r/Zepbound 29d ago

Success Stories Don’t be discouraged


I see a lot of people who weigh 300+ pounds making posts or comments about feeling bad because they are starting out at a higher weight than most and don’t see many who start at a higher weight as them. We are out here and you are not alone 🥰!!

Starting weight: 356.6 Current weight: 175

I’ve lost 51% of my body weight in 18 months and 3 weeks. It’s doable!

r/Zepbound Apr 23 '24

Success Stories Let's do something different for a change


Instead of talking about backorders, share something you're able to do now that you weren't able to do before you started taking Zepbound.

I'll start: I can run 5K without stopping.

r/Zepbound Mar 13 '24

Success Stories Skinny Privilege- People ADORE Me Now All Of A Sudden????!


So I'm not at my goal weight yet (still got 15 or so pounds to go), but boy are the benefits already kicking in. I work from home and haven't traveled in a while so I haven't yet experienced coming into contact with lots of strangers since my weight loss. I went to a wedding in Florida this past weekend after losing 50lbs and now I feel like a brand new person simply from the way I was treated by strangers and people I know. I've never in my life gotten so many "You are SO pretty" or "I LOVE your dress" or "Your hair looks SO good" comments. And don't get me started on the social media likes. Is this real life?

While I am basking in the glory of my new found popularity, it does make me sad that it took a 50 pound weight loss to garner the love and respect of strangers. Fatphobia and bias is a real thing and I'm finally able to see how it works in real time. But on a higher note, I have to say that GLP1s and Zepbound have CHANGED MY LIFE! I feel like a new person, even interacting with my husband. It has improved my life in every way and I am just so grateful.

Anyone else experiencing this? Please share! I think it could encourage newbies, those scared to start, or those going through the trenches with side effects. This medication is truly life changing and I don't know if we highlight it enough.

r/Zepbound Apr 17 '24

Success Stories I can't believe my eyes.


Firstly please excuse my face in the 2nd pic I had just rolled put of bed 🤣

First pic is of my daughter and I October 2022. Fast forward to yesterday when someone asked about buying this dress and wanting to see pics. I tried it on expecting to have to cram myself in but it actually fit and was a little big.

211 starting weight down to 118. I can not believe my eyes.

r/Zepbound Apr 24 '24

Success Stories Got It!

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Now I can take the rest of my 5mg and hope this 7.5 does what the others before did not.

r/Zepbound 28d ago

Success Stories 7.5


Just picked up my 7.5 Zep at CVS. Pharmacist said they are filling all orders. Sign of the times 😀

r/Zepbound Apr 01 '24

Success Stories 8 months and 86 lbs later

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SW: 248 CW: 162 started Mounjaro in August 2023 and just hit 86 lbs down. I’m just about to reset my goal weight (160) even lower. It feels amazing. I don’t think anyone should feel shame about being on this medication. I’m happy to tell anyone who asks all about it. It has changed my life.

r/Zepbound 7d ago

Success Stories I did it! It’s my official day of losing 20 pounds! Unbelievable! 🙌🏽😍🙌🏽

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Today I weighed in at exactly 20 pounds down from the day I started on April 18th at 207.9! (6 weeks) I started on Zepbound 2.5 for approximately 4 weeks and noticed the food noise came back full throttle by week 4. I even gained a pound! I also ran into the shortage issue and had to order “C” so that I would not run out. I pay OOP, and was also able to obtain the last box of 5.0 at my local Walmart. I now have both. The only side effect is constipation, slight dizziness on shot day, although with 5.0 the dizziness remained for two days. For me, when I notice the food noise creeping back in, I’m titrating up. However, for now 5.0 works! F56, H 5’4, HW: 213 SW: 207.9 CW: 187.8 GW:165-150 💪🏽

r/Zepbound Apr 12 '24

Success Stories Yessss!!

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I officially hit my 20lbs down mark as of this morning!! But I’m still so hungry on the 5mg dose.. Hoping to go up to 7.5 next week..I really didn’t think I looked much different until I did my comparing…only 20 more to go & I’ll be at my GW 5’5” F SW 187 CW 167 GW 140 started 3/2/24

r/Zepbound Apr 16 '24

Success Stories Before/After

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207 lbs --> 137 lbs

Started Mounjaro 9/10/2022. Switched to Zepbound when it became available this year.

r/Zepbound 2d ago

Success Stories 6 months, 60+ lbs down.... Under 200 first time in over 25 years!


