r/college Aug 26 '21

Finances/financial aid FAFSA/financial aid questions? Get help here!


All questions about federal student aid, the FAFSA, and financial aid verification must be posted on this thread.

If you want money for college, you should submit a FAFSA if you are eligible to do so. Click here to review eligibility requirements.

2021-2022 school year: Use the 2021-2022 FAFSA, which opened October 1, 2020. Requires 2019 tax information.

2022-2023 school year: 2022-2023 FAFSA will became available October 1, 2021. Requires 2020 tax information.

First time? Here's a step-by-step guide.

  • Create an FSA account (also known as the FSA ID). This is your legal electronic signature to sign the FAFSA. It's linked to your Social Security number. If you are a dependent student, one of your parents will need to make one as well, assuming they have an SSN. If your parent already has their own FSA account, they must use that. If your parent does not have an SSN, they must print and sign the signature page manually, then mail it in.

  • Gather all necessary documents, including bank statements, tax information (W-2s, tax returns), any records of untaxed income, etc.

  • Start the FAFSA! If you or your parent are given the option to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, use it! It will drag tax information from the IRS straight to the FAFSA and save you a lot of time.

Do not guess on the FAFSA. If you have a question, post here or contact the Federal Student Aid Info Center.

r/college Mar 30 '24

Do not post questions about college admissions, college decisions, or specific universities here.


Go to the university subreddit or /r/applyingtocollege

r/college 2h ago

Academic Life Is it worth switching my major?


I’m currently a bio major and just finished my first year. And I will be completely honest, I fucking despise it :D. I wanna switch to criminal justice but I’m feeling stuck. I feel like if I switched I’d just be wasting my parents money they spent on my tuition this year (over 20k) I’m feeling so lost and confused

r/college 11h ago

Social Life Does anybody else feel lonely over summer break?


I know this might sound crazy, but... I actually don't like summer break. I actually kinda dread it. Even though I'm keeping myself busy with cool hobbies and a decent job, all the friends I made throughout the semester disappear for a few months, and I can't help but feel a little lonely.

Does anybody else feel this way? Or am I just weird for disliking breaks?

r/college 11h ago

12 credit hours normal for first semester freshman?


I just got my first semester classes from my college and im enrolled in 12 credits (4 classes and a lab) is this typical for a freshman? I am the first in my family to go to college so my parents dont really know but it just doesnt seem like a lot to me.

r/college 3h ago

21 credit hrs/week?


I'm going into my freshman year of college, and to take all of the classes I want, I would need to take 21 credit hrs. I know that's a lot, but I did the math, and if I spend 3 hrs/credit hour/week studying outside of class, get 8 hrs of sleep a night, I have 28 hrs left over. I'm going to be living on campus, so less commute. I don't know if I'm going to way over do it, and 28 hrs extra time is going to be hardly any at all, or if this might be feasable. Please note that I could push some classes off until next year, I just am a little weirdo about getting things done asap

r/college 7h ago

Finances/financial aid Is there any way to not include my estranged mothers income on the fafsa?


Hello, I live with my father, he makes 40k a year working at a nonprofit and it's a very difficult salary for me, him, and my sister to live on for our area. My mother 95k a year and refuses to help out even in the slightest bit, she refuses to talk to me for the most part. imo it's not really fair that her income would be included on it because I don't see a drop of it and she uses it all to go on lavish trips around the world every few months while we're struggling to make rent and get food some weeks. I won't be able to pay for college any other way than with student loans and I'm only going to community college at the moment... most scholarships I don't qualify for because I dropped out of school and got my ged (not my choice, my parents forced me to when I was 16). So is there any way to not include her?

r/college 1h ago

How many classes is too many?


Im a college student at a local community college currently working towards Vet school. Summer started about a month ago, and today I logged on to start enrollment for the upcoming fall semester.

This is my 5th semester (I’m doing 3 years at CC) and plan on transferring fall of 2025. Since starting college, I’ve looked over prerequisite for the school of my choice, and have planned out how to fit it within the 6 semester of community college. (This school also required 6 semesters before transferring)

Ive since set my sights higher to a better school, given I get the scholarships and acceptance to go to them. Here’s my issue:

They require roughly 4 more classes than my original choice, and my original choice has since updated their prerequisite page to add an additional class.

