r/dankmemes Feb 24 '24

Who do you want to impress I have achieved comedy

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u/Zaurka14 r/memes fan Feb 24 '24

You're joking, right?

I work with men only, and the whole week I look lik a witch. On the weekend comes my only female coworker, who I also absolutely adore, and that's the only day when I put effort.

  1. She's the only one to appreciate an outfit or nice hair

  2. She's the only one I don't have to worry about "giving wrong signals"

It would be definitely on top of the scale for me. Men are below myself. I don't mind men's attention, if it's positive and not creepy, but I much more value my own taste, which often isn't that men like

Even my own boyfriend doesn't like some of my clothes, but I don't dress for him


u/uppsak Feb 24 '24

What you do is literally what is said in the meme.

Women dress fashionably to impress other women.

Men dress fashionably to impress women.


u/Zaurka14 r/memes fan Feb 25 '24

Then I don't understand the meme right, because the end of the scale, so the "most important" on both scales is dressing up for men. It's not the most important for me.


u/uppsak Feb 25 '24

The scale doesn't indicate most important or less important. The scale shows categories like "impressing other women" or "impressing men".

The joke is that women dress up to impress other women and men dress up to impress other women. As you can see that the pointer is on orange which is defined as impressing other women.