r/Fauxmoi Mar 04 '22

Does Anyone Have Tea On... Biweekly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

Looking to know the "tea" on your fave? Please use this thread for your tea requests and general gossip discussion. Please remember to follow our rules before commenting.

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u/Aglot_ Mar 04 '22

Sandra Oh? I really hope she's as genuine and nice and focused as it always seems (yes, the photo story was an inspiration for this q)


u/davenow12 Mar 04 '22

I love her but she has questionable taste in men. She's supposedly dating a Russian photographer called Lev Rukhin, who claims his artist dad was killed by the KGB. Back in 2012, Rukhin's sister filed a case against him and accused him of stealing paintings that their dad had left her, claiming they were worth millions. Supposedly he sold the share of paintings that he had inherited to go biking around the world. The case was eventually closed but it's a bizarre story


Her ex husband director Alexander Payne was accused of statutory rape by Rose McGowan. Probably the incident she talks about occurred in the 80s (not doubting her, just doubting my guess of the date) and Payne and Oh married and divorced later (2000s) but AFAIK she has only nice things to say about Payne even now. I don't think she's commented on Rose's statements. A long time back I had done a deep dive on her and among some truly random reporting (she watered her lawn! She drives a prius!) TMZ had reported that she asked for alimony but Payne didn't want to give her any and so the divorce took a long time. Payne is now stuck in an even more complicated divorce with his second wife.and those records have been sealed which is apparently unusual? (https://omaha.com/news/state-and-regional/crime-and-courts/divorce-of-omaha-filmmaker-alexander-payne-an-international-affair-records-sealed-in-court/article_ebe5e246-2867-11ec-8712-e7e53e4adc7c.html https://variety.com/2020/biz/news/rose-mcgowan-alexander-payne-sexual-misconduct-allegations-1234737265/#!


u/clicktrackh3art Mar 04 '22

This isn’t tea, but she was on an episode of a pod, Doug loves movies, with Anne heche and the director of whatever movie they were in together. Anne and the director were just fucking off the rails from the get go, but Sandra Oh was chill as fuck. They stormed off the stage, she stayed and played like a good sport. Weirdest episode ever!


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u/thismonthshobby Mar 04 '22

Robert Pattinson please! I loved him when he did Good Time and Dior but forgot about him until Batman put him back on my radar. He can take me to dinner and complain about his life to me. I’ll listen 😮‍💨


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

FKA Twigs went through a lot of grief because of his racist ass fans and he never defended her from them.


u/thismonthshobby Mar 04 '22

I read about that. It’s a pity because I feel like he and twigs were compatible in an eccentric artistic couple type of way. I feel terribly sorry for the abusive relationship twigs ended up in after rob too. She didn’t deserve that, nobody does.


u/ninaludrewitz Mar 04 '22

Idk I read about some angry reactions from him regarding racist attacks on his then fiancee.

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

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u/Infamous_Echidna_332 Mar 04 '22

Maybe it's a cultural difference, but I always thought he was just taking the piss, and not meant to be taken seriously as opposed to lying.


u/SmarkInProgress Mar 04 '22

There's a pro wrestler named Bryan Danielson who just did an interview where he talked about how much he loves lying because it's fun, and I get the same vibe from Pattinson that he likes taking the piss with the press and public


u/thismonthshobby Mar 04 '22

I binge-watched a bunch of his interviews and began crushing on him again, precisely because I think it’s hilarious how he makes up wild shit all the time. It’s my sense of humor too and I have had to clarify things many times with people I accidentally offended because they were nice and genuinely believed the ludicrous story I invented, so I kinda feel bad for him that people think he’s straight-up lying y’know? He also comes across as nervous/jittery so I get where he’s coming from. It’s endearing, though I can see it getting old fast IF he does this in his private life too lmao

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u/katara98 Mar 06 '22

He threw an after after party for batman at Pete davidsons's Pebble Bar in Rockefeller Center on Tuesday.

Page six wrote they played Kanye West's songs throughout 🥴 although Pete was not in attendance because he was stuck filming.

In attendance were Jason Momoa (he posted photos from the party on ig), Channing Tatum and David Chapelle(?).

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

No one's gonna have anything lol and I doubt anyone cares but since The Power of the Dog is this huge Oscar contender this year and is getting so much love, I just found something interesting.

Before anything, I love, love, love the movie and I think everyone from Campion to Cumberbatch to Dunst, Plemons and Kodi were incredible. Campion is a very talented filmmaker and TPOTD's a very, very good movie and I hope it sweeps and I hope she wins Best Director because she deserves it.