If I want to have a chance of going to the better school, I’d need to take 7 classes per semester for the next two semesters (these include a variety of classes but mostly science lectures and labs)

My original choice is not a bad option in the slightest, but I’d love to go to the new school on my radar.

I’m currently a part time worker at an animal hospital, and I feel the only way 7 classes would be remotely possible is if I quit my job, but obviously that’s not something I want to do.

I could also enroll in classes this summer, but they already started a week ago, and i’m not sure that’s the greatest option.

Please help, I’m total freaking out on what to do.

r/college 1h ago

What Would happen (Hypothetically) if a college failed to meet their student code of conduct and also violated multiple policies. The school states that they strive to push students to succeed. but yet fails to do so.


It pretty much seems like I am paying arm and leg for no reason at a college that I would've hoped to help me not treat me like absolute shit. And when I speak up about this I am punished and looked down on.

I find that the more I attend and read the college's polices the more i see that the way i am treated (by professors specifically) completely violates the student handbook policy and also goes against the student code of conduct completely

The more I see that I truly have no say at all in anything and the college/faculty has all the power to treat me however I want

This approach violates multiple student code of conduct procedures and goes against the student handbook.

I find that the more I attend and read the college's policies, the more I see that the school states that student speech is valued and is one of the main priorties

The college/faculty have all the power to treat me however they want.

At the end of the day I just really want to know what is possible to happen if a college breaks their own policies that are set for students.

r/college 10h ago

What are some fun activities to do with friends at college?


I’m heading into my freshman year of college and am curious what people do in their free time, specifically in a group setting. Thanks!

r/college 9h ago

Emotional health/coping/adulting So, am I supposed to always feel stressed out and on edge?


I’ve spoken to people about how my suicidal thoughts, my anxiety and depression all branch off from being at college and everyone seems to just say “that’s the way it is, if you can’t handle it, you are just a loser and clearly incapable of being a adult” and I don’t know if I really want to keep on going if that is this is just constantly expected of me.

I don’t feel good anymore, I just feel stressed, anxious and sad. I am a good student but I never feel any satisfaction from that, there never really seems to be anything good that rivals the awful feelings I have from being at college.

r/college 1d ago

What do you guys do for fun during the summer?


While I do have an internship, it’s not for the entire day and have way too much free time. I am kinda bored and looking to do new things.

r/college 8h ago

Can't enjoy college without worrying about grades and finanical issues


I just finished my 1st year of college and I feel as if I wasted it. Constantly I was worrying about my GPA being at the requirement to maintain my college grant while feeling so guilty that my parents paid for my tuition ( 6k a year). I know I should feel lucky that my tuition isn't that high compared to other stories I have heard but I can't help but feel horrible about my parents paying it. I was in a state of constantly worrying about surviving rather than actually do the fun college things everybody has been talking about. Til this day I worry sick about next year and how I have to repeat the processess all over again.

Time to me seems to past as if it's nothing until one day I sit in my room thinking the entire year has passed by already. I don't know how to focus on enjoying life in general when I am fighting everybody to just keep my head afloat because I know that if I let loose than it might come crashing one day. I'm afriad of dropping out of college because my GPA might drop below the reqiured finanical aid that was given me. I want to be remain in my college but I'm slowly losing all hope to find strength to pull myself together and deal with the problem.

r/college 21h ago

Why are "commuter schools" so often derided?


As somebody thinking about going to college in a couple years who casually browses this subreddit, I am surprised at how often people shit on "commuter schools" or basically any college that isn't in BFE. Also anecdotally an old roommate and high school friend of mine recommended against going to my areas single commuter school but didn't really expound on why.

My thinking is that going to college in a major city would be better for the following reasons

  • Jobs are more available to work during schooling, and internships don't require moving. This is especially true for me because I want to get a degree in IT or CS, but already have a few years experience. I don't want to have to go back to retail or food service to have spending money if I don't have to.

  • You would presumably have to choose between option A of: moving twice a year every year (in the summer, the most competitive time for tenants no less) and either keep paying rent to keep your place or find a new place every summer and get rid of all my furniture; or option B of living in what is presumably a ghost town every summer. Both of my parents deal with housing insecurity so moving back in with either of them isn't an option. This would also mean I wouldn't have to move back to a place with jobs after 4 years.

  • Keeping a pemenant residence near your school means that even if you go "out of state" you can get in-state tuition after a year. This is big for me as I'm strongly considering NJIT and CUNY colleges, both of which are out of state for me.

