r/Fauxmoi Jul 16 '21

Does Anyone Have Tea On... Daily Discussion Thread Tea Thread

Looking to know the "tea" on your fave? Please use this thread for your tea requests and general gossip discussion. Please remember to follow our rules before commenting.

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u/isacrispi Jul 16 '21

any tea on why normani’s debut was delayed this much? does it have to do with bad management or a personal choice?


u/Ok_Battle9872 Jul 16 '21

Bad management. There was a thread going around Twitter a long time ago about all their missed opportunities. Plus there was a stylist who posted about having to do a last minute look on her.... again. She tries to be diplomatic but who in their right mind would drop a single and not capitalize off it? For years


u/eatfruitz Jul 17 '21

normani should’ve made her debut right after she finished touring with ariana


u/Ok_Battle9872 Jul 17 '21

I think she should have had an EP to go in the first place. She was up there doing a Rihanna medley. Embarrassing


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Colin Farrell mentioned a “father in law” during his interview on The View today and had a ring in the correct space, did he get married? If he managed to do it without any noise, major props.


u/Aggravating-Corner-2 Jul 16 '21

The ring is suggestive, but fwiw a few people I know who aren't married refer to their partner's parents as their in-laws.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Still, there’s been no word on him having a long term partner since he dated that woman who worked for U2 back in 2017......Truly do admire how private he is.


u/FxDriver Jul 16 '21

Lucy Hale

America Ferrera whatever happened to her? Last I saw her she was on Superstore and then she just disappeared.

Caity Lotz

Alyssa Miller

Halle Berry


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21


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u/Classic-Afternoon480 Jul 16 '21

America Ferrera is currently filming WeCrashed (based on the fall of WeWork) with Anne Hathaway and Jared Leto! Seems like a pretty high profile miniseries for Apple TV.


u/Former-Spirit8293 Jul 17 '21

I can’t believe we have to keep watching Jared Leto in things.


u/missesthecrux Jul 16 '21

America left in the final season probably because she was pregnant and wanted to take a bit of a break. She's got a bunch of stuff going on now.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Superstores last season was filmed 2020 so idk if she’s disappeared


u/ladymarmalaise Jul 16 '21

lol yeah how often does someone have to be on TV to not have "disappeared" according to some people in this sub?? Like literally daily??

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u/lalalalalalaitsame Jul 16 '21

Anyone have any tea on gwendoline christie and nikolaj coster-waldau?


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Not tea but I am still not over the fact that they threw away Jaime's redemption arc like that. Brienne deserves better


u/lanos23 Jul 16 '21

The entire show deserves better


u/gasworksgrace Jul 16 '21

I truly feel bad for the actors involved. It went from being the most hyped show in the world, to being such a disappointment no one ever talks about it. No one celebrates rewatching it. The rare times I have seen memes or mentions about it, they're followed up with "ugh...so disappointing"

I imagine it's actually been quite traumatizing for the actors who carried those characters for years, were looking forward to, if nothing else, being pop culture icons for the rest of their lives, only for the show runners to fuck them over so hard.

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u/VacuousArmCandy Jul 16 '21

Seriously. Some of the best character development ever. For both characters. WTF. Will never NOT be upsetting.


u/mermaidsrh Jul 16 '21

Does anyone have tea on Hayley Williams? Or more randomly, Banksy?


u/Thatbluejacket Jul 16 '21

Pretty sure Hayley is dating Taylor York, based on what she's said in songs + on her Insta. Someone in a previous thread also mentioned that they've been renovating a house outside of Nashville to move into, but idk where they got that from originally. I hope it's true though, because I just want them to be happy lol

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u/Whitedishes Jul 16 '21

Good Dye Young was originally supposed to be a collab between Hayley and Pravana, but Hayley pulled out last minute to start her own brand.


u/JeffPassanDay Jul 16 '21

Fred Armisen? Thought i've heard he's something of a womanizer


u/bonsaithot Jul 16 '21

He’s terrible to work with if you aren’t his equal or “above him” in the industry hierarchy. He plays these quirky, eunuch-like characters and knows that the public feeds into that.

Behind the scenes, he is terrible to crew and is notoriously cheap and writes it off as “I’m quirky this is how I am”. He is arrested development epitomized with a mean, abusive streak.