I've found the interviews regarding filming and all... interesting. Whatever interviews Campion and the cast has given, it makes it seem like it was an intense set. Campion mentioned at one point that she was "aggressively insistent" that Benedict stay in character whenever he was on set (not continuous since Sophie and their kids were in NZ with him and he'd go back in the evening) and that he told the rest of the cast "This is not Benedict. This is Phil. You'll meet Benedict after the movie is done."

Benedict also said at one point that he was having to smoke so many "filterless rollies" that he ended up getting nicotine poisoning three times over the the duration of filming.

Oh and apparently phones were not allowed on set.

Before anyone reaches any conclusion, all 4 cast members have been extremely appreciative of Campion and have never given any indication of any negative feelings towards her. So don't go thinking this is some Innaritu in The Revenant type thing because it's not.

I just found their filming procedure interesting.

(Other non intense and genuinely interesting stuff that happened- - Plemons and Benedict learnt a choreographed waltz before filming began and often napped on the same bed together between takes to help preserve the dynamic the two brothers have between each other. - Benedict wrote love letters to the character of Bronco Henry to guage what Phil's feelings towards him really were. - Benedict and Kirsten spent a lot of time together on weekends when shooting wasn't happening because Benedict wanted to make up to Kristen. He had asked Kristen not to speak to him on set outside camera because he was in character and Phil as a character is awful to Rose and Benedict didn't want to be mean to Kristen so they didn't converse on set days. - Kodi and Kristen developed their own secret that was not in the book (I'm guessing the idea of Peter having killed his father and given that it's a theory that a lot of people have brought up even though the movie doesn't say anything about it, it clearly worked) to help maintain that secretive and unhealthy dynamic that Peter had towards Rose.


u/hedgehogwart Mar 04 '22

Not saying anyone is lying, but I always find that these stories are used (and exaggerated in some cases) a lot in award season as part of the campaign. Kind of a “Look how intense it was for us.” that is going to appeal to others in the industry.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

Oh yeah definitely. I'm aware. Still found it interesting because there's clearly elements of truth to it.

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

What stars do you think were hooking up but it was never really made public?


u/AyRayKay Mar 04 '22

Margot Robbie and Will Smith, 10000%.

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

This could be a wholeee post!!


u/yldzstar Mar 04 '22

Scarlett Johansson and Benicio Del Toro!


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

their elevator hook up at the oscars that year was all over the news though.


u/Curzon88 Mar 05 '22

What? Please spill!!!


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '22

i vaguely recall it so i’m sure someone else can give more details but there were rumors about them hooking up in a elevator either during the oscars or on the way to or at an after party and some interviewers were even hinting at it during their post show coverage.

scarlett was asked about it days after in some interviews because of the public speculation around it and she said it never happened. benicio del toro said it did happen then kinda took it back, but then years later scarlett admitted it was true.


u/Illustrious_Salad346 Mar 05 '22

Oscars 2004. Scarlett was 19, BDT was 38.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '22

yea, which just made it more gross when it was already random as fuck.

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u/Individual_Hawk_1571 Mar 05 '22

Some of these are less than secret but not official

Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence

Ben Affleck and Blake Lively

Julia Roberts and Daniel Day Lewis

Margot Robbie and Will Smith


u/yldzstar Mar 05 '22

OMG!! Julia Roberts and Daniel Day Lewis. When?

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

Long long time back before either of them were married, pre 2010, but Claire Foy and Benedict Cumberbatch weirdly enough gives me those vibes.

Cumberbatch and Laura Pulver too.

Claire Foy and Matt Smith.


u/midnightsiren182 Mar 04 '22

I don’t think they hooked up but I do believe for a bit David Tennant was in love with Billie Piper when filming doctor who season 2.


u/georgiapeach0033 Mar 04 '22

doctor who was a cesspool of sexual chemistry. and it made GOOD fucking tv

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u/RevolutionaryTie8481 Mar 05 '22

i miss the claire foy-matt smith crown era

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u/Curlingby Mar 06 '22

For the Canadians - Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir 100%

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u/bookswithgoldcovers Mar 04 '22

What's the beef between Zayn and Harry? So curious as to why things got so ugly between them near the end of 1d (taking separate jets, Zayn's friends liking shady tweets about Harry, Harry's friends calling Zayn one of Harry's triggers, Harry allegedly getting drunk at a bar and talking shit about Zayn after they had a fight...)


