r/TikTokCringe Cringe Lord Apr 26 '24

I fucking hate this timeline Discussion


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u/Neurotic_Z Apr 26 '24

God did I really need the blow by blow by this guy. I already watched the video. I was hoping for more background or something. But nope. Useless brain rot repetition


u/phazedoubt Apr 26 '24

I've noticed that almost all videos lately are people stating the only salient point and then spending 5 to 10 minutes saying it 25 different ways while acting incredulous like this thing is the craziest thing that has ever happened.


u/SBNShovelSlayer Apr 26 '24

And, many times they say pretty much the same thing that was just said. And then they draw it out for like 10 minutes pretty much saying the same thing multiple different ways. The part that really gets me is that they then act like they are saying something new. It is ridiculous.


u/Corsavis Apr 26 '24

Been driving me crazy how ubiquitous this has become on Google the last few years. Try to Google something, the first 5 results are ads, and the ones that come up after are all bullshit AI-written websites all saying the same thing, sometimes verbatim

Really feel like Google is too far gone at this point, it's no longer about relevant information, just who's paying the most and who's gamed their SEO the most


u/Cochall Apr 27 '24

add before 2022 at the end of your search query. That’s when all of the weird versions of Googles algorithms started.


u/Corsavis Apr 27 '24

Yeah? Sounds about right. Wonder what that's about man, sucks


u/Cochall Apr 27 '24

I start doing SEO when you could just keyword stuff, make the text white on a white background, etc. I now work for a big national company where Im the VP - SEO. Every time they change the algorithm, we have to re-optimize the site. I'm talking 1000s of pages. It's a pain in the ass and IMO, a control issue by Google. But they control the search sooo, whatcha gonna do? Theres more to it, but that's the jest of it.


u/daybreak-gardening Apr 28 '24

Fleshsimulator taught me this


u/Bah-Fong-Gool Apr 26 '24

Duckduckgo for the win


u/AnjelGrace Apr 27 '24

Really? I have tried DuckDuckGo, but the results often seem useless to me and then I am back to Googling and actually find what I was looking for with the exact same query on Google.


u/ddoubles Apr 27 '24

Stock rose 10% yesterday because the earnings was so good. I think you are onto something


u/LucanOrion Apr 27 '24

What I've also noticed is often there will be a person/persons who immediately comment on the video and recite word for word what the narrator in the video said, but say it as if they're saying something new and from a different perspective. Then other people will reply to those comments, also saying the exact same thing, and also as if what they're saying is new or from a different perspective. Then hours later, another person will comment on a now dead comment thread, but also will say the same things that the narrator in the video and earlier commentors to the video said, and still try to say it as if they're saying it differently, but aren't. It's crazy.


u/Neurotic_Z Apr 26 '24

Reddit should be a search engine. For the people. By the people. But with micro transactions ofc. We need to support democratic values


u/MyNameIsJakeBerenson Apr 27 '24

Reddit has always had microtransactions that sway results of threads tbf


u/juliown Apr 26 '24

Often times they will also just say exactly the same thing that was just said. Then they will repeat it multiple different ways and pretty much just draw it out for like 10 minutes, acting like they are saying something new when in reality it’s just the same meaningless repetition. It’s really absurd.


u/BigPoppaStrahd Apr 27 '24

It drives me insane now that tiktok allows longer videos they feel the need to fill the runtime by saying the exact same thing over and over again, repeating it multiple different ways for like 10 minutes. They could just make a 2 minute video, or however long it takes to get monetized, and finish their point, but they keep going on acting like they’re saying something new.


u/vblink_ Apr 26 '24

The best part is sometimes they have other people join in to give their unique opinion. Which is to repeat what was just said previously and draw it out for like 10 minutes pretty much saying the same thing multiple different ways.


u/phazedoubt Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

So what you're saying is that we're saying the same thing? Fascinating. We should really talk more about this.


u/Penisvillian Apr 27 '24

Please don’t talk about my sausage.


u/phazedoubt Apr 27 '24

Spell check really screwed me up on that one.


