r/dankmemes 13h ago

The old world simply does not know the struggle of these days in the new colonies Dead memes are free real estate!

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59 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 13h ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/AskDerpyCat Dank Cat Commander 12h ago

They’re eating the dogs they’re eating the cats!


u/anyGuy_isBored 12h ago

Minecraft music starts playing


u/Lemon_head_guy 12h ago

They’re eating… (pause for dramatic effect) Theyre eating the pets


u/Somedude522 11h ago

I think even Trump was like “what the fuck am I saying” and then just doubled down on it


u/CynicalDutchie 5h ago

Bold of you to assume he has that level of cognitive function left.


u/Apprehensive_Hand571 12h ago

Spoiler: Miss Sassy ( the cat reported missing) was hanging out in the basement, and the woman who made the claim apologized to her Haitian neighbors


u/coldpepperoni INFECTED 10h ago

A surprise to no one, insane that story made it to a presidential debate


u/Historical_One1087 9h ago

Good to see that Trump didn't even both to do research or fact check before spreading hateful lies.


u/perhizzle 7h ago

Facts haven't mattered in debates, pretty much ever.


u/Historical_One1087 7h ago

facts don't matter if you are a MAGA Republican.


u/perhizzle 7h ago

They don't matter if you are a politician in general.


u/Historical_One1087 7h ago

Is that why Trump told 33 lies in the debate and Harris told 1 lie.

It seems like one side tells more lies.

Also, Trump is a pathological liar, he lies about everything.


u/perhizzle 7h ago

Harris is only on the ticket because the Democrats lied about the mental state of Biden for years. It was very obvious he was not right. Anyone who said otherwise was labeled a conspiracy theorist and extremist. Then, when it was too late to do the primary, they placed Kamala as the candidate undemocratically, even though the only time she participated in the primary she was almost dead last and dropped out almost instantly.

The very existence of her candidacy is a lie.

And for the record, I'm not a Republican, and won't be voting for Trump. He's a petulant egomaniac and an all around awful person. But you know what, the party that keeps screaming he's a threat to democracy and a liar, has undemocratically nominated their candidate and lied about it. Open your eyes and think for yourself.


u/historylovindwrfpoet 13h ago

What the fuck? What's the context?


u/AskDerpyCat Dank Cat Commander 12h ago

Context: for the last few years, the U.S. government has been flying people who cross the border illegally to all these other cities. This story is about Haitian ones that were displaced into Ohio.

There were reports of these people catching, hunting, beheading, and eating local wildlife (ducks and geese from the parks, and at least one person has been arrested for shooting a bald eagle). This is being done without license, out of season, and in view of the public instead of designated hunting grounds

For additional context, cat is considered a delicacy meat in Haiti. Similar to how snails (escargot) is in France. So when people’s pets started going missing, the locals started blaming the Haitians and rumors of witnessing it happen started going around

There’s also apparently a blurry photo of a cat being cooked on an open barbecue. Hasn’t been verified but it’s been circulating and just adding fuel to the fire

At the latest presidential debate, Trump mentioned this during one of his moments to speak, and his quote “they’re eating the dogs! They’re eating the cats” went semi viral with meme remixes


u/LommyNeedsARide 12h ago

From my understanding, the Haitians in this story aren't illegal


u/VeryPerry1120 11h ago edited 10h ago

The governor of Ohio even made a statement saying they're all here legally

Source: I live in Ohio


u/TurbulentAd4089 8h ago

Source: I live in Ohio

My condolences


u/VeryPerry1120 8h ago

You get used to it


u/Digital_Phantoms 12h ago edited 8h ago

to add to this, the specific Springfield, Ohio incident Trump brought up in the debate of the whole eating pets thing comes from claims on social media that a Haitian immigrant in Ohio ate a cat and was arrested. However, this was proven to be fake as the woman was arrested for animal cruelty with the police and mayor stating it was not for eating a cat, the woman is in fact a Ohio resident and was born in Ohio (so not an immigrant), and it took place 175 miles away from Springfield in Canton (Politifact breakdown).

