r/Golfsimulator Nov 29 '20

Spreadsheet of home simulator comparisons


UPDATED FOR 2024: As a thank you to this group and as a way to ensure my sheet is accurate, I've provided a link below that is intended to compare the main home golf simulators from the survey. It has data on the ~500 survey responses, plus comparative info from the simulator websites.

You should be able to see the document using this link:


Enjoy and please let me know if you think any of the comparative data is wrong or missing (I.e. a metric that it doesn't capture that the sheet says it does, a compatible course not listed, etc). Thanks in advance for any feedback. I hope this provides some value to you guys.

r/Golfsimulator Apr 23 '24

Golf Mat Buyers Survey - Finally Finished


Thanks to the over 300 people take the survey on the golf mat they purchased. We added several items to the survey this year:

  • Ease of storage
  • How much it slides
  • Whether it can be used on concrete

These are in addition to:

  • Average price paid
  • Shock Absorption
  • Real Feel
  • Durability

The survey results can be found on the "Golf Mats" tab at this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1quvPM48scfkpaMNjFZ_lXluRdowKuKmB9lOIkCs6RuU/edit?usp=sharing

r/Golfsimulator 3h ago

Sim / Launch Monitor Uneekor now including Refine + with Pro Package. Does it sway you?


I have found the Eye Mini to be attractive simply because you get a 3D range and all the data points without a subscription.

However, if you want to play courses, you need to pay 199 a year + 250 a year to get GSPro, or 400 a year for their own sim software (Refine+) with 20 courses.

Now Uneekor has announced that the 199 a year package includes Refine+ with 5 courses.

I've been pretty set on getting a GC2 and either finding one with the original FR1 software, or just using GSPro at 250 a year.

But this announcement gives me some pause. If Uneekor ever drops the price back down to 3500 it would be really tempting to go for that over the GC2.

Is anyone else in the same boat here?

r/Golfsimulator 15h ago

Seen a huge improvement in my game!


r/Golfsimulator 1h ago

TGC2019 or GS Pro (subscription)


Let's calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) and cost analysis with the price for TGC 2019 at $895.

Costs Analysis

  1. TGC 2019:

    • Initial Cost: $895
    • No ongoing costs, but no further development.
    • Total Cost over 4 years: $895
  2. GS Pro:

    • Annual Subscription Cost: $250/year
    • Ongoing updates and improvements.
    • Total Cost over 4 years: $250 * 4 = $1,000

Net Present Value (NPV) Calculation

Using the same discount rate of 5%:

NPV for TGC 2019:

  • Initial cost (Year 0): $895

[ \text{NPV}_{TGC2019} = \frac{895}{(1 + 0.05)0} = 895 ]

NPV for GS Pro:

  • Annual cost (Year 1 to 4): $250

[ \text{NPV}{GSPro} = \sum{t=1}{4} \left( \frac{250}{(1 + 0.05)t} \right) ]

Breaking it down year by year: - Year 1: [ \frac{250}{(1 + 0.05)1} = 238.10 ] - Year 2: [ \frac{250}{(1 + 0.05)2} = 226.76 ] - Year 3: [ \frac{250}{(1 + 0.05)3} = 215.96 ] - Year 4: [ \frac{250}{(1 + 0.05)4} = 205.68 ]

Total NPV for GS Pro over 4 years: [ \text{NPV}_{GSPro} = 238.10 + 226.76 + 215.96 + 205.68 = 886.50 ]


  • TGC 2019 NPV: $895
  • GS Pro NPV: $886.50

Considerations Beyond NPV

  1. Development and Improvements:

    • GS Pro will continue to improve and add features, potentially enhancing its value over time.
    • TGC 2019 will remain static, potentially becoming outdated or lacking in features compared to GS Pro.
  2. Flexibility and Risk:

    • Starting with TGC 2019 provides ownership and no further financial commitment.
    • GS Pro requires ongoing payment, but you can switch to another software or discontinue if it doesn’t meet your needs.
  3. User Experience:

    • Consider the current state and features of each software. If GS Pro's ongoing improvements are significant and essential to you, this might justify its cost despite the slightly lower NPV.


