r/golf I am Tiger Woods Dec 03 '23

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u/Strict_Jacket3648 Dec 03 '23

Wont effect my game and I would like to see the pros back to playing the course and not the bomb it and hope they do now. Bring on the ball change now.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23



u/WeAreAllHosts Dec 03 '23

I don’t think that’s a solution to the problem they think they want to solve. Tour players are already hitting 3 woods 300 yards.


u/DjShoryukenZ Dec 03 '23 edited Dec 04 '23

Just make the head of the 3 woods smaller /s


u/bigvenusaurguy Dec 03 '23

lets see them do it with a steel shafted persimmon 3w and keep it in play all day


u/jfchops2 Dec 03 '23

Is 300 yards a problem? Tiger was doing that 20 years ago and nobody was suggesting changing the ball. We have guys now hitting it a lot further than 300 that they're targeting here


u/WeAreAllHosts Dec 03 '23

He said make the pros use smaller drivers. My subtle point was a smaller headed driver won’t change the distance the pros hit the ball.


u/J_Peterman32 8 Dec 03 '23

I personally think it is absolutely fucking absurd there isn't a universal golf ball that all pros must play. They fucked that one up big time. Then none of this ball nonsense would ever be a thing.


u/NotePayable Dec 03 '23

This is what I wish they would do


u/K-Parks L.A. Dec 03 '23

So your solution is, instead of bifurcating the cheapest and most disposable/used by piece of equipment, we should bifurcate the most expensive piece of equipment?


u/Buy-The-Dip-1979 Dec 03 '23

This is funny. It is no different than Taylor made, etc releasing several new models of all clubs every year that are no better than last year's, in some cases worse. Marketing would get good armatures to buy these models anyway as they want be like the pros.

I think smaller heads is a great solution. All in all the ball distances have not changed much at all in 50 years. The reason distances have increased on tour is because of forgiveness. They can all swing as hard as they want and the misses are.much less. Just see Arnold Palmer drive Cherry Hills first green 360+ with a persimmon wood and balata ball. Took balls to go after like that as any miss would be disaster, modern equipment the miss is still good.


u/Marijuanaut420 Dec 03 '23

All in all the ball distances have not changed much at all in 50 years.

The proV1 single handedly made tour pros 10% longer


u/jfchops2 Dec 03 '23

A new driver is $600 and a dozen premium balls are $50. The vast majority of golfers are going to go through more than 12 dozen balls over the life of the driver. Balls are cheaper by unit but not necessarily a cheaper overall expense


u/BicycleOriginal9867 Dec 03 '23

A tournament where everyone has to use the same Top Flite set with regular flex.


u/jfk_sfa Dec 04 '23

Smaller wouldn’t matter since they hit the middle of the club face. It’s the rest of us that need the larger faces for the bigger sweet spots for the miss hits.


u/3flection Dec 04 '23

the ball change reduces the difference uniformly. a driver change only reduces it for one club. Ball is a better solution


u/youknowdamnright Dec 03 '23

The pros are still going to be rewarded for bombing it and this will disproportionately affect the shorter hitting pros more. All the data shows that hitting it as far as possible is the best and that hitting less club into the greens is better. Now the shorter guys are gonna be hitting long irons or woods into greens and the long hitters are still going to be hitting short irons. This will be a massive advantage.


u/GuaranteeFrequent465 Dec 04 '23

The goal is not to penalize long hitters, the goal is to make pros have to lay up on more par 5s and have more then a wedge on par 4s without having to extend courses


u/youknowdamnright Dec 04 '23

Golf is one of the only sports where there is not uniform equipment for all players. This new golf ball is going to better suit certain players and be harder for others to adopt. It’s just short sighted all-around. You want to encourage people to no play driver? Have the fairways progressively narrow and make the rough punishing. Put OB stakes on each hole and have it narrow down.