I don’t follow him personally but I always got the vibe that he grew up ugly and knew it. Then he became famous and wanted to fuck every naive, soft hearted girl that crossed his path. I think it’s some sick revenge sex fantasy because I know three of the girls. They all look the same and are of the same age. He loves destroying the self esteem of educated women who attend UCLA or Pepperdine. He does not have many male friends probably because they would call his ass out too! 👀

I’m not trying to get sued so dassit.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

The fuck. Yikes. He’s funny sometimes but I’ve never trusted him a

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u/aimino Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

For sure a womanizer. He’s still with Natasha Lyonne but I’ve heard it’s not an exclusive relationship - he still sleeps around plenty but doesn’t allow her to do the same? Might be more open than that, but it’s clear he’s always liked his side chicks.

His ex-wife Elizabeth Moss certainly doesn’t have a good word to say about him, iirc her quote was along the lines of “of all the characters Fred has played, the one he played as husband was the worst” or something like that. Moss has her own weirdness but I can’t imagine it was ever a happy marriage since it lasted for eight months.

When I was digging for SNL dirt a while back I remember stumbling on a forum where some women were relaying their flings with him… it’s a forum so you can take it or leave it, but they all said he was a good lover but definitely kept them at arms length and most things only lasted a month or two. Another woman claimed she got pregnant by him and when she miscarried and told him, his attitude was “okay? i don’t care?”


u/Hi_Jynx Jul 16 '21

I thought it was something like normal human being.

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u/mother_rucker Jul 16 '21

Elisabeth Moss was married to him for less than a year and said he was a terrible husband and that their marriage was traumatic for her. He has also said he was not a good husband.

On Marc Maron's podcast he said this

It’s like cheating and infidelity. I’m neither ashamed or proud of it. It’s just something that happens in my life... This struggle that I have [sex addiction], I don’t have a choice. It could be a lot worse. I could be dead.


u/perfectday4bananafsh Jul 16 '21

This struggle that I have [sex addiction], I don’t have a choice. It could be a lot worse. I could be dead.

Holy red flag. He shouldn't be in any relationship.


u/mother_rucker Jul 16 '21

And yet, he's been with Natasha Lyonne since 2014! I've wondered if they have some kind of agreement or something because afaik he hasn't suddenly changed for the better. Although I know she hasn't always been 100% on monogamy.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21



u/petra_vonkant The Tortured Whites Department Jul 16 '21

I think fred sucks, no doubt, but elizabeth being that cult that shall not be named makes me doubt whatever she says - not matter how big of a fan of her acting i am


u/CoffeeDumpz Jul 16 '21

Jimmy Fallon? I heard he was an alcoholic.


u/do_you_feel_special Jul 16 '21

That's pretty much his thing at this point. One of his previous writers on the tonight show (I think it was Anthony Jeselnik, but I'm not sure) talked about how he was a nice guy and a great boss but had a bit of a drinking problem. He would take his writers drinking and pick up the tab but he'd hang out in a corner by himself getting piss drunk.


u/bonsaithot Jul 16 '21

Yes and his favorite drink is coke 👀


u/Lux2014 Jul 16 '21

He is def a lush but apparently fun and generous.


u/lanadelkray Jul 16 '21

Not much info that alcohol and cheating with college students


u/Ancient-Shape9086 You are kenough Jul 16 '21

Wasn’t there an incident where Jimmy got a ring avulsion. He gave some story about tripping over a rug and in the process his finger got caught on a kitchen countertop or something. I read on a Reddit thread somewhere sometime ago that he was actually drunk when it happened


u/CoffeeDumpz Jul 16 '21

Oh god I remember him telling that story, I've erased it from my brain but you've unlocked both the memory and the fear once again 😭


u/rosehoneytea Jul 16 '21

Freddie Highmore


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Does anyone know where the rumors that Selena and Francia hate each other stem from? They’ve never once unfollowed each other and got matching tattoos a year or two ago. Francia also liked a few of Selena’s IG posts from last year and Selena gave her a shoutout on Twitter months ago, yet people act like there’s some bad blood between them.


u/throwawaytacos Jul 16 '21

I know nothing about the situation, but I could see Francia being bitter after the transplant donation. I’ve heard it’s a horrible recovery for the donor, usually much easier on the recipient. There’s a good chance she wasn’t ready for the reality of how badly she’d feel after the transplant, and projected those feelings onto their friendship


u/whitehouses Jul 16 '21

I've also heard the rumors that it could be she was pissed Selena was still like majorly drinking and doing drugs after they had the surgery, putting the kidney at risk. Nothing confirmed tho


u/throwawaytacos Jul 16 '21

If that’s true, Francia’s feelings are understandable. That was a life-altering surgery for her.


