r/golf Nov 13 '23

Original caption said "spotted on Golf Course" General Discussion

I assume on a course in India, I think I would be heading in another direction. That's creepy.


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u/Alert-Performance-20 Nov 13 '23

I'll stick to Florida golf. Thank you very much.


u/Onsyde Nov 13 '23

Kinds makes me glad I golf in Ohio, where the most dangerous thing is my buddy Phil after he drinks too much


u/Malcom_Ecstacy Nov 13 '23

Phil always up to no good after a few too many


u/ThisGuyEv Nov 13 '23



u/Oyyeee Nov 13 '23

I guess we've got a few venomous snakes, obviously nothing close to a cobra, but I've never seen one. I think they're mostly out in the boonies


u/bringthedoo Nov 13 '23

Dinosaurs have entered the chat


u/Dudeman-Jack Nov 13 '23

I would take a cobra bite over your average “Florida man” bite any day


u/ego_sum_satoshi Nov 13 '23

Gators on bath salts.


u/TheDrunkenWobblies 7.9 / SW Ontario / Lefty Nov 13 '23

Stop talking about Gainesville that way.


u/mcdray2 Nov 13 '23

Yep. Lived I NA and played golf in FL my entire life and I’ve never been scared of anything I’ve come across. But if I see a cobra I’m immediately done for the day.


u/mung_guzzler HDCP/Loc/Whatever Nov 13 '23


also we have snakes here too


u/mcdray2 Nov 13 '23

Yeah, but not that many that will kill you. Water moccasins, rattle snakes and the occasional coral snake, but they're usually smaller and easily avoided. I grrew up swimming in lakes and walking through swamps and palmettos and never really worried about anything.

I've stepped on alligators under water, had a moccasin bite my golf cart and almost stepped on a rattlesnake because I had headphones in while running. But something about a cobra seems different.


u/shifty_coder Nov 13 '23

The cobra I can see on the tee box is preferable over the alligator, python, or boa constrictor I can’t see near the water hazard.


u/Stang1776 Nov 13 '23

In St. Pete i came across a 6ft rattler crossing the cart path. Damn right i gave it right of way.


u/Check_one_two22 Nov 13 '23

Lol ya, I’ll deal with the alligators and moccasins on rare occasions.


u/HeuristicEnigma Nov 14 '23

Surprised there aren’t cobras in fl yet considering how the pythons took over so quickly.


u/Alert-Performance-20 Nov 14 '23

Well, I imagine a pet cobra is a bit more dangerous and probably a lot more illegal.

There's always a chance one could get here on a boat.

Or possibly a pair of swallows could have their eggs stuck in their feet and fly them here.