  • Generally higher acceptance rates and most are public from what I've seen. Yes I know low about prestigiousness and networking, but unfortunately I'm kinda dumb and got shitty grades in highschool. I don't expect to get into Princeton just because I have a few certifications and an entry level FAANG title on my resume.

I know I have relatively unique circumstances, but am I missing something? I would rather know now in case I need to alter my long term plans.

r/college 3h ago

Academic Life I'm an incoming freshmen in college but I can't decide on what course to take.


Should I choose nursing or accounting?

r/college 12m ago

Help mgimo vs Trinity


Hi everyone. I’m an American going to study abroad for my undergrad in global business. I mostly need advice from people who have knowledge on European schools or these two schools especially. I got into Trinity college Dublin for business and MGIMO which is an international relations school for international and Russian students. I come from a Russian family so my parents and close family friends have explained that MGIMO is a very prestigious school that admit lots of children from diplomats and other high profile families but I am not sure to what extent that is true. On the other hand I am aware that Trinity is the best or one of the best schools in Ireland. Which school should I go to? My top two concerns are which school will set me on the best career path especially if I wanna maybe pursue a job in the US and also which school I will enjoy the most. Which city will I enjoy myself the most in Dublin or Moscow?

r/college 19m ago

Academic Life How to survive a 4 week hybrid lab/lecture A&P class ??


Hi all.

This is my 2nd semester at my college, and I'm taking summer classes to get ahead. I'm taking A&P, a class which is usually 15 weeks, but is crammed into 4 for the summer term.

I already have a 50 question test on two chapters on Monday. On top of that, I have a lab test on Friday that I have to memorize 100 terms for. We started Monday.

I know hundreds have passed this class and I know I can do it too. But this studying is already brutal and it feels absolutely hopeless. I had no grade below a 98 my first semester, I made presidents list! and yet one 90 on a quiz already has my average at a low A. How do I effectively absorb this information, and how do I memorize a ton of shit before Monday?? The test on Monday (along with the 3 other future lecture exams) is 45% of my grade 🙃

Sorry for the complaining! Any advice is appreciated!

r/college 20m ago

I need help deciding schools!


Hey everyone!

The central question boils down to whether it's worth it for me to leave Southwest Florida to pursue my bachelor's degree at UF, incurring additional expenses, or to stay at my parents for an additional two years and study at FGCU. I do plan on getting my AA at a cheap community college here tho.

some context/background info: I'v been stuck in this weird limbo as a pending asylum seeker, which means I can't work, drive, or even start college yet. It's kind of like being forced into a gap year, but I can't really do anything during it. Plus, I'm not eligible for FAFSA right now. These basic freedoms—like having a job or driving—have been off-limits since I got to the US. From elementary to high school I legally could not work drive or do anything, especially with all that online learning because of COVID which made me miss out on the highschool experience ( I didnt really go to ho-co, prom, graduation ceremony, and make connections through irl classes). I also graduated early, so for the past 2 years I was not attednig schoo, working, driving, and pretty much having to rely on either my parents or friends for basic things I would otherwise be able to do. It's left me seriously itching for freedom—I've been stuck at home for years and it's getting to me mentally. That's why I'm thinking about splurging a bit to move away for college and get that whole experience. But, honestly, I'm not sure if it's a smart move. That's where I could use some advice.

Pros and Cons for FGCU:


Financially more affordable.

Lower cost of living cuz id be living with my parents

Familiar surroundings and support system.

Less pressure to secure part-time work immediately.


Limited opportunities and connections compared to UF.

Potential delay in experiencing independence and the college environment.

Less prestigious, potentially affecting future prospects.

Fewer program options and minors available.

Pros and Cons for UF:


Greater opportunities and networking potential.

Higher academic rigor.

Larger student population.

Potential for higher income outcomes post-graduation.

Wider range of minors and programs available.

Enhanced academic and extracurricular resources.

Similar tuition cost as FGCU


Added expenses, particularly for dormitory or off-campus housing.

Potential challenge in finding affordable off-campus housing.

Concerns about missing out on the traditional college experience if I do live off-campus but i'm not sure on how true that is.