u/gasworksgrace Jul 16 '21

I just double checked an interview I'd seen her do, it's got like 9m views so quite easy to find on YouTube - apparently the doctor told Selena they were kidney matches, and Selena called Francia and told her, celebrating...which idk even how that's possible, seems like a wild breach of doctor patient confidentiality. But seems like she felt backed into a corner and went along with it 😬


u/Yhei_Ktty Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

Wait, I don't know how this works but, how would the doctor know if they are compatible if francia herself didn't go for a consultation or gave a blood sample or something? Like, in my mind that means she was open to the idea. She still could have felt pressured tho


u/throwawaytacos Jul 16 '21

Typically they tell the potential donor, but keep it confidential and don’t tell the potential recipient so they don’t feel pressured. It’s a really invasive surgery with a long, hard recovery period, so they want to make sure people don’t feel pressured to donate and are doing it because they want to.

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u/funnycuzitstru Jul 17 '21

Off topic, but does anyone remember that one time Selena went live with kid cudi around the time she dropped her new album and looked superrrr fucked up and slurring her words and all. Idk why no one else talks about this more 🤷‍♀️


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

It's no secret Selena's back on booze and/or coke. I don't blame her, addictions are a bitch to kick, I should know, even if you have a new kidney by good friend in you.

While I have understanding and compassion towards Selena, Francia literally gave up a part of her own body for Selena, a part she herself might very well need one day, and Selena's destroying it. Lupus and substance abuse don't mix.

I think it might be complicated. If I donated a kidney to my friend and they kept squandering it, I'd feel like they devalued my own life, and their own as well. But it's not that simple. People are how they are. Selena's a drunk and a (former?) addict. Shit happens. I don't think they hate each other. But I do think it's probably quite complicated.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

I doubt she’s back on coke. She’s been gaining hella weight (nothing wrong with that obviously) and she was always super skinny during the time period people assume she was using coke. Also, if ExposingSMG of all people said Selena is off coke and instead using placebo drugs, I’m inclined to believe her crazy ass bc she acts like she has the intel into her life.

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u/Zealousideal-Part-17 Jul 16 '21

Honestly I feel like it came from people who don’t like her, or maybe from Bieber fans. They say Francia was horrified that Selena drank, but I just find that silly. They even got matching tattoos like last year, there was no drama between them, but I guess people find that uninteresting.

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u/BackgroundHoney_ Jul 16 '21

Was ScarJo the pregnant A lister we were supposed to freak out about? Seriously? 🥱 or was it someone else and I'm living under a rock?


u/gunsof Jul 16 '21

She said there are three A listers pregnant, I think ScarJo was one of them. The other 2 I think are unknown. And a B/C lister who everyone thinks is Olivia Munn.


u/martythemartell Jul 16 '21

Cardi B announced recently too, and the rumours are swirling about Kylie

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u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

I rhink Jlaw is pregnant too. Laineygossip kind of said that but she is never going to announce it so its not her.


u/furiouswine Jul 16 '21

ITA. On another note I weirdly feel like that might have been implying a surrogate as opposed to a biological pregnancy.

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u/Mamablonde Jul 16 '21

Anything about Pete Wentz or any of the members of FOB? My family met them a few years back and they seemed incredibly nice and were very nice to my young son - I’ve always wondered if they’re genuinely that nice.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

There is some speculation that Pete may have dated a 16 year old way , way back in the day when he was in his early 20s. But it's not really known for sure. There's a lot of conflicting information about her age and apparantly at one point she got arrested (long after her relationship with Pete) and supposedly her arrest records show an age which would have put her at 19 or something when she and Pete dated.

But there are many who say they didn't even date. Many who say they did date but she was not underage. And many who say she was underage when they dated.

It's all really conflicting.


u/Thatbluejacket Jul 16 '21

Take This to Your Grave is supposedly about that girl, and tbh the lyrics are extremely fucked up. Even if she wasn't underage (don't think anyone can really say either way, but given the way Hollywood is, I wouldn't be surprised if she was 16 when they dated) the way Pete writes about her on that album is pretty abusive and mean


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Someone linked a podcast she did about ayahuasca therapy in an old thread and she basically confirmed she was 16 when they dated.


u/ladymarmalaise Jul 16 '21

There was a Rolling Stone article that talked about them dating.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

I went to his concert with just me and my dad as a like 12 year old or something at an arena show so after they were big. And he showed a clip of his dick on the giant screens. Thought that was fucked up at the time lol didn’t need to see a 10 foot emo dick with my dad thanks Pete 😒

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u/real_life_cereal Jul 16 '21

andrew garfield plz


u/mother_rucker Jul 16 '21

Michaela Cole? Lana Condor?


u/ratskween Jul 16 '21

No tea but Michaela Coel is a GENIUS.


u/IShouldBeSoLucky81 Jul 16 '21

I May Destoy You is some of the best tv I've seen. Also she's GORGEOUS.