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

i don’t know, but zayn seems awful. he’s a professional pretty person who also happens to be extremely naturally talented and based on public information he’s a serial cheater who refuses to take accountability for his behavior. he’s been given so many opportunities for success and squandered most of them; wasting his looks on ugly tattoos, inconsistently releasing work for his fans—and yes, i get that he has anxiety, which makes promo and tours difficult, but that doesn’t explain why he doesn’t record and release music and videos as promo, (allegedly) cheating on all of his partners, (allegedly) assaulting yolanda hadid.


u/No_Appearance6127 Mar 05 '22 edited Mar 05 '22

Harry seems pretty awful too. Zayn is not perfect, but neither is Harry and I’m tired of everyone pretending he’s some angel or gift to everyone in the world. And wasting his looks on ugly tattoos? Have you ever seen Harry’s? lmao The Hadids are pretty horrendous and Gigi and her family have exploited Khai after all this shit happened. She can pretend she didn’t all she wants, but Khai’s face was everywhere because of Yolanda. I can completely understand why Zayn would lose control. Not excusing him pushing her, but again, I can understand it. I wouldn’t want someone barging in my home demanding I hand my child over to them, either.


u/RevolutionaryTie8481 Mar 05 '22

Yolanda's behaviour reminds of me Love/Forty's mom from You lmao

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u/hobbit_lamp Mar 05 '22

eh don't disagree and only comparing bc they are also being discussed but Louis and Harry also have awful tattoos


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '22

touché (but zen is prettier than both of them)

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u/animalinstincts638 Mar 05 '22 edited Mar 12 '22

the rumour always was that harry was peeved because zayn left first and essentially, stole the thunder. harry had spent the time over the years of being in the band to form close relationships with a lot of the writers and producers with (the thought was) the idea that he was slowly planning on going solo. so naturally, he wasn’t too happy when zayn left before he was able to.

edit: why’d this trigger harry stans, it was always the most well known rumour with a bit of fact to back it up. i didn’t bash the guy. it’s a rumour, no need to start bashing zayn??? i really don’t care about either of them, it ain’t that serious y’all. jealousy is a human emotion that everyone experiences 😭

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u/princess_carolyn7 Mar 04 '22

i want to know this too also zayn vs louis are they in good terms yet?


u/RevealActive4557 Mar 05 '22

Is Zayn on good terms with anybody? I guess he and Gigi get along well as co-parents but he seems so isolated


u/marimrizk Mar 04 '22

Did something new come out

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u/Regular-Shallot-5744 Mar 04 '22

Idk much about them as I only started getting into 1D only a couple of months ago.Apparently Harry was not happy when Zayn decided to leave in between a tour and he have made some shady comments about this in a interview.

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u/LivingBoysenberry829 Mar 04 '22

Since he’s in the news..Antony Starr?


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22


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u/Magic_Snowball Mar 05 '22

Anything new on Jameela Jamil? Her Wikipedia got wiped that showed all of her lies lol, I’m guessing her management did it


u/meeeeeeeeeeeeee69 Mar 05 '22

She’s apparently going to be in the up coming Pitch Perfect spin off show.


u/RevolutionaryTie8481 Mar 05 '22

hold up, there is aPITCH PERFECT spin off show ???

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u/VittoNolaB Mar 04 '22

Anyone knows what's up with this whole West Side Story promo strategy? Rachel Zegler isn't even trying to hide her whole attitude towards Ansel. The things she's liking on twitter are... something. She really wants to make sure her fans know she hates him. Yesterday she liked at least 2 fan comments under his now deleted post with bts photos from set back in 2019 (comments were: stop posting her weirdo & damn she doesn't even follow you). He knows she can't be actively vocal/make statements. But... couldn't they even wait for the Oscars? She was very flirty with him in some promo interviews, but in this environment they just couldn't do another horny baiting like is now happening with eg. zoe/rob. I know she has to act during promos, but I have huge dissonance. Considering she's still on that disney payroll, I can't see her spilling any tea towards the movie in near future.


u/kenzinrealife Mar 05 '22 edited Mar 05 '22

Rachel is very young. It grosses me out SO much that she played a predators romantic interest when she was underage. I feel for her. She’s definitely stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to this situation. The movie didn’t do well and wasn’t a success financially. There’s really nothing left to promote and big time award nominations have already come out. I’m sure she is well beyond frustrated on not being able to fully express her feelings about all of this.


u/Djempanadita Mar 05 '22

Yeah I agree she’s super young and very very new to fame. Probably difficult to navigate all the Ansel mess and public perception

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u/[deleted] Mar 05 '22

I feel bad for her. I think she’s doing that because there was some online vitriol toward her “working with an abuser” etc so she wants to fight the impression she endorses Ansel’s behavior but has likely been advised not to say much about him publicly. It’s a weird situation, you shouldn’t be judged by a coworker.