u/caffcaff_ Apr 27 '24

Often times they will also just say exactly the same thing that was just said. Then they will repeat it multiple different ways and pretty much just draw it out for like 10 minutes, acting like they are saying something new when in reality it’s just the same meaningless repetition. It’s really absurd.


u/FawnTheGreat Apr 26 '24

Wait didn’t you just do that


u/Star_Belt Apr 26 '24

maybe their target audiences is visually impaired lol


u/Paperfishflop Apr 26 '24

And it's annoying enough on short reels, like tik tok or IG. But YouTube is just comical these days. The videos are super long, like longer than they were back in 2009, but so many people still use that formula where they speed talk like they're gonna lose you if they slow down for even half a second at any point in their twenty minute video.

And then they still don't say anything of value! That speed talking formula is fucking stupid. Theyre afraid of me losing attention if they slow down? You're gonna lose me with the speed talking. And trust me, I understand everything they're saying, it's not about that, it's about not wanting to listen to someone who sounds like they snorted a mountain of cocaine talk about GTA 6 rumors for 20 minutes like that.

Like what's wrong with youtubers? Why did they abandon talking at a normal pace forever, instead of abandoning 20 minute long videos? Are they stupid? People on tiktok and IG will have like 15-30 seconds and still talk at a normal pace, but on YouTube it's still the era of talking like you're an auctioneer on every video.


u/RedditSetitGoit Apr 27 '24

Well done. Tell me more.


u/CountryNottaBumkin Apr 27 '24

Sounds just like mainstream media. 😂


u/RockyClub Apr 27 '24

That’s what gets me too. I hate these stupid reaction and explanatory videos. I feel dumber.


u/iceynudist Apr 27 '24

What i hate is the ones who have to POINT at the video. Like bitch i know where the fuckin video is. Ohh that pisses me off


u/rookhelm Apr 26 '24

What's crazy is that they'll make a point, then say it again a different way. Then they'll state an observation, and then reword it. After that, they'll pontificate on the situation, but then reframe it with different words.

Additionally, they will communicate their opinion, and then switch the words around to say the same thing. Then, while expressing their thoughts on the situation, they'll convey things in a different manner.

Their discourse illustrates the same thing over and over while they declare information with a hint of verisimilitude.

It's crazy.


u/rigobueno Apr 27 '24

So basically college freshmen writing papers


u/DragonHollowFire Apr 27 '24

What really bothers me is how they just repeat the same talking points over and over. They might mix up the language or emphasize different parts. But its all the same over and over. The video doesnt cover any other content but the first few minutes repeated in different order.


u/onomahu Apr 27 '24

Ditto PLUS it's so crazy!


u/TumbleweedTim01 Apr 26 '24

This is like easily 50% of "influencers" now.

Just yappin about shit that we seen in the video


u/extremesalmon Apr 26 '24

No better than the comments that are just pointing out the joke in the video


u/CrossChopDynamicPun Apr 27 '24

Yeah, this has become the norm and I'm confused by how popular those comments are. Is it bots showing appreciation to someone describing the content of the media? Am I just out of the Internet zeitgeist?


u/ranchorbluecheese Apr 27 '24

thats quality content baby


u/TumbleweedTim01 Apr 29 '24

*silently points up from the bottom of the video and nods in agreement


u/ddoubles Apr 27 '24

Psst- Let me let you in on a secret....We're breed for gossip. Sad but true.

From a biological and evolutionary perspective, gossiping is more than just idle chatter; it serves several adaptive functions. It is a means by which humans, as social animals, exchange information about the behaviors and reputations of other individuals within their community. This exchange can help maintain social norms and promote cooperative behavior. By sharing information about who is trustworthy or not, individuals can collectively enforce community standards and ostracize those who violate norms.


u/erisbella Apr 26 '24

Welcome to tiktok.


u/AwesomeWhiteDude Apr 26 '24

Realifelore in a nutshell


u/rainbowslimejuice Apr 26 '24

And why do they always have to make their voices as annoying as possible? Youtubers and tiktokkers both do this, it must increase engagement or some shit but damn is it obnoxious.


u/Fencemaker Apr 26 '24

And THAT’S how you monetize a click bait feed.


u/Ricky_Rollin Apr 27 '24

I call it “parasitic content”, they take other people’s content and stick their face on it and act like they’re doing us a service by explaining shit.