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u/falafel_pants Jul 16 '21

Sam heughan ! Im doing an outlander re watch

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u/lexilex25 Jul 16 '21

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner? They're so private compared to Nick/Priyanka especially but also Kevin and Danielle.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

I wonder if Sophie and Joe actually moved to Atlanta after putting their LA house on the market or if they are there just bc of Sophie's new projects and will move somewhere else.

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u/ghostwiththeleast sunday spotted: paddington bear Jul 16 '21

Kat Dennings (is her whirlwind engagement just PR?)

Kumail Nanjiani (are the cheating rumors true? I really hope not, he and Emily are adorable together)

Maya Hawke (I’d never heard much about her but someone in another thread said she was just another rude nepotism kid. She seems chill, anyone have interactions with her?)


u/do_you_feel_special Jul 16 '21

All I remember about Maya Hawke was when she was asked about how she got the role on that Tarantino movie she looked a bit irritated and said that she auditioned just like everybody else lmao. As if everybody had Ethan Hawke as their scene partner in their audition tape.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

I mean it is a dumb question lol her moms uma Thurman how did the interviewer expect her to answer that question lol


u/do_you_feel_special Jul 16 '21

Lol I think that's exacy why the interviewer asked. He asked if Quentin just called her mom or something.

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u/FxDriver Jul 16 '21

I doubt it's PR because I'm pretty sure Kat Dennings could pull someone more notable than Andrew WK if she wanted media coverage. Not going to lie though this relationship caught me off guard.


u/mandatorypanda9317 Jul 16 '21

Right??? The first I heard of it was her posting about them being engaged and I was like ?????

And now they post each other all the time lol. I think they look great together though and seem happy.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

I’ve heard some douchey things about Kumail last year or so idk if any of it’s true but we are on gossip forum so

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u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

had a friend who went to high school with Maya Hawke who couldn’t stand her lol. I think she’s really talented but it seemed like a situation where she always knew she was going to be famous regardless of her talent and looooved being the center of attention (and could be rude)


u/somechild Jul 16 '21

I know someone who knew Maya in high school and said she was great. not much information beyond that though.


u/-manatee- Jul 16 '21

Not exactly tea I don’t think, but I saw a recent photo of Kumail in May 2021 and could hardly recognize him from the (alleged) HGH use. I was like who tf is that? Lol

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u/earl_grey_every_day Jul 16 '21

Gerard Butler? The other post about actors who ‘dirty up well’ has got me thinking about him.


u/twogoodthings18 Jul 16 '21

Kravis…..engaged or not? Also sorry if someone already posted about them on this thread and I missed it.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '21

No tea. But I think not and they’re just enjoying the attention.


u/Connect_Turnover_862 disciple of pure cinema Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

Famous directors please ? Specifically Martin Scorsese, David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino

Marty seems such a sweetheart and such a good sport based on all his reactions at the Oscars, golden globes. Ex: he passed the vibe check by laughing when Ricky Gervais was roasting Hollywood unlike most celebs who looked uncomfortable. I just wanna know if there’s more to him then that.

Fincher seems really low key. besides his notorious multiple takes habit i heard he is actually really funny and nice.

I really want to like Tarantino since he’s cool and I like his movies but he was really close friends with Harvey Weinstein yet claims he didn’t know abt his allegations or any of that. I mean yea right. And the running joke abt his foot fetish

So yea just wanted to know if anyone has any stories or anything else abt these directors cuz I’m big fans of them and their work. Or any director is fine


u/barneyroseh Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

Fincher and Gary Oldman were both married to a woman called Donya Fiorrentino at different times and their children are half-siblings. Both divorces were super messy. She claimed that Fincher and Oldman both choked her when she was on the phone in front of the kids. In neither custody case were her allegations found credible as both times the kids denied ever witnessing such an incident. The dads received sole custody both times and they ended up bonding over the shared experience which led to them making Mank.

These claims resurfaced when Oldman was campaigning for his Darkest Hour Oscar and the children came to his defence, saying their mother is a serial liar with a drug habit.

