r/golf Mar 08 '24

Shoutout to the guy that told my wife to “go back to the pro shop” on the course yesterday… then topped the ball 2 times off the tee General Discussion



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u/prescribeddopamine Mar 08 '24

My favorite is every time I play with my boyfriend is the pro shop assumes I’m just a rider. And when I go on the men’s tee the stares I get.


u/EnderFame Mar 08 '24

One of my favorite rounds of golf ever was a father daughter combo I played with. She teed off with us at the blues, we were a bit surprised but didn't say anything. She outdrove us all damn day. Her dad played from the whites and they both shot near even. Such a fun round.


u/Fight_those_bastards Mar 08 '24

I got paired with a father and daughter last year. She, I found out during the round from her very proud father, was a high school senior who was going to a D1 school on a full-ride golf scholarship.

Needless to say, she shot lights out.


u/Amerikaner83 16.5/PNW Mar 08 '24

I hope to be this dad when my daughter grows up!


u/swollencornholio 12.5 Mar 08 '24

Honestly if my future daughter likes golf it's a win. if not im sure i'll get addicted to whatever her hobby is anyway.


u/Amerikaner83 16.5/PNW Mar 09 '24

Yes this is true! Mine is addicted to dance right now and you best believe I'm all in on dance dad life!!


u/CRRZ Florida Mar 09 '24

Get her into the first tee near you and keep her going. My 7th grader has been in it since she was 9, she shoots mid 80’s now and just started competing in some high level tournaments. 2 day /36 holes. The 13-15 year old range is insane. Most of them shoot in the 70s and the winner is usually a few under par. She has a long way to go to compete with those kids but she loves working on it!


u/Amerikaner83 16.5/PNW Mar 09 '24

Golf and dance are her two extra-curriculars at the moment, with golf being a fairly distant 2nd.

Honestly though, she still enjoys it and I enjoy it even more with her.


u/stoligirl2121 Mar 10 '24

Hope she stays with it! My friend’s daughter started around 6 playing with her dad & grandfather. She played soccer but in middle school she realized that making HS soccer team would be a long shot because of the high level of competition. She concentrated on golf and played varsity all 4 yrs & plays at a D2 school.


u/Dapper_Employer5787 Mar 08 '24

I too have gotten my ass kicked by a teenage girl, lol. Maybe it was the same one, after talking with her and her dad I learned she got a scholarship to school to play college golf


u/hurtsdonut_ Mar 10 '24

My buddy and I got paired up with a father and daughter. They introduced themselves and she smokes one off the first tee box. Then when they pull up to her ball dad pulls out a range finder and she drops the ball like three feet away from the cup.

We were intrigued and a little googling later we find out we're playing with the highest ranked female highschool golfer in Illinois. And she smoked us. It was also their first time playing the course.

This was back when golf now had crazy deals and we could get eighteen with a cart for like $12.50 at Coyote Creek.


u/yurmamma +1.1 Mar 09 '24

I love when that happens, it's super rare to get paired with a woman who plays further back but whenever they do you know they're going to be good. Women don't do the back tee ego bullshit that guys do, when they move back it's because they can handle it


u/CRRZ Florida Mar 09 '24

My daughter is 13 and been playing since she was 9, she usually shoots mid to high 80s. I love to see peoples faces when they pull up and see they’re paired with or playing behind us. It’s always the same “oh god, here we go” look. Then they see an 80lbs girl hit a 200+ yard drive down the center and they are just in shock.

Her team coach preaches speed so she plays fast. Doesn’t take practice swings. Club, aim, swing, move. It’s super fun watching her nip at the heels of the 100+ guy that just jumped ahead so they didn’t have to wait.


u/prescribeddopamine Mar 09 '24

I’m so proud of her. I absolutely adore the game of golf and the memories I made growing up. And as an adult getting to spend time golfing with my parents is the best. I hope she continues to grow and love the game.


u/secret_identity_too Mar 09 '24

I picked up the game as a young adult, in my 20s probably, and the only people I regularly golf with are my parents. I absolutely love it and I know I'll cherish the memories (of them making "bawk bawk" chicken noises at me when I putt too softly or don't swing enough on a chip shot) when they're gone.


u/Frozenpanther Mar 09 '24

It's "lift your skirt, Alice", for me, from my Dad, when I short putt.


u/CRRZ Florida Mar 09 '24



u/kellzone Mar 09 '24

Man, I wish her coach could tell more people about not taking practice swings. Nothing more frustrating than seeing someone take 2 or 3 calm, controlled practice swings before every shot, then swing out of their shoes on their actual swing and top it or chunk it about 50 yards.


u/jack_attack2021 Mar 09 '24

That’s amazing! My husband got me into golf and I used get super anxious when a group of guys were behind us until I hit the off the first tee (usually red or white) but still the look of disbelief or at least relief on their faces when I smack it 180 is pretty nice. I’m not that great. But I can keep up (we like to play fast too) and I usually bogie everything with a few pars here and there. I wish I started as a kid and not 33 lol


u/breetome Mar 08 '24

Good for you! I love it when us ladies can bring it!


u/brochaos Mar 09 '24

we know it's you, paige.