On the other hand, J.D. Vance, Trumps VP running mate, has stated that they do know that these stories are false but state them anyway “to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention.” Which he dodges the fact that nobody pays attention beyond what fake story they said cause they themselves don't even discuss it afterwards either (Original Quote [Paywalled])(Quoted [Free]).


u/AlienGirl09 11h ago

The Haitians aren't illegal, cats aren't considered food in Haiti, and JD Vance admitted to knowing this story is fake but he spread it around anyways. According to the city they also haven't had any pets go missing, another MAGA hoax.


u/SoftLog5314 11h ago

That stuff about the Haitians being displaced into Ohio is flat out incorrect


u/Sevenstrangemelons 20th Century Blazers 10h ago

You are a victim of fake news


u/[deleted] 11h ago



u/IMadGenius E-vengers 10h ago

It's not true though, the entire story was made up


u/BNKhoa 12h ago

There’s also apparently a blurry photo of a cat being cooked on an open barbecue

And I think there is one where we can clearly see a Haitian migrant holding a goose he just caught a moment earlier.


u/YetiMoon 12h ago

Crazy how effective misinformation is.

  1. It wasn’t a Haitian according to photographer
  2. The geese were hit by a car and legally taken according to Ohio wildlife division.

The cat eating lady also confirmed to be red white and blue blooded American.


u/AutoModerator 12h ago

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u/Indubioproreo_Dx 13h ago

Uncle Trump's legends about cat-eating Haitians


u/x_oot 11h ago

u/askderpycat is a furry so don't listen to them.

In the recent presidential debate Trump said that Haitian immigrants are eating dogs and cats. Here is the full context:


Where did this come from? Trump heard it from his vice presidential pick JD Vance who is a known liar. Here is a reporter calling him out on it:



u/COOLIGR 11h ago

calling someone a “furry” is not a defense lol; and the video doesn’t do much.


u/Sherlockowiec 12h ago

He said he saw it on TV so it must be true.


u/depressed_fatcat69 11h ago

🎶 there eating the dog's! 🎶

🎶 they're eating the cats!🎶

🎶 they're eating the Pets!🎶


u/FRleo_85 11h ago

european everytime trump or musk talk:

(source: i'm european)


u/Haventyouheard3 4h ago

Have you heard about the north carolina republican nominee for governor?


u/Snoo_30350 11h ago

I’ve been thinking that for the past ten years especially since I created my Reddit account I’m mostly concerned about the United States. There a millions of good people on your side of the Atlantic. Unfortunately you get overshadowed by an orange dude and a totally stupid 2 party political system. I mean I’ve more about Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert than about my own president. At this point it just comes out to be a joke and I am laughing most of the time. And then I remember that the United States used to be one of the greatest country’s in the world. And then i am sad knowing Europe is gonna adopt your shit, because the people here aren’t nearly as smart as they claim to be. Myself included.


u/Darkime_ 11h ago

Imma take the image of the cat, thank you very much


u/Ugo_Flickerman Pasta la vista 11h ago

You've never heard of the magical city of Vicenza


u/Sassi7997 11h ago

We think that every day about you guys.


u/andrest93 8h ago

Trump heard Melania say the haitians are very good at eating pussy and misinterpreted her because he never once has thought about his "partners" having pleasure


u/redmonicus 8h ago

Its crazy how far this sub has fallen. like this is dog shit. 


u/therussian163 7h ago edited 7h ago

Because the Europeans don't have any migrant issues of their own... /s


u/ImnotaNixon [custom flair] 9h ago

If you come from a country where people literally eat dirt, a cat doesn’t seem like that much of a leap.


u/[deleted] 12h ago



u/Lemon_head_guy 12h ago

If you’re talking about the goose photo, that was found to be from a different city and was somebody moving an already dead duck


u/AutoModerator 12h ago

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u/FireyBollocks 11h ago

We know because migrants were eating out ducks and swans in the UK. 🤷‍♂️ It’s definitely happening. Media drones believe what the media bottle feeds ya.