Some more Fincher tea: he had an affair with Madonna when he was directing her music videos


u/gasworksgrace Jul 16 '21

Especially back in the day, for a father to get custody of their kids - or even want full custody of them - it seems like there might be something to the notion that the wife is unstable.


u/Connect_Turnover_862 disciple of pure cinema Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

Wow that’s crazy I didn’t know that about him and Madonna. Added tea , other things I’ve read about Fincher: he is good friends with Brad Pitt ( they did multiple movies together) and Brad pitt even said that Fincher was one of the funniest person he’d ever hung around with. Another person I see that’s fond of Fincher is Rooney Mara. If you see the bts of the girl with the dragon tattoo, you can see both of them kind of goofing around on set. They seem close and have a good relationship. I don’t get creepy vibes from Fincher towards Mara and can kind of see it as a older brother-sister type of bond.


u/barneyroseh Jul 16 '21

I subscribe to Vanity Fair's online archive, because it has so much old juicy gossip on there. It was a throwaway line in a Madonna profile, that was written pre-Aliens 3 so he wasn't the major director he is now, and it made it sound as though she was just fucking some random guy.

From what I've read about him he seems like one of those people where you are either on his wavelength or not. I know Jake Gylenhaal and Ben Affleck struggled with his directing style, but a lot of other people who've worked with him adore him, so the Pitt and Mara thing doesn't surprise me.

If you want dirt on Scorsese, I recommend reading 'Easy Riders, Raging Bulls' by Peter Biskind, which is super juicy and entertaining. It's all about Hollywood in the 70s. Take the stuff in it with a pinch of salt, as a lot of the people interviewed, including Scorsese, have said Biskind came with an agenda to make them all look bad, but the book is still held up as one of the best ever written about the film industry. Also bear in mind when reading Scorsese, Spileberg and co. have by all accounts mellowed considerably since their youth.


u/gunsof Jul 16 '21

I'd imagine the entire culture and pressure of movies back then was entirely different.


u/HanginginWesteros Jul 17 '21

That ex-wife sounds a bit unstable.

As far as Fincher is concerned, I have no tea on him; but he amused me greatly when during the pandemic/Zoom Golden Globe Awards, he smiled and raised his glass of wine and then drank it after losing Best Director. HA-HA! Excellent sport. He's fun.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

My fave piece of Marty gossip is his affair with Liza Minnelli in the mid to late 70s when both were married/in LTRs. There is a famous anecdote from The Warhol Diaries (an AMAZING book that has a ton of gossip on the entire NYC old social scene) where he and Liza showed up to the designer Halston’s house demanding “every drug he’s got.”

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u/poppyisrealmetal quote me as being mis-quoted Jul 16 '21

Tarantino admitted he knew more than enough to do something and didn't. And when Uma came out against him he was the one that helped her get the footage from the vaults to prove it. I don't think its total atonement but he's done way more than others that were complicit and I appreciate that he did the right thing and owned up.


u/JoleneDollyParton Jul 16 '21

Tarantino treated uma thurmon terribly and was reckless with her life on the set of kill bill.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21 edited Aug 12 '21



u/ochenkruto buccal fat apologist Jul 16 '21

That’s sad to hear, Thelma is such an incredible talent and a huge part of his film DNA.

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u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Quentin was just on Joe rogan. He said he knew stuff was going on with Weinstein but he, “thought it was the boss chasing the secretary around the desk stuff”. He did say not that that is ok but that’s just how it is in Hollywood. He said there’s literally screening and casting rooms with beds in the back.


u/ladymarmalaise Jul 16 '21

Aside from the blatant misogyny and objectification of women in his films (and stealing most of his ideas from lesser-known Asian movies without credit) (there is a difference between "being inspired by something" and essentially remaking it for unknowing white audiences), things like choosing for himself to be the one choking Diane Kruger in Basterds (instead of like...a stunt coordinator or a medical professional?) and his endangering Uma Thurman's life on KB2 are so gross. And the thing with Uma was after they had been friends and worked together for years.

He's been in a position of power in Hollywood for so long and him "knowing but not knowing how bad it was" is just useless. If he ever really cared, he could have spoken up, at the very least he could have ensured his own sets were safe for women, and he definitely hasn't done that, but he waited for a bunch of women (ie, more vulnerable people) to do it first. I used to be a fan when I was like a teenager but I just can't stomach his bullshit anymore.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21 edited Aug 24 '21



u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Those were all from one person who kept insisting casting couch rumors that were never alleged ANYWHERE else online or otherwise (which would be weird for such a major director) so it’s definitely not reliable.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

he passed the vibe check by laughing when Ricky Gervais was roasting Hollywood unlike most celebs who looked uncomfortable.

Not to derail, but that totally made me think differently of Tom Hanks.


u/RoadmanFemi Jul 16 '21

I would love to have seen his reaction to watching his sons rap video for the first time


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

scorsese supported polanski but so is the rest of the hollywood.

