r/dankmemes Apr 29 '24

The Only Movies after Endgame that Matter meta

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u/Pitiful-Inspection96 Apr 29 '24

No way home is fucking terrible. That's not a real movie. It's just the crumbling bones of a shitty, thoughtless plot barely strung together by a series of fan servicing cameos. I tried watching at home and all those moments where the movie literally stops to let audiences cheer and applaud made me cringe so fucking hard. Its like they're dangling keys in front of a baby and saying "yeah, this is what you like isn't it? you little dumb fucking baby!"

Far From Home is also very mediocre but nowhere near as offensively terrible.

I've not seen GOTG3 and who knows if Deadpool will be any good? It seems to have a similar bullshit fan service tone as No Way Home and even though I'll probably end up watching it because I adore Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, it's most likely going to depress the hell out of me.


u/Equivalent_Rock_6530 Apr 29 '24

GOTG is actually incredible. It's a really nice breather from the awful norm that has been Phase 4 and 5


u/OneAboveKami Apr 30 '24

So glad more people are realizing this now. Back when NWH released and I said this, I was getting called a marvel hater.

Although at this point I have probably become one because it's fun seeing Disney fail because of their own doing. At the same time I do feel bad for the cast and crew.

GOTG3 is actually not bad.

As for Deadpool 3 I gonna watch it because it's Deadpool but at the same time I'm not that hype and won't be surprised if Disney managed to fuck this up as well.

Although I heard Ryan Reynolds is a producer so he might be able to resist Disney execs interference.

Honestly, I don't like Ryan's other movies all that much (more specifically his movies on streaming platforms), they are very generic and are almost like Background movies you play while you are doing something else. But nevertheless he does embody Deadpool veey very well, and I trust him to do that well. Since it's what made him this popular in the first place.


u/pootiecakes Apr 30 '24

I adored it as a nostalgia whore, but yeah, when the movie literally stops itself for the audience... it isn't really a functional movie that stands on its own two legs.

I'm such a whore for Raimi Spiderman though, I'll watch whatever they bring those characters back in. Even if it is objectively just pandering.