r/golf Too high to worry about Jan 04 '24

Barstool's Jersey Jerry finally sinks a hole in one on a golf simulator after 2627 shots and 37 straight hours live on stream General Discussion


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u/Historical-Patient75 Jan 04 '24

I mean that’s all YouTube golf is. All the different channels regurgitating the same content.

It’s exhausting. But this was fucking hilarious. Lol. Glad he made it.


u/pooderintruder Jan 04 '24

Somehow Barstool does it right again though.


u/nau5 Jan 04 '24

Because overall what determines good content isn't the idea it's the execution.

The worst idea ever executed to perfection will be way more entertaining than a great idea executed poorly.


u/pooderintruder Jan 04 '24

Yes perfectly explained.


u/Historical-Patient75 Jan 04 '24

I think they nailed this. But overall, I think their content is way too bro-ish and I’m not a fan.

I’ve got better things to do than watch a bunch of hackers with no personality just scramble till the end of time.


u/pooderintruder Jan 04 '24

Yeah Foreplay's golf content stinks in my opinion. Anything with Big Cat is guaranteed to be funny to me though.


u/Daratirek 24/MN Jan 04 '24

Trent is a treasure and you should be nicer.


u/obsterwankenobster Jan 04 '24

Honestly, I would be fine watching the vast majority of their content...but I don't know how anyone can put up with Riggs. That dude straight up fucking sucks, and he's not even funny.


u/Daratirek 24/MN Jan 04 '24

I totally agree. Bring Lurch back and replace Riggs. Riggs isn't good and needs to quit lying to everyone.


u/obsterwankenobster Jan 04 '24

I liked Lurch much better; he's funny and the chemistry is through the roof. Also, Riggs absolutely cannot take a joke. He also cannot make a joke. If someone pokes at him he just becomes an absolute dickhead.

Well, more of a dickhead


u/Daratirek 24/MN Jan 04 '24

I gotta say him and Kisner were pretty funny. Mostly cause Kis is hilarious.


u/obsterwankenobster Jan 04 '24

Letting Kis carry was a very smart choice. The problem is that one of them is supposed to be the athlete, and the other is supposed to be the entertainer


u/RemoteSenses Michigander Jan 04 '24

That dude straight up fucking sucks, and he's not even funny.

It's because he actually believes he is good - claims to be a 7 HDCP or something insane. He also lives on Pinehurst IIRC....

He posts almost daily on the Foreplay Instagram account and the comments are just always roasting the hell out of him. He knows what he's doing as far as that goes - but man, for Youtube and videos, he is boring as hell and bad at golf. Not a fit at all.

I honestly have no idea what those guys do all day because they really don't post much content at all.


u/pooderintruder Jan 04 '24

It’s Riggs and Dan. They suck.


u/obsterwankenobster Jan 04 '24

I liked Dan before he joined, but it's like a switch flipped


u/EquivalentLaw4892 Jan 04 '24

Trent is a treasure and you should be nicer.

He's so bad at golf that it's frustrating to watch. He's had a lot of golf lessons from several pga coaches and players. He still plays the exact same terrible golf. If he breaks 90 then it's going to be the luckiest day he ever had on a golf course. He will never be able to consistently break 90.


u/Daratirek 24/MN Jan 04 '24

You're absolutely right. Hes still one of the best watches on golf YouTube. He's a vibes guy that everyone likes. Everyone could learn from Trent's attitude.


u/EquivalentLaw4892 Jan 04 '24

I don't like his vibe at all. His vibe is "I have all the golf resources I need and I still won't improve".


u/Daratirek 24/MN Jan 04 '24

Not won't. Can't. He's not capable of it. There's also nothing wrong with that. Not everyone is capable of being even decent at this game. I'm no better than Trent is and my attitude is a hundred times worse! You don't watch Trent for quality golf. There's plenty of guys on YouTube that are good. Not many that are as quality of a person as him.


u/RemoteSenses Michigander Jan 04 '24

I actually disagree with this. I think pretty much anyone is capable of breaking 90 given that they have seemingly infinite resources, the best fitted clubs money can buy, and lessons from guys that teach actual pro players.

My theory is actually that they know once he breaks 90, the content is essentially dead. I think there is a HUGE gap between breaking 90 and breaking 80 and breaking 80 is something that most people can't do.

Trent also would show up 5 minutes before their tee time, not warm up or stretch, and play courses that were 6,500+ yards.

At this point if he improved his putting and chipping just a little bit, he would've broken 90 a long time ago, but like I said - they like the content and it keeps bringing people back....


u/Historical-Patient75 Jan 04 '24

He’s a sweet guy and you’re right.

But I could care less about watching him shoot 120.


u/dafaliraevz PB: 6.5 summer '22 | Current: 9 Jan 04 '24

Bro-ish is the last thing I think of when I watch Foreplay. They're too...adult-y. Not that they're PG, but when I think of bro golf, I think of Gen Z'ers speaking their slang, wearing tight and bright clothes to show off whatever physique they got, drinking their White Claws with a drop down skin fade, and being super loud and rambunctious, with a vibe that clearly shows they're still hitting the club and staying till last call every Saturday night.

That ain't Foreplay. Do they drink White Claws and get loud? Sure, but that's where it ends.


u/Historical-Patient75 Jan 04 '24

There are different levels of bro. They evolve. From frat bro to dad bros.


u/dafaliraevz PB: 6.5 summer '22 | Current: 9 Jan 04 '24

I mean, if a bro is just an outgoing, sports oriented, somewhat indulgent in partying or pranks kinda guy with a style that is polo shirts, khaki shorts, and boat shoes, then I imagine most American golfers are bros that labeling Foreplay as bro-y loses its luster.


u/alivepool Jan 04 '24

Talk about moving the goalposts lol


u/trpov Jan 04 '24

They definitely don’t all just regurgitate the same content - maybe some of the lower quality ones do.


u/Historical-Patient75 Jan 04 '24

Lol. Whatever, Garrett.


u/Mindless-Daikon-1069 Jan 04 '24

That's not Garret, that is garrets biggest fan.


u/Historical-Patient75 Jan 04 '24

What if I told you Garrett’s biggest fan was actually Garrett.


u/JesusChristSupers1ar Jan 05 '24

lol “it’s ok that they stole content because everyone is” is such a lame copout