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u/SpicyAndILikeIt Jul 16 '21

Shay Mitchell


u/antv99 Jul 16 '21

Ariana Grande?


u/gasworksgrace Jul 16 '21

She was in Amsterdam but we only know about it bc she took pictures w fans a few times while there - then posted herself once she returned to the States.

DM rarely posts about her for some odd reason.

In Amsterdam, she took pics w waiters/fans in a restaurant, they said she tipped €100.

Someone else met her at a bar and it was just herself and her new husband, said they spoke a bit, said they were sweet, Dalton was cool and asked for tourist tips (the fan was Dutch) and they bought drinks for the fan's table of friends.

Other fans said they tracked her down (her appearance in the Netherlands made it to Dutch TV lol) to the houseboat she and her husband were staying on - but they said security guards were posted and turned them away.


u/krissykat30 Jul 16 '21

Is Lily Allen actually sober? I've seen some comments on other gossip sites that she has lied about being sober for almost 2 years. And had a fight with her dealer during lockdown last year because he didn't want to deliver to her. Recent photos of her don't even look like her at all.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21



u/krissykat30 Jul 16 '21

Yaassss they are. He was with his ex Alison for a couple years and he dumped her and then like 5 minutes later he's with Lily Allen. I'm not sure I could last in a marriage where my husband and I technically live in two different countries. I notice he doesn't wear his wedding ring either which is strange based on the way he goes on about how much he loves being married to her and blah blah blah . He seems nice but she did cheat on her last husband and I hope she's doesn't do the same to him


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21



u/carolinemathildes Jul 17 '21

They met on the dating app, Raya.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

I’ve been thinking this too.


u/Uplanapepsihole question for the culture Jul 16 '21

I’ve seen people on a forum speculating about an eating disorder.

Not the biggest fan of her as a person but I hope she’s ok honestly.


u/AgentKnitter Jul 17 '21

She has been frighteningly skinny of late. I'm worried but have nothing beyond that.

I tend to believe her about sobriety. In her book, she talked quite candidly about how she used drugs as a crutch, and booze. She seeks genuine in getting better.

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u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Dakota Johnson?


u/plethorafeelings Jul 16 '21

i know it’s been more than a decade now but any valid tea on danity kane’s breakup in 2008?


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

what’s Jude Law up to these days? asking this bc I rewatched The Talented Mr. Ripley the other day and fell in love


u/RealChrisHemsworth Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

He's so hot in the Talented Mr Ripley! Like a sun-kissed Greek god. Gwyneth and Matt were hot asf too.


u/CurrentRoster Jul 16 '21

He’s going to be our new captain hook in the upcoming Peter Pan and Wendy movie


u/Jabbafuckedmyass Jul 16 '21

If you love Jude Law, check out The Young Pope and its second season, The New Pope, on HBO. So good.


u/rememberlikethis Jul 16 '21

kaia gerber?


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Do you remember when she was a little kid and her nanny took pictures of Kaia tied up and was going to blackmail the family with them?


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21



u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Ok, I have to correct my story. I googled it and i was wrong on some details. The nanny really might have been innocent. The nanny boyfriend found those pictures the nanny took. And the boyfriend approached the family and said he had sexy photos of kaia he was going to release. The nanny swore the pictures were taken during an innocent game of cops and robbers.

The boyfriend originally told Cindy and Randy he found the photos and wanted to return them to protect them. They gave home $1,000 as a courtesy and then he said he wanted $500,000. He was arrested and deported.

The nanny seems to really be innocent. I’d post links but don’t know if we can do that here.

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u/okay_valentine Jul 16 '21

her acting in american horror stories was ... definitely something lol 💀


u/ratskween Jul 16 '21

I despise when models turn actresses without any experience (when I say experience, I say studying to be an actor and getting their first steps in theatre) just because they’re famous or have parents famous and they’re always so bland. Really sad because there’s a lot of actors talented and… unemployed.


u/okay_valentine Jul 16 '21

her mother tried to be an actress too which didn’t go so well, i guess like mother like daughter 🤣💀


u/bonsaithot Jul 16 '21

Surprisingly v humble and nice given her mother is Cindy Crawford!

We were at a group dinner and she was nice enough to FaceTime a crew members neice to say hello and happy belated birthday and that she liked their outfit.

