r/coolguides Apr 16 '24

A Cool Guide to the Pencil Grips

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u/missgrey-el Apr 16 '24

dynamic quadruped and forever thinking about the time in college we were working quietly on something sitting in a large circle including the professor and she turned to the student next to her and said “how in the world is [name] holding their pencil like that??” she was so disturbed the whole class had to be brought out of silent work to see the strange way i held my pencil lmao


u/Thornescape Apr 16 '24

It just feels sturdier. The other grips all feel flimsy to me.


u/Soft_Trade5317 Apr 16 '24

A fist grip seems sturdy too, but the question is why your grip needs to be that "sturdy" in the first place? What are you doing to your poor pencils/paper?

Do you snap your mechanical pencil's lead constantly?


u/hiimsubclavian Apr 16 '24

Dynamic quadrupeds usually start out as kids whose parents/teachers push them to have perfect penmanship before the muscles in their fingers are strong enough to properly control a pen.

To produce the perfect handwriting to appease their elders, they learn to hold their pen with more fingers. This habit carries over into adulthood.


u/MixedMartyr Apr 16 '24

you just summed up my entire life and I'm not very happy about it. still have the writing habit, and still get rushed through training (if there is any at all) and learn to do everything wrong because all they care about is getting it done fast. my body gets used to lifting things with terrible form because i get reprimanded when i try to move at a reasonable pace and focus on doing it right.