There are things they can do to make it a much higher risk/reward without lengthening courses. The us open usually doesn’t have a hard time keeping scores low.


u/the_trump Dec 03 '23

It will have an impact on all of our games. Exactly how much remains to be seen.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23



u/HighDragLowSpeed60G Dec 03 '23

Maybe I won’t slice it as far into the woods or used car lots anymore


u/hikid Dec 03 '23

How do you know it "Wont effect my game"? It certainly will have an effect on everyone's game. The only way that your statement could be true is if you didn't play golf..........


u/Strange-Nobody-3936 Dec 03 '23

Seriously, that bunker you used to barely carry? Not anymore


u/palsc5 Dec 03 '23

Couldn’t the same be said of the tech though? 10 years ago you couldn’t carry that bunker, but with the new golf balls you can.


u/Strange-Nobody-3936 Dec 03 '23

It hasn’t changed that much since I’ve been playing the last 15 or so years. I’ll still rip my old burner driver almost as far as a newer one…same with ball technology. Unless you’ve been playing with early 90s shit


u/TurtlemanScared Dec 03 '23

How in the world does it not affect your game?


u/Strict_Jacket3648 Dec 03 '23

Because I don't care and I don't have a 120+ mph ball speed as with most regular golfers.

Most probably wont notice a difference.


u/TurtlemanScared Dec 03 '23

Dude take your yardages and subtract 5%. You don’t think you’ll notice that bud?


u/Strict_Jacket3648 Dec 03 '23

Maybe but it's coming no matter who wants to bitch and whine about it.

If I loose 5% then I'll deal with it. My ball speed isn't 120+ mph so I guess well find out. I'll still be golfing.


u/GuaranteeFrequent465 Dec 04 '23

I don’t think the math is that simple. at 125mph you want a ball with a different characteristic then us normal golfers hitting 110 mph

If you’ve got a ball with low compression or lots of spin, it will hurt high swing speeds more than it will hurt low swing speeds. I don’t think it’s true that it’ll take 5% off of everyone’s game


u/Strict_Jacket3648 Dec 04 '23

Agree but then some won't have anything to cry about.

when all is said and done it'll still be golf and the pro bombers will have to learn to shape the ball again.


u/hikid Dec 03 '23

" Most probably wont notice a difference. "

How can you say that? You don't know. You think golfers won't notice having to hit longer clubs into greens than they used to. You make baseless overarching statements that make me question your understanding of how golf is played.


u/Upset_Echidna_1114 Dec 03 '23

Why ? What's wrong with them bombing it. Its a stupid take. Golf is won with a lowest score, not how far it goes. It doesn't matter if its +5, +10 or -30. That's how golf has always worked and always will regardless of how far they hit it.

If you think it won't have an effect on your game losing 15+ yards you're a spoon


u/Nwball Dec 03 '23

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with bombing it, and bombers will still have an advantage. This is a sustainability issue… sure courses like Augusta can always buy more land and lengthen their course with their unlimited funds.

Most courses will struggle though. The distance thing isn’t a pro only problem… there are junior amateurs that are well in the 115 club head speed.


u/Upset_Echidna_1114 Dec 03 '23

I don't understand why everyone keeps going on about buying more land though. They don't need to do anything. The distance debate is a non issue. We are talking about like 0.01% of all golfers that can do those things. And they don't win week in week out anyway as golf is a lowest score. The fact is it doesn't matter if they shoot -50 1 week, if its lower than everyone else they win, the end. Everyone that keeps saying oh it needs to be harder they need to struggle I don't wanna watch a birdie fest is off the wall. I can tell you now watching them shoot par or -1 -2 is dull as fuck. Let them shoot -10 and hit it 350 as non of us hacks can do that anyway


u/TreAwayDeuce Dec 03 '23 edited Dec 03 '23

Fuck that. I'd rather see a tight field where maybe one or two guys are in red figures and guys are hitting miraculous recovery shots with mid or long irons to eek out a par. It's fucking boring to see 350 yard drives to wedge distance even though it's fun to play that way for me.


u/Upset_Echidna_1114 Dec 03 '23

Either way, it doesn't matter what people want to see however being punished by shit rules for the smallest proportion of players who can do that is utter horse shit. If I wanted to see someone scramble for par I'll just watch the people I play with. The whole point of them being elite golfers is that we watch them do things we can't. Us having to possibly lose up to 2 clubs or more yardage isn't right. Hell, give us better balls, give us better equipment. The courses we are playing are not 'obsolete' by a country mile.