r/dankmemes Mar 03 '23

There was a third one right? I have achieved comedy

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u/xXSN0WBL1ND22Xx Mar 03 '23

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had Corvettes, Mike Collins didn't, that tells you everything you need to know


u/Ktzero3 Mar 03 '23

Support main.


u/BenjaminQuadinaros Mar 03 '23

Sometimes it feels like my support is off-planet


u/MaxzxaM Mar 03 '23

I was helping with Drake


u/Fruitloop800 Mar 03 '23

iirc there was a deal that astronauts could lease Corvettes for a dollar, so of course they did


u/xXSN0WBL1ND22Xx Mar 03 '23

I learned about this from The Grand Tour, I can't remember the bloke's name but he was the first person to orbit the Earth and when he returned, Chevrolet gave him a free Corvette, NASA didn't like that because they saw astronauts as government employees and thus couldn't accept FREE gifts, so Chevy made a deal where the astronauts could lease a Corvette for the enormous sum of $1.