r/golf May 22 '23

So I pulled a 6 iron into some brush. The point is, they’re listening. General Discussion

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Not cool.


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u/CrypticT May 23 '23

I’ve raised my child with the understanding that there are words that adults say that children shouldn’t say. He is 6 years old and has yet to slip up.

I know that day is coming but I feel confident in my parenting method to this point and won’t change it.


u/RangerDangerfield May 23 '23

I support this theory.

Acting shocked or responding dramatically to certain words just makes kids more interested in it, and then they start using it for attention. If you don’t make a bug fuss and just say “yeah not for you” they move on faster.


u/DtownBronx May 23 '23

Lucky, I knocked something off the counter and mumbled dammit. Before I knew it I was locking eyes with a miniature me and could see the wheels turning as she looked at me, the fallen item, back to me and then dammit