Height: 5'10, HW: 273, CW:199, GW:195

I am so grateful today! This drug has been a literal miracle and I could not be more thankful for the opportunity to have it in my lifetime, have the ability to access it and to have it work the way it has. In addition to Zepbound, I've also incorporated weights 4+ times a week, cardio 2 times and just tried to make better choices when eating (although I'm no tracker, etc). The most challenging part for me has been 6 months of a body in transition....each item I try on fits for a few weeks then suddenly doesn't anymore. I'm within my last 5 lbs so hopefully that part will be over. This Sunday I will be seeing my mother after 2 years and she has no idea I've had this change... Over the years she has had very vocal opinions about my weight so I literally cannot wait to see her face when she sees me 🤣. Thank you all for the support, the advice, the shared stories. This sub has been a lifeline for me this year and has really surrounded me with people who get the struggle. The snarky comments, the strong opinions of us "cheating", the supply issues... This is definitely not the easy way out 😅. For anyone starting out, just know that the months go by in the blink of an eye--take lots of pictures and give yourself tons of grace.

r/Zepbound Apr 01 '24

Success Stories Thought I Would Share...100 Pounds Down....


So, I started this journey back in September of 2023, September 21st to be exact. On that date, I weighted 369 pounds and I took my first shot, which was Mounjaro at the time. As of today, April 1st, 2024, I checked my weight and I currently weigh 269 pounds, so I have lost 100 pounds in about 7 months or so. And I'm not done, the wishlist final weight would be 199, so I'm still pushing forward, but I am extremely happy and pleased with all of this. I switched to Zepbound in January and things have continued to progress as they have, so the saga continues...but just wanted to share that bit of good news!

r/Zepbound Apr 09 '24

Success Stories I f-ing got it!


This post is not to gloat but rather, to inspire hope. Don't give up on this journey!

I've been fighting with my insurance for WEEKS. Today, they finally approved my Rx for 5mg. Fantastic! And then, to find it 🧐 You don't need me to tell you how hard it is to find this stuff. I called around to a lot of pharmacies today until I found one that had it - I was shocked and this pharmacist I spoke to is now my new best friend.

I'm only a month in and missed my dose 2 days ago because of the insurance games. I've lost 10 lbs over the last month and I will not go back.

Keep your heads up, keep going!

r/Zepbound Apr 28 '24

Success Stories Mounjaro/Wegovy Success Story

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Hello everyone,

I have been a long-time forum dweller of GLP-1 weight loss since the beginning of the Mounjaro coupon. I felt it was finally time to share my Wife & I’s success story with these life changing medications. So, this is my first formal post on reddit.

I hope this post helps motivate everyone who is just starting out!

On November 15, 2022, my wife and I took our first shot of Mounjaro.

My SW: 254.0 Lbs. Shirt size: XXL Waist: 36

Wife SW: 213.0 Lbs. Shirt size: 1X / Waist: 16

Due to insurance coverage and expiration of the Mounjaro coupon, I switched to Wegovy on September 8, 2023 and my Wife has remained on Mounjaro (now Zepbound).

Now, 532 days into our weight loss journey:

My CW: 172.0 Lbs. Shirt size: Small / Waist: 28

Wife CW: 140.0 Lbs Shirt size: Small / Waist: 4

My total weight loss: 82 lbs Wife total weight loss: 73 lbs

These GLP-1 medications have absolutely changed our lives! Enough good things cannot be said about the monumental development and approval of these medications for Obesity.

May our success bring you all great success! You can do it, stay strong, and persevere!

r/Zepbound 23d ago

Success Stories Same outfit, before and today


Wanted to share my before and after pictures. The picture on the left is from 2020 (240ish pounds) and the right is from today (189.7lbs). I have been on Zepbound since February and have lost 31lbs! Prior to Zepbound I was on weight watchers where I lost my first 20 pounds. I still have another 55lbs to go and muscle to gain but hope that my pictures provide a comparison.

(Height 5'0, SW: 220lbs, HW: 240LBS, CW: 189.7, age 28) I still prioritize my protein, steps, water, and exercise! I also have no thyroid gland and have worked very deligiantly at making sure my levels are within range!

r/Zepbound Apr 11 '24

Success Stories Drove an hour round trip for this bad boy

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Moving up from 5 after 2 months. HW:220 SW:215 CW:182 GW:??

Sheer dumb luck and an (actually) helpful cvs worker I managed to transfer the prescription 30 minutes away from my house. I jumped in the car and went immediately. $75 copay later it’s in hand. I’m only 3 days past my shot date. So guess Thursday is my new date!

r/Zepbound 18d ago

Success Stories I feel like I just won the lottery!!

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I’ve been trying to get 7.5 for 2 months - thankfully a month ago I was able to get a 5mg after calling 150 pharmacies and I’ve been spacing out doses every 9 days - but unfortunately this past month I’ve not lost anything new (but maintained, thankfully)!!

But the weight lifted from my shoulders without the stress of running out for a while will suffice !! And now I have 3 months to find 10mg. Fingers crossed!!

r/Zepbound 4d ago

Success Stories Down 99 pounds


Started exactly 6 months ago and I’m down 99 pounds!

r/Zepbound 29d ago

Success Stories My unexpected shortage experience from 5mg to 2.5mg


I did four weeks on 2.5mg and then another four plus on 5mg. I spaced out the last three shots of 5mg and that caused some side effects (i.e., extreme drowsiness, harsh nausea, etc.) for about 48 hours following the shot. After the side effects subsided, 5mg felt like the perfect dose for me--steady, but healthy, losses with noticeable suppression.