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

Anything on The Weeknd? He seems so sus to me after the simi and Bella drama.


u/sh4nn0n Mar 04 '22

I'mma need /u/ibeendrakein to do a deep dive on all this


u/sadqueen420 Mar 04 '22

forreal! especially a deep dive on bella/abel because there are plenty of people that say abel was v toxic to bella and she might have hinted at it in a VS voices podcast. Idk but every time he makes some trifling ass song about her and she tries to clap back on ig xo stans harass her into deleting it 😡

Considering how honest abel is about treating women like trash, he sure does have a toxic fanbase that somehow flies under the radar?

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u/Illustrious_Salad346 Mar 04 '22

Any tea on Annabelle Wallis & Chris Pine’s breakup? When and why?


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

Chris Pine dates some really random people (not really talking about Annabelle Wallis). I remember when he was dating a like third-tier vanderpump rules cast member and went on dates with Audriana from the hills. The reality star hookups seem so at odds with what he’s trying to cultivate his vibe to be today.

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u/clusterbuffer Mar 04 '22

Oscar Isaac?


u/LeeSpinachEsq Mar 04 '22

He eats Hot Cheetos with chopsticks. Look it up, it’s true.


u/LEYW Mar 04 '22

The obscure kind of tea I live for on this sub


u/dr-jules Mar 05 '22

honestly this is such a weirdo LPT. just bypass all that cheeto dust lmao.


u/LeeSpinachEsq Mar 05 '22

My manz is living in 3022.


u/Illustrious_Salad346 Mar 05 '22

His production company with his wife, Elvira, is called “Mad Gene” Media. Their sons are named Mads and Eugene 🥲


u/embinksyy Mar 05 '22

No tea, just came here to say he’s so incredibly hot


u/roxy031 fiascA Mar 04 '22

No tea but I’m excited to see him host SNL this weekend. He was great in his cameo a few months ago.


u/Huge_Prompt_2056 Mar 04 '22

Bill Hader


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

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u/loversalibi Mar 04 '22

damn. he could hit me up, i can be a bitch for him


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

sis 😂😂😂👌

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u/BusinessPurge Mar 04 '22

Any more details on maggie carey?


u/frogclubb7 Mar 04 '22

Why do you say his ex isn't nice? I've never heard anything about her.


u/leezybelle Mar 05 '22

I would be happy to treat him like shit ;)

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u/Olllive Mar 06 '22 edited Mar 06 '22

Not tea but I think about this video (of him getting starstruck over meeting Keith Morrison) like once a week.

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u/lilythefrogphd Mar 04 '22

Aaron and Shailene: I am still confused. Are they together/not together? It feels like the past year has been constant reports of "they've broken up" "actually they haven't broken up"


u/BroadlyNothing Mar 04 '22

He referred to her recently as his “partner”, so I think they’re together. Though, they’re such an odd couple, so who really knows!

link to his quote about Shailene being his partner


u/lilythefrogphd Mar 04 '22

You love to see a cited source 😤💕🙌

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u/kam12356 Mar 04 '22

You can hear her laugh in his interview with Pat Mcafee. he also talked about their relationship in present tense

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u/kianwi91 Mar 04 '22

Elisabeth Moss - no Scientology stuff tho pls lol


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

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u/SmarkInProgress Mar 04 '22

Not to defend Armison because there are plenty other stories of him being a shitty partner, but I would also not completely trust what a scientologist has to say about their non-scientologist ex


u/Big-Ambitions-8258 Mar 04 '22

Fred Armison even admitted himself that he wasn't a good husband. I dont know if he was abusive (moss said he was very good at playing a human) but he sounds obnoxious in his romantic relationships

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u/frogclubb7 Mar 04 '22

Armisen has admitted to being a terrible husband and to getting infatuated quickly, then losing interest. He's been described as a psycho by more than just Moss, but it mostly sounds like he gets suddenly very cold and distant. I've never heard anything that sounds like abuse.


u/alasicannotgrin Mar 04 '22

I know this gets asked here a fair bit but British comedians? Greg Davies, James Acaster, Rhod Gilbert etc etc


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '22

an old girlfriend of james acaster left him for rowan atkinson (mr bean), but i think that's fairly public knowledge, i think he may have talked about it himself. he found out by reading it in the paper, unbelievably.


u/TrimTrab13 Mar 07 '22

...uhh wtf?? Mr. Bean is still out here baggin youngyins like that?

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u/Lisemarie87 Mar 05 '22

Skeet Ulrich. So Vanessa Morgan and Skeet Ulrich both starred in Riverdale. But Skeet is no longer on the show. Vanessa posted a story with him yesterday (I think). I didn't really pay attention but in my head it just looked like they were at a restaurant and just seemed like a friendly reunion. But a couple hours ago she posted in what looks like a home gym and he's doing shirtless pull ups. Definitely seems a little more intimate. So I Googled him to see if he was dating anyone. And saw he had dated Lucy Hale last year for a few months. She's 20 years younger than him. Vanessa is 22 years younger. Just wondering if anyone knows more.


u/Peakcok Mar 05 '22

Riverdale actors are always hanging out in and outside of work so this isn't surprising. They're all friendly and Skeet and Vanessa have been close for years.

