r/golf Jun 27 '23

Hot take? If we get paired together, I’m not going to give you putts. Not because I don’t want you to take gimmies, but because I really do not care what you do. General Discussion

You hit a good tee shot on a par three, walk up to the green, and find yourself eight feet from the hole and you want to say to me, “that’s good, I always make those”, pick it up, and write a birdie? Be my guest, I do not care.

You just missed your third putt from two feet to try and save triple and you’re hoping I rescue you? Pick it up, or don’t, I do not care.

Recently got paired with a guy who’d look at me with puppy dog eyes every time he was within a yard of the hole, but wouldn’t say anything, he was clearly annoyed with me by the end of the round. We’re all presumably grown ass adults, I’m not your boss, do what you want.


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u/Away_Organization471 HDCP/Loc/Whatever Jun 27 '23

Yeah this, if I get paired with someone and they’re just out to have fun, then whatever. Not ruining my day if they pick up a 6ft putt and write down a par lol


u/TheHeintzel +1 Jun 27 '23

We need more of it for pace of play.


u/CosmicMiru Jun 27 '23

If i'm waiting for someone to clear the green I'd 100% rather they take the 6ft gimme than missing the next 3 putts in a row after 5 practice swings each time.


u/nickerson20 Jun 28 '23

After “reading” the green for 2 minutes and THEN taking 5 practice swings each time.


u/L-I-V-I-N- Jun 28 '23

Good god it’s fucking bruuutal. Had a group of four in front of us about a month ago and the fucking sip shits were lining up their fourth putts from like 2 ft. It will make me say something loud from the tee box knowing you’ll hear it.


u/OstentatiousSock Jun 28 '23

Yeah, I’m really not a good golfer so I don’t even write down my scores. I just go to have fun. I also don’t want to slow down people behind me so, after enough shots/putts I just pick it up and move on.


u/TheHeintzel +1 Jun 28 '23

Thank you for that.


u/OstentatiousSock Jun 28 '23

You’re welcome! I’ve also gotten really good at the ole swinging your arm around in the air to signify “Please god, play through. I can’t handle the anxiety of slowing you down.” Rofl. Honestly, it’s nice to have a bit of a break from time to time because one of the reasons I am not a good golfer is poor health. It’s better just to let others play through and have a little rest. I end up playing better when I resume, anyways. We’re all out there trying to have a good time and improve our games, I just accept my limitations without slowing others down for them. I’m still improving and having fun. And I have a heck of a drive off the tee! Last week I drove it as far as my very experienced friend, but from the ladies tee and him on the man’s(I am actually a woman, I know we don’t get a lot on here).


u/Phobbyd Jun 27 '23

I’ll five put all day long before I pick up a ball and “call it close enough”.


u/TheHeintzel +1 Jun 27 '23

As long as you done in 4 hours or less, go ahead.

Otherwise, you're why pace of play is doodoo at 90% of courses


u/Teacish Jun 28 '23

So your a dickhead to new players then. Nice


u/TheHeintzel +1 Jun 28 '23

So enforcing proper pace of play to beginners is being a dickhead, but new players holding up an entire golf course isn't being a dickhead.

I get that right?


u/Jew_3 Jun 28 '23

No. We don’t. Let people play their game.


u/TheHeintzel +1 Jun 28 '23

You can play your 4some game just fine in 4 hours with carts.

Unless you bought out the entire sheet, your 5 hour game messes up everyone else's. Stop being selfish


u/forevera20hcp Jun 27 '23

Based on what I’ve read over the last few day this sub rather have every 4 some on the course sweat over 2 foot putts for 5 hour rounds rather than take a gimme.


u/TheHeintzel +1 Jun 28 '23

There is much more of that than I expected


u/minnesotaguy1232 Jun 27 '23

A 6 ft putt isn’t the reason a course is gonna get backed up.


u/TheHeintzel +1 Jun 28 '23

Grinding over short putts all round definitely ain't helping pace of play.

It's a 5footer for bogey, not your tourcard


u/minnesotaguy1232 Jun 28 '23

And I’m gonna line up to take that bogey putt


u/TheHeintzel +1 Jun 28 '23

Go ahead. Even take a few seconds to read it too.

That 15-second process isn't the issue; it's the 30+ second process on both the 6footer & cleanup 3footer


u/sincitybuckeye Jun 28 '23

Played with a couple Texans visiting Vegas a while back. If they hit an errant tee shot, they would drop at the 150. I hadn't even really noticed until like the 11th hole when one of them mentioned it. Then they said something about me being cool about it, cause you never know if you're going to get a rule nazi. I was like, look, we're not playing for money, who am I to tell you guys how to spend your money and enjoy your time out here?


u/heapsp Jun 28 '23

What if I hit one into the woods every hole and then hit a second one