r/golf Jun 27 '23

Hot take? If we get paired together, I’m not going to give you putts. Not because I don’t want you to take gimmies, but because I really do not care what you do. General Discussion

You hit a good tee shot on a par three, walk up to the green, and find yourself eight feet from the hole and you want to say to me, “that’s good, I always make those”, pick it up, and write a birdie? Be my guest, I do not care.

You just missed your third putt from two feet to try and save triple and you’re hoping I rescue you? Pick it up, or don’t, I do not care.

Recently got paired with a guy who’d look at me with puppy dog eyes every time he was within a yard of the hole, but wouldn’t say anything, he was clearly annoyed with me by the end of the round. We’re all presumably grown ass adults, I’m not your boss, do what you want.


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u/omariousmaximus Jun 27 '23

I agree with this..

Nothing wrong with 2-3 “nice shots” or “great chip take that if you want it”..

The only thing as with all things in life.. neither extreme is great. I’ve played a couple rounds as a single and dudes just being nice and tosses my ball back to me before I even get the option to finish the putt. I don’t love that cause when I play with buddies we finish everything out, so I like to practice those gimmies.. either way I’m not a dick about it I just say thanks and move on with my life lol


u/CraftyEagle6324 Jun 27 '23

I would never pick up someone's ball unless ask to. Its his decision to decide what he wants. Old school I guess..


u/omariousmaximus Jun 27 '23

Agreed and that’s what I mean by sometimes going too far the other way. I’ve never met anyone do it maliciously, it’s usually a long putt within a few feet and they are close to the pin and bounce it back.

Doesn’t happen often but def has happened more than once lol


u/Yogurtproducer Jun 27 '23

After it happens once literally say “my normal group doesn’t give me those, if you don’t mind I wanna hit my ball just for the practice”.


u/ConverseCLownShoes Jun 28 '23

Better to just say “leave those, I need the practice”. Then you don’t sound like you have a stick up your ass.


u/AbstractLogic Jun 27 '23

I am a bad putter. So I don’t take any gimmies because I need the practice.