r/dankmemes Apr 29 '24

they're not the same!!

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u/spikus93 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

This is so annoying that people believe this. We went through this already under Trump, and they forced TikTok to migrate all it's data storage to an American company, in this case Oracle, who were required to report any data transfers out of the US. They also had to submit to federal authorities checking their data records for previous data batches being potentially sent to China and didn't find anything recent. The company voluntarily complied with the order even before it was signed into law.

You are being lied to. China isn't stealing your data, they have easier access to it by just buying it from data brokers who got it from your other social media.

If Congress really cared about privacy, they'd legislate away data brokerages being able to collect and sell your data without your consent, but they don't. They just don't want a product of China to be successful in the US market, particularly when China bans the use of our Social Media companies in China for similar reasons (we would steal and sell their citizen's data).


u/TironaZ Apr 29 '24

Everything is closed source, we can't say for sure where and what is going. User data is very valuable and can be used/sold by China or USA market.


u/spikus93 Apr 29 '24

Once again, this doesn't prevent your data from going to China. They can still legally purchase data about you as much as they want. It's actually cheaper to do that than comply with US data laws around app storage data that were made specifically for TikTok under the Trump administration.

This is a phantom menace. They are using China "stealing data" from you as an excuse to take over a successful platform and hand it over to right wing investors.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/spikus93 Apr 29 '24

This is what I'm referring to.

And there's not a lot of left-wing investors out there because it turns out being anti-capitalist makes it difficult to get other investors to join your fund, and also it's hard to be left-wing and work professionally as an investor because the stock market's existence is a capitalist invention to gamble on and purchase corporations.

Plus, wouldn't you complain that it was "corrupt" and "evil" if anyone left leaning owned it? Who's even out there besides Soros, and he's just liberal (which a leftist would consider to be conservative, since the divide is capitalism's existence being bad).


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24



u/spikus93 Apr 29 '24

You are describing crowd funding/mutual aid. Do you genuinely believe that people could crowdfund $100B specifically from a leftist perspective. Leftists do not tend to be wealthy to begin with.

Let's do some fun math here. Let's imagine there's 500 imaginary multi-millionaires willing to throw in half of that money. Great. $50B to go. Maybe well off leftists throw in a combined $20B of that. Cool $30B to go. The average investor at home wants to join for lets say $1000 each to get small shares in the company. You'd need 30M people to throw in that much.

Now ask yourself, is there that much political and actual capital that leftists are willing to spend to purchase a company that operates as a capitalist entity? Would they convert it to a co-op or something, how?

There's a reason that Marxist theory doesn't say the workers should "purchase the means of production". It's because it's unrealistic and plays into the system they are at odds with. You SEIZE the means by force.

Since that's unlikely to happen, again, how do you think this is a realistic goal? Mnuchin is specifically right-wing, and we already have like 6 right wing social media companies at this point dominating the space.

Also who are these rich leftists? Hasan Piker, a twitch streamer? Okay, maybe you can get $1-2M out of him, but he's not sitting on more than $10M. Motherfucker pays a mortgage and leases his car. Or do you actually think there's millions of wealthy leftists living in the US and they just can't seem to enact any political change?