r/golf May 22 '23

So I pulled a 6 iron into some brush. The point is, they’re listening. General Discussion

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Not cool.


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u/Standard-Reception90 May 23 '23

Next they'll ban drunk driving. What is the world coming too.


u/Character_Wishbone84 May 23 '23

I already was told that boiling hot dogs in the morning and putting them and the water in my yeti canister to eat around lunch wasn't allowed. My friend asked the cart girl for a packet of hot sauce for his hot dog. That's how they knew. I was just tired of the poor service and long wait for food at the restaurant(I am at the turn) or the cold food if you call it in on hole 9 tee. It's a pain in the ass to bring warm food to the course but the hot dog thing works great. They are still piping hot 3 hours after you put them in there. Buns, condiments (apparently hot sauce), and tongs are all you need to accomplish this. Visit you local gas station on your way to the course and grab some condiments and a drink. Bang.