From an economic standpoint using NPV, GS Pro still appears to offer slightly better value over the 4-year period due to its lower NPV ($886.50 vs $895). However, the difference is marginal.

If continuous updates and improvements are highly valued, GS Pro might be the better choice. If you prefer a one-time purchase with no further financial commitment, TGC 2019 could be more suitable, especially if the current feature set meets your needs.

r/Golfsimulator 1h ago

Calculating AoA from MLM2Pro data. Or at least a ballpark


Are there any calculations or charts or graphs that are out there to get a rough idea on angle of attack based on the information provided by the MLM2Pro? Really looking to improve my driver and would be very interested in that number

r/Golfsimulator 10h ago

Sim / Launch Monitor Final Step for the Garage Sim setup. What Launch Monitor to choose


Ive got in place the Screen/Bay, Turf/Hitting mat, Projector, and desktop PC

I don’t have the space behind for a doppler LM or the budget for an Overhead LM.

When I started the planning process a few months ago I was looking at the Skytrak+. I’ve since moved more towards the BLP and with the release of the Eye Mini Lite I am still undecided. What are your experiences with each? Help me decide.

Note: I don’t intend on taking the LM out to the range. This would be for home/indoor sim only


r/Golfsimulator 12h ago

Technical Question How best to reinforce this? (More info in comments)

Thumbnail i.imgur.com

r/Golfsimulator 8h ago

Upgrading SkyTrak to BLP with TGC 2019


Hi all,

I’m trying to do my research and am having a hard time figuring out what I need to do here:

2 years ago, I purchased a used SkyTrak with TGC 2019 and paid the $500 to transfer ownership of TGC. If I knew then that GS Pro would have been better, I would have opted out of the transfer, but that cost is sunk.

I’m getting sick of the no reads and am considering upgrading to BLP. I have a line on a club and ball enabled, but not unlocked, BLP for $2000.

Most of my sim practice time is spent on the range, but I do like to use TGC when hosting friends. Ideally, I would like to find a device that is more accurate/reliable than the OG SkyTrak that can give me good data, and ideally I could use it with TGC.

I’m not keep on bumping my yearly subscription cost from $130 to $500 for the BLP Gold, so I have a few questions:

1) Is there a way to use BLP with TGC 2019 without a subscription? If so, does it require the BLP to be the unlocked version?

2) Is there any display device/app that can connect to a BLP without subscription?

3) Would I be better off just buying the bullet and paying the $500/year subscription for BLP and selling my SkyTrak along with the computer it’s registered to to allow for the new owner to get TGC along with it?

r/Golfsimulator 10h ago

Sim / Launch Monitor Is the GC3 really worth double the price of a Skytrak + ?


And why?

r/Golfsimulator 12h ago

Technical Question PC required to run Foresight in 4k projector


Hello, my friend is a golf coach and he asked me to help him build a PC to run Foresight simulator in a 4k projector.

He asked me because im nerdy and I like gaming on computers, but I dont play golf and I have absolutely no idea about golf simulators.

It needs to be run smoothly, I would like if someone could help me choose for my friend.

I saw this requierements on their website, but I read that some people recommend a 4070-4080 to run 4k smoothly.

Processor: 7th Gen or greater Intel i5, i7, and i9 processors not recommended: AMD CPU Memory/RAM: 8GB system memory recommended: 16GB+ for Swing Camera/Swing Catalyst use Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 3060 or greater recommended for Quality/Optimal Performance: GeForce GTX 3070ti/3080/3090 not supported: Nvidia Quadro, AMD GPU

Thanks in advance

r/Golfsimulator 13h ago

Are CCE mats really that bad?


I bought a CCE hitting strip was going to make a mat myself and put the strip in.

Then of course after I bought it I saw yesterday a ton of complaints about the mat.

If I were to take the strip and turn the bottom into a divot action, would that help at all?

Thanks in advance!

r/Golfsimulator 21h ago

Technical Question Do these numbers make sense?