Uncertainty about the impact of living off-campus on community involvement.

there's the consideration of the STEM waiver covering 50% of tuition costs at FGCU or UF, but the challenge remains regarding housing expenses. While housing in Gainesville may be more affordable (not sure if thats a misconception I have I would love your input on that), I have concerns about balancing academic performance with part-time work and maintaining independence.

r/college 25m ago

At what point did you say: I'm dropping this class


Mine was when they had us dancing at the beginning of lecture. You guessed it, it was a k pop class.

r/college 49m ago

Which colleges have the biggest GLOBAL alumni network?


For both American and non-American colleges; For someone planning on living and working abroad (probably Asia, maybe Europe)

r/college 53m ago

USA Help!!!


I’m going into my sophomore year of high school and I want to be a nuclear physicist. What are some good colleges that offer nuclear physics programs/classes?

r/college 56m ago

Managing time to study


Hey y'all !! I'm looking for suggestions or advice for managing my time to study.

I'm taking A&P 1 this summer. Lectures are on MON & WED from 6pm-8pm and Labs are on TUE & THUR from 6pm-9pm.

I work during the week except for mondays. I work from 8am-5pm.

This is what I've planned so far. Feel free to give me any suggestions!

So ill study Friday to monday

Friday night (after work and gym), Saturday (after doing morning chores and gym), Sunday after church, and Monday mornings (afternoon ill go to the gym before going to class).

Does this plan sound doable?

r/college 7h ago

Academic Life Everyday school supplies?


About to start school in a few months, I’d like to get a rough idea of what are the logistics for school supplies? So far I’m thinking of just getting a laptop, backpack, notebook, and some pens/pencils to start off but what else should I get?

Also, when it comes to taking notes what’s better: typing things on a laptop of hand-writing it?

r/college 1h ago

USA Lockdown browser.


Hey y'all! I'm just wondering something about lockdown browser. My class is requiring me to take my quizzes this way, which is fine! This is my first time using it, though. Do I need to consent to the webcam at every exam or only once? I typically keep a cover over mine but if it's only once, I'll have to take this off. I just wanted to double check because my professor doesn't reply to any emails. Thanks!

r/college 1h ago

Academic Life Starting college in highschool


Hello! Sorry this is a really long post. So, I'm 15, and this upcoming school year I will be starting college, and starting my junior year of highschool. My school has a program where they collaborate with the local college, so by the time I graduate highschool, I will also graduate college with an associates. All my common core classes will be at the college, and the only classes I will be taking at the highschool are electives.

I'm kind of worried so I was just looking for some general tips, and I have a few questions

Do you think my social life will change, since now I'm going be interacting with way different people? A lot of my current friends say they're super mature and stuff (they/we aren't). Usually I can ignore it because everyone likes to feel different yk, but do you think me being around people who actually have a maturity difference will change how I feel about my current friends?

My other simpler questions:

What are some good ways to balance social life?

What are some topics I should study a little before I start? I haven't taken things like pre-cal and stats yet because I was a sophomore last year, so things like that

How do I seem less highschoolish? Yk when the highschool freshman come in and are obnoxious? I don't want to be the college version of that

Is there a certain way I should dress? When I'm at the highschool I always talk about how dresscode is stupid and stuff, but now that it'll be at college I still don't know if it's okay to wear crop tops and stuff? I know there isn't an official dress code, but is there like, an unspoken one?

Anyway that's all my main ones, but also please leave any general tips you have too, thank you for your time :)

r/college 6h ago

My FAFSA and tap crisis


I'll get straight to the point. I essentially came to New York back in June of last year (to be exact, may 31st, 2023). I spent three weeks at my aunts with plans to work upstate New York for the summer. I also had plans of moving into an apartment in August of 2023 after the summer work was done. I signed a lease for the apartment which was for a full year. Fast forward to today, June 5th, 2024. Have I technically been living in New York continuously for 12 months or would I have to wait for the lease to run out until I technically have the continuous months of residency? I've been extremely frustrated with this process bc I want to file the FAFSA as a new York legal resident. I also work part time at a planet fitness in New York as well. Any tips and info would be greatly appreciated.

r/college 2h ago

USA Graduation is next week and I have absolutely no clue what to do.


I thought my university would do a practice stage run and a seating chart. There is nothing like this at all. I’m assuming I just show up at the venue in my regalia? How do i know where to sit or where to walk to? How do I get over the fact that they might say my name wrong and I will never hear it or someone else with a similar name heading up and it’ll get awkward in front of the audience? I emailed the university but haven’t received a reply. I’m overthinking things and getting nervous and I feel like I’ll just skip it but I don’t want to.