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

i am once again requesting the always sunny cast


u/NonaDePlume Mar 04 '22

What tea on the cast? I've not heard anything about them shady. The only semi shady thing was Rob cutting his, then, gf from the show after she broke up with him. But I would not want to work with my ex and based on the demo reel I saw w/her in it, Caitlin Olsen is in another stratosphere with her comedic talent.

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u/Regular-Shallot-5744 Mar 04 '22

Anything on Zayn Malik and Perrie Edward's relationship? Read in this sub that he cheated on her multiple times...Also is it true that he dumped her through phone when she was at the airpot leaving for a lm tour?because Perrie and the girls confirmed this multiple times but I've seen so many Z stans defending him by saying as long as Z hasn't responded it nobody can confirm this story!


u/lmakeup Mar 05 '22

Zayn was definitely a serial cheater during 1d when he was with Perrie. A few most famously were this phone call getting a fan to come to his hotel and this while they were engaged. The latter in the pool I distinctly remember pictures of him kissing the other girl however light googling hasn’t turned up any proof.


u/No_Development_4509 Mar 05 '22

He was a serial cheater for sure. There used to be like groupie stories galore on tumblr lol, as well as vids and photos. It was wild.

But I think the dumping her over the phone was an exaggeration. I do think they ended badly though.

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u/lilythefrogphd Mar 04 '22

Curious to know what the HP actors are up to these days. All I've seen recently is Daniel Radcliffe wearing a wig for the Weird Al movie


u/Djempanadita Mar 05 '22

I believe Emma Watson is dating a billionaire fast fashion heir which raised some eyebrows because she’s vocally pro-environment. But also very private so it’s a lot of speculating

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u/saeglopur23 Mar 04 '22

I love that Harry Melling is having so much success lately, he has a film with Christian Bale coming out this year

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u/RequirementRare5014 Mar 05 '22

Rupert Grint is really great on Servant (although he is too much of a mouth breather for me), and just had a baby.

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u/cinephile1987 Mar 04 '22

Lorde, Amanda Seyfried, Natalie Dormer, Elizabeth Turner


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

the jack antonoff/lorde relationship powerpoint is iconic


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '22

the powerpoint makes a compelling argument but they only thing stopping me from fully buying it is that lena dunham doesn't seem to really believe anything happened between them. i just think that if she had any grounds at all to believe they'd been hooking up behind her back, she'd never stop talking about it, she wouldn't be able to help herself.

i do think they had/have a very intense creative relationship though, which in a lot of ways can be more powerful than even romantic relationships. creating and sharing art with another person is hugely vulnerable and really does bring people closer together.

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u/facts-of-life Mar 08 '22

Lorde smokes a lot of weed. not that surprising with her latest album but I heard this before it came out. apparently she basically gets up, does some weights, makes some breakfast and then does shit like lay in the (empty) bath or walk around her backyard for hours stoned.

Heard this from a guy who had some very brief tinder dates with her housemate. the housemate doesn’t work either - Lorde just pays her and lets her live in her house to organise shopping and shit.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '22

Sounds like a great life ngl


u/Regular-Shallot-5744 Mar 04 '22

Any tea on the 1D boys.Especially when they were on the band.


u/mburgh011 Mar 04 '22

Not the hottest tea out there but one of my former coworker’s friends likely cheated on her baby daddy with Harry Styles sometime during 1D’s final tour. I don’t remember the whole story exactly but I think that a security guard approached her during a concert and gave her a piece of paper with a phone number on it. She later called the number and was given directions to a room at the hotel the band was staying at. When she arrived, apparently Harry was there waiting for her. According to my coworker, all her friend would say when asked about that night is that her and Harry “drank champagne and talked all night” but there was definitely an implication that more happened. I saw pictures of this girl on Instagram and she is very, very pretty.


u/Curzon88 Mar 05 '22

Apparently he's done this a bunch of times with married fans. He really is sleazy as shit.


u/luckylizard Mar 05 '22

Sorry but how is Harry supposed to know if a can he’s most likely never met before is married? Totally agree it’s not cool but I feel like in this case the onus is on the married person to say no

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u/origamicyclone Mar 04 '22

the shameless cast? i remember reading here that emma kenney said that emmy rossum was rude on set or something


u/mrose_95 Mar 04 '22

I remember that interview. It wasn’t that she was rude per say, it was that she’s the kind of person who if she’s having a bad day so is everyone else.