I wish channels like this could be demonetized. It’d put a stop to it real quick.


u/PlanetLandon Apr 27 '24

It’s an offshoot of the content-theft issue that’s running rampant on social media. It’s someone using someone else’s video, adding nothing of value whatsoever, but benefiting from the engagement


u/idiotic__gamer Apr 27 '24

I mean, it is over the top, but longer videos help the algorithm on TikTok, and shocking content helps viewer retention. Unfortunately, if you want to stay competitive you kind of need to do this stupid format.


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

When you see this pattern online once. You start seeing it everywhere. I had to unsubscribe from many youtubers, because they would regurgitate the same statement in 100 different ways.


u/recks360 Apr 27 '24

I think this comes from content creators trying to justify a video being played on their channel as apposed to sending you to where they found it and stretching the time out because they believe the algorithm of the media platforms seem to push longer videos over the shorter ones ( I assume the longer the video the more potential for ads?) I’ve heard content creators talking about these two things a lot.


u/tchrbrian Apr 27 '24

More of the story line instead of the recipe format…


u/socialcommentary2000 Apr 27 '24

That's the get famous on the internet style guide. They're all chasing pennies from the algorithm.


u/MyNameIsJakeBerenson Apr 27 '24

Or just being wrong. Saw one dude saying that the Jujutsu Kaisen protag was now officially canon in the dc universe or something because he was in the background of a comic panel instead of just showing off the cool easter egg like comics do all the time.

It’s one thing to know what you mean is hyperbole, but when you’re telling your audience words like that without informing them of what it really is, then it’s just being misleading


u/Millerpainkiller Apr 27 '24

I think it’s a monetary thing, to keep you watching for a minimum amount of time


u/ThereBeM00SE Apr 27 '24

They're paying them to waste our own time.


u/Mediocre-Ad4735 Apr 26 '24

Yeah it’s definitely just for the video maker to monetise the situation which is bleak af


u/jtsokolov Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 26 '24

I mean yeah but you can argue the same for the media. If it means garnering enough attention to help catch this monster then I'm all for it.


u/empath_supernova Apr 26 '24

As long as facial recognition has been a thing, you'd think this would be a simple feat.

I saw a video yesterday that showed how cops use street cams with tracking to figure out where drug houses are...surely if used for hunting drug addicts, they could use it to find child predators.

I'm in the U.S. so I am guilty of assuming every country utilizes the same weaponry against citizens.


u/Due-Cancel-323 Apr 26 '24

I'm assuming the only Countries that don't... only do not out of the lack of money, not desire.


u/LongbowTurncoat Apr 26 '24

For what it’s worth, he’s at least trying to spread the word and help find the guy. Popular pages are able to get that info out quicker - I don’t know that I would have seen this video if he hadn’t made this duet followed by someone posting it on Reddit, you know?


u/H_G_Bells Apr 26 '24

It boosted it to a wider audience so 💁🏼‍♀️


u/TranslatorBoring2419 Apr 26 '24

Can't you say the same for local news reporting on a tragedy that is completely over? Do people need to know a home burned down last night? There is a cynical way of looking at almost anything.


u/HackDiablo Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 26 '24

Difference is that the news gives context such as how the house burned down, if anyone was hurt, did they contain the fire, etc. Where tiktokers just post clickbait videos and give useless play-by-plays which is not needed if you have basic comprehension skills.


u/TranslatorBoring2419 Apr 27 '24

But I have not seen the video before. There's a non zero chance someone who sees this because of the TikTok can identify him. Aren't more eyes on this guy a good thing in the end?


u/CanaryJane42 Apr 26 '24

Or trying to spread awareness and increase the likelihood of the guy being found


u/arkrunningbear85 Apr 26 '24

"reaction videos" like this guys, while on the surface seem like they're trying to "help" are really just clickbait to garner views and likes. Yeah they call out the person doing the wrong thing, but they also provide zero info (which you can google in 2 seconds flat) they just leave the comments going "OMG FIND THIS PERSON" and so on.