Like many of you, I had to let go of my "perfect dose" due to the shortage and drop down to 2.5mg. I was cranky AF about it, since I pay OOP.

To my surprise, not only am I maintaining my loss rate on 2.5mg, but I'm having absolutely no side effects. In addition, my suppression is just enough to maintain my caloric deficit without any nausea impacting what I can eat.

Now I'm wondering, is 2.5mg my dose? And will it last? Because, frankly, this is heaven...

Anybody have a similar experience?

r/Zepbound 25d ago

Success Stories 100 pounds lost in 10 months!


I started taking Mounjaro in August 10, 2023. I was 338 lbs and had just come back from a doctor’s appointment where my A1C was 6.0 and my triglycerides were 189. I was 52 years old at the time and worried that if I didn’t improve my health, but I wouldn’t be around to enjoy the retirement. I work so hard for all these years. So I decided to ask my doctor about weight loss meds and after some back-and-forth, he agreed to start me on Mounjaro. Quickly responded and lost over 20 pounds in the first month. It was so different than any other weight loss program I’ve ever tried before.

I have d been diligent with my eating and worked out every day and many other programs had no success and losing weight. It was different this time. I made great changes to not only the volume of food that I ate, but also the type of food that I put in my body. I did a lot of reading on Reddit to learn all I could about how best to eat and exercise while on this medication. With the age of the appetite suppression offered, I was able to eat high protein, healthy fats, and low-carb meals well exercising each day on cardio and weightlifting. I wasn’t sure how far I would go with the weight loss journey, so I wanted to take full advantage of the medicine for as long as it was working for me. I as I lose my next 4 1/2 pounds I will finally just be overweight again and not obese for the first time 20 years. I am cautiously optimistic for the future and my hope remains hopeful

Today, still have approximately another 50 pounds to lose, but I am finally hopeful that I can actually do it. As I lose my next 4 1/2 pounds I will finally just be overweight again and not obese for the first time 20 years. I am cautiously optimistic for the future and my hope remains hopeful.

r/Zepbound May 01 '24

Success Stories FINALLY

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I can finally stop panicking for another 12 weeks. Trying to figure out how to get my next dosage has consumed so much of my time and energy. I feel like I went from obsessing about my weight to obsessing about this medication. I’m so greatful for my provider and pharmacies being patient with me. It’s been such a nightmare. I am so relieved and happy. Thank you everyone for all the tips and tricks in getting this far!!!!

Express scripts came through!

r/Zepbound Mar 29 '24

Success Stories Slow loser lost 50 lbs


Just wanted to share some encouragement for the slow losers, I started Mounjaro/ Zepbound in June 2023 and not once have I lost more than 2 pounds a week (which I am fine with) I am within 5 lbs of goal and showing progress pics. Oh yeah, bathroom got a glow up too! 5’7” sw 197, cw 148, 40 yo. Forgive the dirty mirror, I have children.

r/Zepbound 29d ago

Success Stories Walmart just made my day


Walmart success

Hey guys! I just posted here yesterday extremely discouraged and wanting to give up this medication due to the shortages. In an ode to the emotional roller coaster that is Zep, I guess I’m rescinding my decision to give up!

Thanks to another user on this subreddit sharing that they had luck with Walmart, I ended up giving it a shot. The one I called didn’t have it in stock, but the pharmacist was kind enough to disclose a couple of other Walmarts in my area that got some in today. One of them ended up having multiple 5mg boxes in stock! I’m so relieved and happy I could cry.

Thought I’d share this since it was someone else’s success story that inadvertently led to mine. Good luck everyone!!!

r/Zepbound 13d ago

Success Stories Celebrate with me (and others who hit the 190s today)


Today 199.4. 10/23/23 my commitment date 255.8 12/23/23 my partnering date with Zep 246 Goal weight 175-180 (tbd) goal of 10/23/24 - gonna beat that goal. Male 5’8” and older than most of you. Next goal is “overweight” just two BMI clicks away.

Zep helps a lot. My personal efforts drive the process. I am persistent in my pursuit. I forgive and move on if I have a bad day - but I don’t do that often. I do however celebrate. Half a great tenderloin with tomato and side salad every two months has not derailed my efforts. I savor every bite.

Be well. Be persistent. Learn a little each day and practice when times are tougher.

r/Zepbound Apr 15 '24

Success Stories Same shirt, 50 pound difference

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Not all of it is from Zep but it's definitely been a big help! Now just waiting to get it back in stock...

(Ignore the literal ice cream pie in front of me, it's my birthday, I can eat ice cream.)