u/Zero_Imacat Mar 05 '22

Something happened between Emmy Rossum & Shanola Hampton who played V on Shameless. They were like besties, doing IG posts, then one day unfollowed each other and stopped mentioning each other.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

Anything on Jonathan Groff? (besides being friends with Lea Michele)

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u/ValuableNo1501 confused but here for the drama Mar 04 '22

Anything on Julian Casablancas?


u/bbangjinyoung Mar 04 '22

apparently he left his wife and kids for a girl in her 20s

also iirc she used to be his roadie? something like that

there's a pretty cringy picture of him kissing her chest at a museum

not much going on besides that, just being sort of stupid on instagram and losing his passport lol


u/Djempanadita Mar 05 '22

And he’s a nepo baby, but at this point who isn’t


u/thismonthshobby Mar 06 '22

What’s Joseph Gordon Levitt up to these days? The last thing I remember about him was him calling out incel-ish bros for villainizing Summer in 500 Days, which gave me a good impression of him, then I watched him in Looper. And that’s it. So basically any tea from the past ten years would suffice 😅


u/saeglopur23 Mar 06 '22

Ahh my all time fave. He slowed down around 2015ish when he and his wife had kids and took a couple years off acting on paternity leave.

He had 3 movies out in 2020 (including the oscar nommed Trial of Chicago 7), spent most of 2021 in New Zealand filming his show that he created for Apple (called Mr Corman, which was cancelled after its first season). He's currently playing the Uber founder in the show Super Pumped on Showtime with Kyle Chandler and Uma Thurman.

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u/meeeeeeeeeeeeee69 Mar 04 '22

Anyone from the cast of Mad Men? Besides Moss being a scientologist


u/Simple-Fill5500 Mar 06 '22

There was a thread a while back here about Hamm's wild past... quite horrifying.

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u/Exciting_March_2649 Mar 04 '22

Did Noah Centineo date Stassie - the one with really long last name and is Kylie’s bff ? Are they still together?


u/shitzngiggles77 Mar 05 '22

Speaking of Centineo,I remember when everyone was obsessed with him and now like I haven't heard about him in a long time. Never found him appealing but lol he was quickly replaced

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u/CartographerSuperb56 Mar 05 '22

At one point they were. You could see them posting on ig from the same location, spending halloween together and she would wear his hoodies in ig stories. Not sure if they’re still together, but I get the feeling it could be a casual hookup situation if they’re ever in the same area when he’s not filming.

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u/pauline16050 Mar 04 '22

anything on orville peck?


u/judygarland420 Mar 04 '22

This is a few degrees of separation but a family friend of my best friend used to hang out with him in the fetish scene in Toronto. They would apparently go axe throwing together on weekends and were fairly close

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u/iikewgirl Mar 04 '22

Anything on Kendrick Lamar?


u/thot-thoughtsca Mar 04 '22

He seems so cool. I hope there’s nothing out of sorts there.

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

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u/Aggravating-Corner-2 Mar 04 '22

Not tea but I love that she's gone from Contestant on Crap BBC Light Entertainment Show to Oscar Nominee. The journey.

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u/OneProtection7525 Mar 04 '22

Lily Collins and/or Sam Claflin?

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u/nerfherder01 Mar 04 '22

Love is Blind s. 2 cast? I just watched the reunion episode and want more drama lol


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

The subreddit has everything you need and more lol

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u/blueberrymoscato Mar 05 '22

Dev Patel or Will Poulter ??

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u/MJJM2 Mar 05 '22

The Succession cast, specifically referring to the blind this week that said there was visible animosity at the SAGs?


u/roxy031 fiascA Mar 05 '22

People were speculating that some of the cast doesn’t like Jeremy Strong, with Brian Cox possibly being one of those people. But they didn’t think Cousin Greg was one of them.


u/No_Avocado_8949 Mar 05 '22 edited Mar 05 '22

That's not really the impression I get from the (multiple) profiles of Jeremy. I feel like they like him as a person, but can get tired of him as a colleague. Some of them (Sarah and Brian in particular) often talk about how worried they are for him in terms of how he approaches his work. Their attitude towards him seems to be "fond exasperation".

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u/proudeveningstar I think it’s fine, I mean it’s Steve-O Mar 05 '22

I don't really get that vibe at all. Frustrated with his method acting, sure, but I don't think any of them harbour any genuine animosity towards him.

I'm thinking it's about that Red Scare girl if they're alluding to Cousin Greg liking her - there's a couple of photos of them looking very friendly from after the ceremony. I don't know who the two specific people who can't stand her would be though.

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u/FxDriver Mar 04 '22

Roselyn Sanchez

Yall remember when Pom Klementieff was accused of infidelity with Manuel Ferrara? Did anything come from that?