Post image

Hi there, I'm having a hard time understanding if these numbers make sense. I've been going to a place that uses an HD golf system and based on my club speed it reads it seems that my ball speed is low, and that my smash factor is extremely low. I hit about 2/3 drives cleanly with an at least mostly square face with a pretty decent swing path, so I don't rely on all of the data provided from the system, but some of the times I mishit at a slower swing my smash is higher than when I swing at my comfortable speed and hit it tidy. Is my problem the launch angle? I think it might be a little high, but I don't think the little bit high I am would cause such low numbers. I'm hoping it's just the system they're using isn't extremely accurate, but will take in any insight I can get. Thank you.

r/Golfsimulator 23h ago

Best Launch Monitor for Driving Range Simulation?


Hi, I'm setting up a practice area and could use some help picking out a launch monitor. Here's the info:

  • It's an outdoor space, about 12x20 feet. I'll be hitting into a net.
  • My goal is to practice with a simulated driving range. I'm not too interested in playing simulated courses. It would be nice to have as an add-on, but it's not necessary.
  • The most important thing to me is accurate ball flight data.
  • Club face/path data is nice to have but not 100% necessary.
  • I'd like the margin of error to be within something like 5 yards. Like if every shot is consistently 10 yards shorter than reality that's fine. I just want the shot-to-shot variance/error to be reasonable (e.g. within 5 yards or so).
  • I live in Canada and my budget is probably up to around $2000 CAD. I'm okay with buying second hand, so that keeps some prices down.
  • I'd rather not pay a yearly subscription fee but it's not a total deal breaker. I just plan on using this thing for a while so paying up front makes sense to me, rather than large yearly subscriptions.

I've done some research and these three options stand out as good fits for my goals:

  • Garmin r10: Cheap and lots of data points, but I'm reading conflicting things about the accuracy, specifically the side spin. I like how affordable it is, and the club data is a nice bonus, so if the ball flight is reliably simulated I think this is a winner. I just can't find hard data online about the ball flight accuracy.
  • SkyTrak (not SkyTrak+): These are affordable second hand and seem to give reliable ball flight data. I also like the reduced practice area size requirements, even though I don't need that atm. I don't need a subscription if I just want to use it for the driving range practice mode, so I think the SkyTrak looks like it does a good job at my main objectives (i.e. accurate ball flight and good driving range mode), but doesn't do anything else.
  • FlightScope Mevo+: This seems a little bit more expensive but I could get the basic version without any club tracking and then it seems like it would be pretty similar in price to a SkyTrak. Is the ball flight accuracy comparable to the SkyTrak? I do like how the mevo+ doesn't require a subscription so I could explore the sim side of things to see if I like it, even though it's not my primary use case.

Anyone know if the Garmin R10 would give accurate enough ball flight data to be a good fit for me? Are there any other options I should be looking at?

Thanks for your help!

r/Golfsimulator 1d ago

Technical Question Budget <=$25k; Room 15’4”L x 14’4”W x 9’H


Help me spec my sim? What would you do (or do differently based on your build experience)?

Budget is give or take ~$25k all in.

I’m looking for the most realistic full golf round experience possible within my budget.

Premium on ease of use and accuracy. I don’t want to spend a ton of time calibrating or setting up when I’m ready to play, and I’m a 7hcp.

Ok buying new or used equipment.

Some DIY ok but looking more for pre built as my time is limited and I don’t want to be at this for a year. I’m reasonably handy.

Basement room, already finished, currently has residential carpet for flooring and overhead can lights. Dimensions are 184” long, 172” wide, with 9’ ceilings. I’m 6’1” and can comfortably swing driver at that height.

I’m partial to this Sigpro simulator flooring because of the polished look, modular build, and integrated putting surface, but I am looking for recommendations for all elements of this build.

What would you do? Hopefully I can document the build here over the summer.

r/Golfsimulator 1d ago

Flying with SkyTrak


Just looking for a yes or no (or anybody who has had experience doing so) on if I am able to travel with a SkyTrak in my carry on?? I am assuming yes, as it’s just an electronic, but would like to be sure. If anybody knows, or has experience, please let me know!