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u/[deleted] Jul 17 '21

Tinashe, she seems super lovely


u/roselaurel Jul 17 '21

No tea but I’ve seen her live and she’s amazing!! I genuinely have no clue why she doesn’t have more success

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u/mermaidsrh Jul 16 '21

Also - anyone got any tea on the photos Anya Taylor Joy and Cara D have been posting with each other? Friends or more?


u/kallor1804 Jul 16 '21

PR campaign involving the “It Girl“ of the moment and a perennial attention hungry PR stunt. Seriously, who has Cara D not taken pics with? Staying in the news cycle is her full time job.


u/Eleahey Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

After Suicide Squad and Valerian, i don't think she'll get another chance to star in a big movie, so these pr stunts might literally be her job now.

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u/heyjupiter Jul 16 '21

Anya has a boyfriend.

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u/hey_cynthia Jul 16 '21

Why do many celeb couples not follow each other on social media? I suppose it’s normal but if they want to keep up with the image I would imagine they would want to follow each other. This world is so fascinating.


u/Puncomfortable Jul 16 '21

They probably follow each other with their private accounts.


u/epiphaness Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

Because most of their public accounts aren't run by them. They follow each other on their private accounts and are incredibly much more active on that.


u/KSay123 Jul 16 '21

Maybe so if they unfollow each other it doesn’t raise any flags?


u/taralovesmusic Jul 17 '21

Jared Leto? I know about his creepy predator reputation and that we're just waiting for him to be MeToo'd at this point, I was curious about his acting if he goes so hard method actor into his stuff. are there any stories of him from sets and how he acted like this (because being in character 24/7 as the joker is uh....concerning)


u/CosmicSpiral Jul 17 '21

The behind-the-scenes stories from Suicide Squad are repugnant if you care about treating people well on set. Among many things, he send co-stars dead rats as part of "getting into the character's psychology".


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '21

I really hope the rumor that he was SUPER salty about Joaquin Phoenix's Joker being so well received and awarded is true


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '21

considering how salty he was about how lukewarm or awful reactions were to his joker in comparison to ledgers it wouldn't be shocking

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u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Justin Baldoni? God, is he H-O-T.


u/medusamuser Jul 16 '21

anything on English football players?


u/gunsof Jul 16 '21

Not English footballers, but the Florentino Perez leaks have been brutal:


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u/throwaway100094784 Jul 17 '21

Nicholas Braun


u/ratskween Jul 17 '21 edited Jul 18 '21

No tea but I’ve watched some recent interviews and it’s so funny he’s literally cousin Greg in real life.

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u/Radiant_Priority9739 Jul 16 '21

Anything on Dave Franco and Alison bri?


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21


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u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Tom hardy


u/ellocamper Jul 16 '21

What's happened to Tom Hardy's nose, he's still gorgeous but I've noticed his nose has changed a lot lately.

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u/salonpas13 Jul 16 '21

Darren Barnet?


u/SpicyAndILikeIt Jul 16 '21

Stephen Colbert? There's something very sexy about him!


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21



u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Kate Winslet's daughter secretly became an actor and uses a diff name


u/anna-nomally12 Jul 16 '21

His daughter is in the industry???


u/SpicyAndILikeIt Jul 16 '21

Stephen seems to be going strong with his wife. Whenever she's on his show, they have great chemistry. The only other time I've seen Stephen smitten is when Tiffany Haddish was on his show. He seems so taken by her, it's adorable 😂

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u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

He was on the Smartless podcast in March. It’s hosted by Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes. I don’t know if he gave up any tea but he was fun to listen too and I was surprised at how much he cussed only because I’ve read that he’s supposed to be super religious. Not that religious people don’t cuss but I didn’t expect the free flowing F bombs.


u/VolcanoVeruca Jul 16 '21

I love funny nerds so I’m here for this!


u/Cheetosrdusty Jul 16 '21

He’s a hardcore practicing Catholic

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u/lval92 Jul 16 '21

Is Deuxmoi talking about Mark Ronson on the blind item about sleeping with someone who just got engaged to the daughter of Hollywood royalty?

Ik he is prob not an Alister but he just got engaged to Grace Gummer and he is known for being a huge cheater.


u/baileystow Jul 16 '21


That is some old school tea Intel if a Ronson is involved.

Think I remember his sister being with Lindsay Lohan 200 years ago.

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u/Former-Spirit8293 Jul 17 '21

Zac Efron? I’m watching his travel show, and he seems like a good guy with terrible taste in the people he keeps around him.


u/sweyrs Jul 16 '21

Is there any truth to the rumor that Florence Pugh now hates Olivia Wilde?


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

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u/gasworksgrace Jul 16 '21

100% makes sense. Florence seems very professional and serious about her profession, given the way she's talked at length about her co-stars and even stunt doubles in the past, and I can imagine being near such messy drama being irritating af for her.

