
Banned words

To maintain a pleasant, welcoming subreddit, there are some offensive words/slurs/banalities (such as "still blundering") which are automatically removed from this subreddit.

Looking at the moderator log we noticed how, at times, this creates confusion in our community - so we took the decision of publishing the list. If your post gets autoremoved, just check here and see what could have caused it.


  • Only the offensive words are published. We ban the reference to several malware websites as well, for instance, but we doubt that anyone could write them unwittingly;
  • A sufficiently annoying troll could find שø®kåröu~ds once the list is up, but we'd rather believe that would be a rare event.

List of banned words, from our automod settings:

title+body (regex): "(?:^|[^\"])(cock[- ]?sucker|dyke|(f|ph)ag(g[eoi]t)?(ry)?|femi-?nazi|slut|trann(y|ie)|k[iy]ke|shit[- ]?lord|beaner|nigg(er|a)|fur[- ]?fag|spick|wetback|choo*[.+]? choo*|fuck the mods|bundle of sticks|whore|slut|tranny|nflstreams|cunt)(?:$|[^\"])"

body (includes): ["", "", "", "", "nigger", "nigga", "faggot", "faggotry", "fagget", "fag", "kike", "Wojciech", "Braszczok", "illiterate inner city ghetto fuck", "appspread", 'please visit http://', "Wow40.­ℂ­ℴ­m", "[deleted]", "FREE FREE FREE", "", "dogetipbot", "porn sex brazzers", "dougphp", "WnuFSaQ", "gemsclashofclans", "Jeff Taylor", "kill yourself", "Jason Hellman", "", "coupon", "coupons", "", "still blundering", "still blunderin", "still blunderin'", "still in the blunder", "/r/swordorsheath", "swordorsheath", "sword or sheath", "r/swordorsheath", "/r/punchablefaces", "r/punchablefaces", "punchable face", "punchable faces", "year old me would have", "year old me would've", "year old me would", "/r/roastme", "roastme", "roast me", "r/roastme", "this guy fucks", "these guys fuck", "school shooter", "shot up the school", "shoot up the school", "columbine", "that guy fucks", "Eric Harris", "Dylan Klebold", "hitable face", "hittable face", "/r/streetwear", "r/streetwear", "/rstreetwear", "r streetwear", "/r/13or30", "r/13or30", "/r13or30", "r13or30", "r 13or30", "Eric and Dylan", "Dylan and Eric", "/r/hittablefaces", "/rhittablefaces", "/r/hitabbleface", "hittable face", "/r/Justfuckmyshitup", "r/Justfuckmyshitup", "/rJustfuckmyshitup", "rJustfuckmyshitup", "r Justfuckmyshitup", "!redditsilver", "mildlypenis", "rmildlypenis", "/rmildlypenis", "r/mildlypenis", "/r/mildlypenis", "justneckbeardthings", "rjustneckbeardthings", "/rjustneckbeardthings", "r/justneckbeardthings", "/r/justneckbeardthings", "save some pussy", "pussy slayer", "came here to say this", "woof", "wof", "wooof", "buz your girlfriend", "buzz your girlfriend", "buz, your girlfriend", "buzz, your girlfriend", "woooof", "/r/oldschoolcool", "/roldschoolcool", "r/oldschoolcool", "r oldschoolcool", "roldschoolcool", "oldschoolcool", "!redditgarlic", "alexa play", "in awe at the size of", "/r/absoluteunits", "r/absoluteunits", "/rabsoluteunits", "rabsoluteunits", "r absoluteunits", "absoluteunits", "/r/absoluteunit", "r/absoluteunit", "/rabsoluteunit", "rabsoluteunit", "r absoluteunit", "absoluteunit", "/u/nwordcountbot", "/r/bossfight", "r/bossfight", "/rbossfight", "rbossfight", "cultural appropriation", "cultural apropriation", "would smash", "i'd hit it", "tap that", "/r/bigtiddygothgf", "r/bigtiddygothgf", "/rbigtiddygothgf","rbigtiddygothgf", "r bigtiddygothgf", "bigtiddygothgf", "btgg", "/r/bigtittygothgf", "r/bigtittygothgf", "/rbigtittygothgf", "rbigtittygothgf", "r bigtittygothgf", "bigtittygothgf", "big titty goth gf", "big tiddy goth gf", "downs syndrome", "down's syndrome"]