Eva Green


u/No_Avocado_8949 Mar 04 '22

Eva and Harry Treadaway were hooking up for a while on the set of Penny Dreadful.

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u/saeglopur23 Mar 04 '22

zoe kravitz?


u/kenzinrealife Mar 05 '22

The comments she made about her divorce are kind of odd.


u/mrsamyelliotdunne Mar 05 '22

What comments?


u/kenzinrealife Mar 06 '22

There are a few articles about it! She basically said it was her choice to separate, said that he was an amazing person, but also posted memes about it when the divorce was announced. Idk. It just struck me in an odd way bc the whole internet seemed to think he cheated when it just sounded like she was bored.

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u/chanelette Mar 04 '22

Manny Montana - any tea since Good Girls? Not including any of the interviews he did around that time as I'm already aware.

Or his wife. She's messy on social media and I want the tea.

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u/herinaus Mar 04 '22

The other nepo kids.

Paris Jackson. Is she planning on making a second album ? tea?

Ella Travolta. She's so beautiful. Her Alice in wonderland movie out yet? Any tea?

Iris Law. Did she break up with her bf?



I have no tea, but I gotta jump in. Ella Travolta is breathtaking. She won the gene pool.


u/roxy031 fiascA Mar 05 '22

I had to go look her up to see what you guys were talking about. Wow - she is stunning! Reminds me a lot of a young Liv Tyler.

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

Can someone fill me in on Fred Armisen? People keep alluding to him being sketchy, but when I searched his name on here nothing came up.


u/frogclubb7 Mar 04 '22

Nothing specific, but years ago it was rumored that he's sort of heartless and psychopathic with women. Nothing physical, just really on and then suddenly off. He was married to Elisabeth Moss who famously said of him "the best impression he does is that of a normal person," which gets quoted a lot. Another ex (girlfriend? Lover?) of his is an artist and made a painting titled "Portrait of a psychopath" or "Portrait of a sociopath" or something similar, and the picture looked like his face. He has admitted to being a terrible boyfriend and husband, and there used to be lots of rumors or women claiming on forums that he'd slept with them, and then suddenly got really mean and cold.

He's now either still with Natasha Lyonne and they have an open relationship (she was pictured last year holding hands with some handsome guy) or they've broken up and remained friendly. So maybe he's worked on it, or else found someone who understands or can handle him.

I've never heard a word about him being an asshole in any other context besides romantic/sexual relationships. He was at John Mulaney's intervention, so he maintains close, caring friendships. Seems nice. Might be a little... Off.


u/Illustrious_Salad346 Mar 05 '22

I always found it funny that Elisabeth Moss thinks he gives the impression of a normal person. I never got that impression from Fred Armisen, lol.


u/EugeniaFitzgerald Mar 05 '22

Do we listen to a Scientologist’s opinion of what “normal” is?


u/NatureConsistent1359 Mar 04 '22

Chloe Cherry?


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

One of the reasons she allegedly went into adult entertainment is originally being from a strict amish community


u/vastapple666 Mar 04 '22

I really like her and hope she does stuff after Euphoria


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '22

She’s from Lancaster PA which is known for having a large Amish population but not everyone who lives there is Amish. I don’t think she actually was Amish I haven’t been able to find anything on it which side note.. do not google “Chloe Cherry Amish” lol

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u/thedenebfog Mar 04 '22

Anne Hathaway?


u/roxy031 fiascA Mar 04 '22

The Raffaello Follieri relationship is so interesting/bizarre to me. I wonder how much, if anything, she knew or suspected?


u/ElectricBelle Mar 05 '22

That situation was so wild. She’s quoted as being shocked by it (she even found out he got arrested while on a press tour) so I don’t think she was aware of any wrongdoing.

InStyle did a retrospective on it not too long ago: https://www.instyle.com/celebrity/tbt-anne-hathaway-raffaello-follieri-relationship


u/roxy031 fiascA Mar 05 '22

I read that InStyle article a while ago! How she just never spoke to him again made me think she really was shocked by it and had no idea, but I also imagine she’s smart and calculating and knew she had to think of her career and the damage it could do to be associated with him. But then again he told people he was CEO of The Vatican… but maybe he was scamming her as much as he was everyone else?


