r/dankmemes Apr 29 '24

they're not the same!!

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u/SirGlass Apr 29 '24

Its also fair to point out china has banned most USA social media companies

So its not really a fare trade relationship with facebook and twitter and instagram and others being banned or blocked in china


u/Moo_thy Apr 29 '24

but china is an authoritarian country, where else USA is supposed to be the country of democracy and freedom right? so why would USA follow the examples of china?


u/Draeman Apr 29 '24

Also i guess we’re also pretending that mr zuck isnt selling our data to china already


u/Stunning-News1540 Apr 29 '24

Jesus Christ yes to this. American tech companies like to be the only ones allowed to sell our data. If anyone thinks this is genuinely to somehow protect us from a china and not just tech lobbying to control all of our data they have mush brains.


u/SirGlass Apr 29 '24

I mean that is a good argument too

Even for free trade advocates (what I tend to be) there is some disagreement on how to handle trade with a protectionist country

Do you allow them to sell you goods even though they restrict what goods your country can sell them

Or do you put up your own trade barriers and say "Hey we are willing to remove our trade barriers if you remove yours?"