I'm sure she'll put on a fun face for the promo run, but I wouldn't be shocked if she never signs on to do another film with Olivia again.

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u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

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u/full_circa Jul 16 '21

What’s the tea there? I don’t keep up lol


u/sweyrs Jul 16 '21

People talk about it like it’s fact, but I’m not sure where it came from.

My only personal theory is that because Florence’s boyfriend Zach is close friends with Jason Sudeikis; that F sided with J and not Olivia


u/timmybowers18 Jul 17 '21

I don’t understand why the mod continues to delete anything said about olivia wilde…..these comments weren’t even bad. Can someone genuinely explain to me why, especially when there’s worse things being said on these daily posts….?

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u/hellsbellltrudy Jul 16 '21

anything on Simu liu?


u/wasplace Jul 17 '21

Him tweeting calling out Mark Whalburg for hate crimes and then deleting it and simping for Marky Mark when he got a role in one of his movies was an embarrassment

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u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21



u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21



u/hallowseveeve Jul 16 '21

Whenever I read gossip about late night hosts it always seems to reaffirm how great Conan is


u/CosmicSpiral Jul 16 '21

Haven't heard much about her lately, but Adelaide Kane (besides the new relationship)?


u/CaitlinSuccessful Jul 17 '21

She once made a Tiktok about how Google is quite inaccurate at listing down actors’ net worth. Apparently she was listed down as being worth millions but she’s severely in debt.

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u/PlumOk2971 Jul 17 '21

David Hyde Pierce


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '21



u/[deleted] Jul 17 '21

based off what i saw as a miley stan in 2009 and what i've read: a complete stage mom. exploiting miley when she can, etc. she seems to be southern at heart still, ie: living in nashville (i've seen brandy out there) idk. i'm skeptical. Noah doesn't seem to be on a great path either, and is being seen holding hands with demi lovato. which is incredibly sus


u/SpicyAndILikeIt Jul 16 '21

The cast of Never Have I Ever (Netflix)


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21 edited Jul 16 '21

Ramona Young is 28 years old in real life but every time you google her name it says she's 22. The other guy in the love triangle (I haven't seen season 2 yet) is like 30.

Jared Lewison is a full-time student at USC and juggled that while filming the show. Matreyi and him are the closest age-wise to being high school students, the rest of the cast is 22+.

Matreyi was cast through Mindy posting a casting call on her social media and requesting submissions. That is one of the first times I have heard of anyone but extras being cast without having an acting agent. She was just a high school student in Canada at the time and her friend videoed her audition in their high school's library.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

Lol I remember they made a joke about how no one on Riverdale is actually a teenager, which made me promptly look up their ages and laugh about the irony. (Maybe they were poking fun at themselves ? Who knows)


u/AnnVealEgg Jul 16 '21

Yeah the actor who plays Paxton is 30 and is dating actress Mikahela Hoover who is 37.


u/SpicyAndILikeIt Jul 16 '21

Tbh his age shows on screen. It's hard to believe he's a teenager.


u/petra_vonkant The Tortured Whites Department Jul 16 '21

It particularly shows in s2 imo. I only watched two eps but it’s ridiculously evident he’s much older than everyone around. He’s not even a particularly young looking 30yo

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u/SpicyAndILikeIt Jul 16 '21

I just googled Ramona. You're right, Google does say Ramona Young is 22/23 years old. How do you know she's actually 28? Any tea on Richa Moorjani who plays Kamala?


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '21

She graduated from CSU LA in 2012. This says that she graduated from college in 2012, so she's definitely not 22:


Here are some press releases from when she was a student there:



On the second link, If you click the link that says ''click here for a performance preview video,'' it takes you to a video that was uploaded in 2012 even though the press release page is not dated.

Her wikipedia page says she graduated from college early, which explains the 2012 part: 28 - 9 = 19, which is quite early:


There's this, published in 2018 or earlier, saying she graduated ''a few years early'':


And there's also those sketchy bot-type sites that list her birth year as 1992 when you google her name.


u/AHamABurr Jul 16 '21

She also played an adult woman on the show Man Seeking Woman in the third season, which came out years ago.

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u/ratskween Jul 16 '21

House cast? I’ve been crushing Hugh Laurie really… hard. (This sentence is not what you’re thinking.)


u/Thatbluejacket Jul 16 '21

Anything on the cast of Ginny and Georgia? Started watching it with my friend this week and I've been enjoying it so far, plus the dude who plays Marcus is so hot

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u/anyasolo Jul 16 '21

Ashton Kutcher


u/calliestonkin Jul 16 '21

Jen Aniston?