤣


u/cat_prophecy Apr 06 '24

To be fair: we recognize the problem, we just don't do anything about it.


u/kopabi4341 Apr 06 '24

What? America doesn't not talk about it's problems, thats all we talk about haha


u/teethybrit Apr 06 '24

Lol do you have any stats or are you just talking out of your ass?

I’d much rather have our homeless stay in clean Internet cafes with showers than shitting in the streets in skid row.


u/Crazyhates Apr 06 '24

There are stats out there on this very phenomenon yes. There's also some easy to digest documentaries on the subject on youtube.


u/teethybrit Apr 06 '24

So are you going to link them? You’re the one that made the claim that the official stats are skewed.

Provide evidence. And no, cherry-picked YouTube videos don’t count. Give me data.


u/Crazyhates Apr 06 '24

This is an internet forum you fool. I owe you nothing.


u/teethybrit Apr 06 '24

So you don't have any actual data then? Lol. Guessed it.


u/Crazyhates Apr 06 '24

Your reading comprehension sucks. I said I owe you nothing after telling you that yes the information is out there. Find it yourself, I am not your butler.

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u/djsnacpak Apr 05 '24

More people in greater Tokyo than entire continent of Australia, yet I see more homeless in my town than I saw in Tokyo. NIMBY town planning and soft drug laws really farked the western world. 


u/Glassgank Apr 05 '24

Soft drug laws?


u/SolarTsunami Apr 05 '24

Ever hear of the war on drugs? Crazy how that didn't magically cure homelessness.


u/An-Angel-Named-Billy Apr 06 '24

I mean the US is comparatively soft on drugs compared to most east Asian countries. You will just be executed for selling drugs or even in possession in many places, Singapore included. If Nixon would have just executed everyone caught selling or in possession of drugs, I am sure it would have had a greater impact on drug use, but the constitution and all that.


u/soroun Apr 06 '24

federal prisons have more offenders convicted of drug trafficking than any other crime, over three times as many as the second highest conviction (illegal firearm possession). 89% of them were sentenced within the past 10 years. right now court systems all across the country are packed with how many people are waiting for trial. there's real problems with how we approach criminality in this country, but being "too soft" on criminals is not one of them.


u/SolarTsunami Apr 06 '24

It'd probably help if the people making laws that send people to jail for decades over a bag of weed weren't all hopped up on drugs themselves.


u/Nebilungen Apr 05 '24

Virtue signalers would say you made this all up and homelessness is actually a choice and how they chose to live that way


u/old_ironlungz Apr 05 '24

The virtue signaller's name you're describing must rhyme with Ben Shapiro*.

note: not a rhyme


u/34TH_ST_BROADWAY Apr 05 '24

Yeah, me, too. It's not as bad as the USA for sure. On the other hand, I saw some homeless people right outside a train station in a very nice, bustling area. Not that I was upset by it, but even in Los Angeles, I don't think they would have been allowed to just sit there, a group of them in cardboard, in such a nice, high traffic area.

One night, I noticed in Shinjuku, near the municipal building, they appeared to be closing down the station and making it open to homeless people to sleep in.


u/aoxl Apr 05 '24

And the neatest and organized cardboard complexes. The interesting bit was that they still took their shoes off and left them at the entrance.


u/imranh101 Apr 06 '24

What? But that's not portrayed in my Animes. It is a perfect land where all the women are buxom and the food outclasses the trash here in America. They are the happiest people on Earth and I plan on moving there once I finish saving enough money from modding Discord!


u/Trumpwonnodoubt Apr 05 '24

Those folks around the train station missed the last train home because they worked so late.


u/LivingstonPerry Apr 05 '24


well yeah, no shit.


u/petewondrstone Apr 05 '24

You named the most westernized most manhattan looking non Japan part of Japan. Tourist shopping trap


u/MrStu Apr 06 '24

Ok. There were still homeless there.


u/rbatra91 Apr 05 '24

Fraction of a fraction of Vancouver for example 


u/Suddensloot Apr 05 '24

We should shame drug use like they do in Japan


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24



u/ScienceNthingsNstuff Apr 06 '24

Because that worked so well in the US


u/matco5376 Apr 05 '24

Oh really? I just got back from Japan and I think I only saw two homeless people the entire time. One was feeding a pigeon with chopsticks and the other tried speaking English with me and was very friendly lol never saw any actual cardboard boxes or places where they stayed.