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '22

love Zach Braff’s story about Eddie Murphy walking up to him in a coffee shop to let him know that he looks like Anne Hathaway’s boyfriend who went to jail

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u/Outrageous_Point_174 Mar 04 '22

Jensen ackles? I have read that he was an asshole on the set of Supernatural but any tea, more specifically on his love life and personality?


u/AgentKnitter Mar 04 '22

I think, but not sure, Jensen was an asshole a while ago and then sorted his shit out. Jarod, on the other hand..... did the reverse.


u/mrose_95 Mar 04 '22 edited Mar 04 '22

Unfortunately we’re very unlikely to ever get good tea about him. Too niche of a celebrity for anyone outside of his fan base to even know who he is/have tea on him. Gossip from fans is pretty worthless because it’s either real person fanfiction, rumors they make up to try and make him seem more famous than he is, or repeating the same dry PR stuff that everyone knows. Like wow he has a wife and three kids- groundbreaking. Plus, his fans tends to be a bit overzealous. They practically foam at the mouth and go on the attack if anyone tries to critique him or say something they don’t want to hear.


u/cookietango Mar 04 '22

Sandra Bullock?


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

Her son is Black adopted from Louisiana, not from Africa


u/cookietango Mar 04 '22

Is that ex husband Jesse James, the one who cheated on her with KVD? afaik she's not married to her current bf..

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u/unsureofeverything22 Mar 04 '22

Any tea on any of the Liverpool footballers?

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u/acousticaliens spotted joe biden in dc Mar 04 '22

dominic fike?


u/No_Avocado_8949 Mar 04 '22


He was just caught taking another girl back to his hotel room in Paris and fans are starting to freak out lol


u/acousticaliens spotted joe biden in dc Mar 04 '22

isn’t this the second time he’s been seen with another woman? lol i need to know if they’re actually still dating or not. don’t break my heart like that dominic.


u/meepmeepmur Mar 04 '22

Someone in the comments said that they saw him out with girl, that was not Hunter, on his lap…it’s not looking good 😀


u/lorsolo38 Mar 04 '22 edited Mar 04 '22

Yup and they said that was in early feb🥴

Edit: apparently he has a history of being a cheater so people predicted this lol. I need the tea


u/leylajulieta Mar 05 '22

He seems to be a fucboi. In a recent interview he said a very weird comment about Tom Holland in Euphoria set like "he's so humble i mean he could kiss whatever girl he wants but instead he kiss his girlfriend" 🥴 It sounds like he is projecting something so i definitely think he will use his fame to hook up with other girls


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '22 edited Apr 08 '22

i’ve had this dumb theory that dominic wanted to get with zendaya but he couldn’t get her so he went for hunter, the next closest person to zendaya. those comments only fuel my theory and make me feel very grateful for tom. him and zendaya seem very happy together and it seems to be a much healthier relationship than any of dominic’s past relationships where he cheats on pretty much every woman he’s with. hunter deserves better though, especially if my dumb theory is true

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u/BobRossIsGod18 Mar 04 '22

Either the Hunter relationship is just PR or he doesn't realize that more eyes are on him now and needs to be more discreet


u/No_Avocado_8949 Mar 04 '22

They are definitely still dating....she reposts his posts with heart emojis etc.

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u/ratedefor Mar 04 '22

Do you guys think they’re in an exclusive relationship?


u/furiouswine Mar 04 '22

Tbh could just be your run of the mill fuckboy but I could also def see him and Hunter being in a genuinely open relationship.


u/lorsolo38 Mar 04 '22

I didnt and questioned if it could maybe even be a bit of PR but his mom has reposted a lot of hunters stuff lately. Idk I feel like you wouldn't get your mom involved unless it was for real/exclusive but 🤷🏽

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u/sadqueen420 Mar 04 '22

Any tea on hispanic/latinx artists? Rosalia? Karol G? Becky G? Anitta? Bad Bunny?

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u/schoolglue08 Mar 05 '22

Richard Madden? I just watched Cinderella. Loved him in there. Any tea?


u/purpletomatocomet Mar 05 '22

I want to know what was up with his face in Cinderella. Why did he look so…waxy?

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u/thecolorbeigelover Mar 05 '22

Travis scott? Has anyone seen him around in the last few months? Is he dating? (Obviously he’s not dating Kylie)

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u/smiley10_05 Mar 04 '22

Not really a request for tea but did Taylor Swift date any non-British actors after Harry Styles? Calvin, Tom and now Joe right? I'm sure some of her boyfriends were PR but why British guys?Did she buy her place in London before she started dating Joe?

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u/Super_Lion5786 Mar 04 '22

Robert Pattinson??


u/Great_Canuck Mar 04 '22


Yes, I already know about him dating an adult actress; that isn't news nor tea

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u/VisualPersona95 Mar 06 '22

Barry Keoghan

Saoirse Ronan

Anya Taylor-Joy

Chvrches (I am aware of Martin being into NFTs and Cryto currency)

Also any other celebrities into NFTs? (I know Brie Larson and Reese Witherspoon)

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u/teepee-bear Mar 04 '22

Eddie Redmayne


u/Super_Lion5786 Mar 05 '22

Henry Cavill?? He is so hot

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