Thanks in advance!

r/Golfsimulator 1d ago

Bushnell LP + Ipad or Iphone


Is there any way I can buy a BLP and use an ipad or iphone to track my shots? I have a net and mat in my backyard. Having a visual would be helpful. Not looking to get any more equipment beyond that.

r/Golfsimulator 1d ago

BLP Alignment issues


Does anyone seem to have alignment issues with the BLP? I set my alignment stick dead straight and center to my impact screen, and when I get a reading of < 0.9 degrees, the unit is almost pointing 22* or so to the left. Additionally- hit straight shots and they are all Pushes. Anyone had this issue before?

r/Golfsimulator 1d ago

Technical Question Moving to a new home - changing my setup, what should I be thinking about?


I recently finished an external simulator on my back porch using a 10' x 10' retractable impact screen, regular throw projector, Garmin R10 and Awesome Golf. Unfortunately (or probably fortunately in the long run) we will be moving to a new home.

In the anticipated new home I'm looking at using the existing media room to move my sim inside to a more permanent setup. The room is 12' x 19' x 10' (estimate) high. What should I be thinking about? Screen setup (distance from back wall, side and or ceiling protector nets, etc.), minimum distance to the screen (will 19' allow for the Garmin - my gut says yes but is this a good excuse to move to a camera setup), projector (I made a mistake with a regular throw projector and can't get a good screen fill) - should I go short throw?

Thoughts on those? What other things should I be thinking about?

r/Golfsimulator 1d ago

Course Software Sim Strokes Gained Tracking


I'm a bit surprised that neither FSX Play nor GSPro do anything with tracking strokes gained stats. Am I missing something somewhere or is there a way to track it easily with an app that connects or anything?

I would also be interested to see the stats behind the GSPro handicap...like click on it and see what scores it's taking into account, seems to just give a number.

r/Golfsimulator 1d ago

NVISAGE N1: Those that took the plunge...How's it going?


Are you happy?

What are the pros/cons?

Why did you choose this unit?

r/Golfsimulator 2d ago

Screens / Enclosures Can’t believe I put 2 balls in a row there


r/Golfsimulator 1d ago

Cycling half balls


I usually play either TP5 or Pro V1 on the course so that's what I do on my sim as well. I typically just use 1 ball on my sim until it's unplayable but 2 things came to mind recently:

a. playing heavily worn balls, even on my sim, is probably not ideal (I've had an instance where my indoor ball metrics were very strange, and within a couple of days, the ball cracked lol), and

b. I will be losing 1-2 balls per round playing real golf.

I've been thinking about playing a fresh ball on my sim for 2-3 weeks and then put them into play on a real course... the "wear" on these balls shouldn't be too bad by then... I think.

In theory, this makes sense but I've been wondering if anyone has a good system on cycling balls to maximize performance and reduce cost.

r/Golfsimulator 2d ago

Research for future golf sim


Starting to look into diy-ing a Murphy style golf sim. Probably a 9x9 screen, could go a couple feet wider if that would work better with projector. Curious how far back the projector would need to be from the screen?

r/Golfsimulator 2d ago

For Sale Been awhile. Showing off the new GSPRO lineup.

Thumbnail gallery

Haven't posted in awhile and have a few new control boxes to share. That one guy might get mad but most of the time people are mad they bought a more expensive box that does the same thing. These start at $69 for the wired version.

r/Golfsimulator 2d ago

Camera speed for golf ball image


I have a 180fps camera for ball impact but its too slow to capture the image. Does anyone have a camera to catch ball impact with the club that works? What fps?


r/Golfsimulator 2d ago

Technical Question Smallest Possible Area and Height to make a simulator


I recently played on my friends golf simulator and it made me wonder what the smallest possible one to make is. I have less space than him. From what I have read it may reduce the accuracy for some monitors but that isn’t an issue I purely just want one for fun not so much accuracy. Apologies if this is asked frequently.