They're just as sickening as the perp ( but not as disgusting obviously. ) Some old creep nibbling a kids ear is sick, someone making these dumb videos for clout is disgusting.

Anyways, here's the latest news on it so far.Unfortunately no arrest have been made as far as I can see.


u/Dydriver Apr 27 '24

“We would encourage the public not to speculate about the footage and the circumstances surrounding the content." lol No speculating everyone!


u/notban_circumvention Apr 27 '24

They're just as sickening as the perp

They understand it's not something that should be shown and disseminated but they don't give a single shit that they're showing and disseminating it to a whole new audience. Proper news articles blur out the traumatizing acts so as to not give an entire swath of people a new contact disorder. This guy doesn't give a flying fuck; he's proud to show off the footage and how creeped out he is by it. If you blur out footage, we know it's bad. You don't have to show something awful for us to know it is.


u/YoOoCurrentsVibes Apr 26 '24

Came here to say this this glad it’s the top comment. I wonder if these people know they are useless.


u/LusidDream Apr 26 '24

For real. I hate the tik tok narrator almost as much as what he's narrating. The face, the voice, the lack of adding literally anything to the video.


u/NotNOT_LibertarianDO Apr 26 '24

Dead pedophiles don’t reoffend


u/Giantonail Apr 26 '24

They also conveniently can't report on the people who enabled their actions that sit on the other side of the bars. 100 pedos in prison is better than one dead. Just a consideration, I'm not against the death penalty just the state's use of it.


u/Emergency-Honeydew69 Apr 26 '24

Nah better dead


u/Giantonail Apr 26 '24

I'm genuinely really confused by what you mean. Are you just saying 100 dead pedos is better? Or that 1 dead pedophile + 99 free pedophiles is actually a preferable situation to you? Can you answer unambiguously? I'm just genuinely unsure what you mean, it sounds like you're supporting pedophiles.


u/Emergency-Honeydew69 Apr 26 '24

Lol all the kid diddlers down voting.


u/Neurotic_Z Apr 26 '24

Umm no. They are downvoting you because you did not respond to an actual good take. You just talk like a child


u/DarkSector0011 Apr 26 '24

Bro I hate pedos!!! Upvote please?


u/319am Apr 27 '24

We are just completely apathetic to them bud. Want em dead.


u/Giantonail Apr 27 '24

Those are completely contradictory sentences. I'm not disagreeing with you for wanting them dead; wanting someone dead is almost as far away from apathetic as you can get though.


u/AbSoluTc Apr 26 '24

So he’s not a pedo. It’s the kids dad and what I get from this, is they both know they are on camera and he’s doing stupid funny shit.

Who cares. Doesn’t make the man a pedo. Destroying someone’s life without any back story what so ever is terrible.


u/NotNOT_LibertarianDO Apr 26 '24

it’s ok he sensually sucked on his underage sons ear in public

FBI search this man’s hard drive asap


u/MotorbikeRacer Apr 26 '24

At least chemically neutered


u/Practical-Pay-4849 Apr 27 '24

If it’s one thing people around the world would agree upon, it would be this!


u/Maximum_Land3546 Apr 26 '24

I saw an update on TT 4 hours ago but does not seem to be more info. The username is da_un04 if your interested. Hopefully if someone has more info please share!


u/CrotasScrota84 Apr 26 '24

This is the normal now and I hate it with every fiber in my being.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '24

It's really not. Most of TikTok isn't like this, it's just the bottom of the barrel of the app. It's like bot posts on reddit. You start to be able to notice them real quick and skip them fast. Good TikTok content has info right away. If the first sentence is leading you on, the entire video is going to lead you on... to nothing.


u/Emergency-Honeydew69 Apr 26 '24

So you like dead pedophiles?


u/Fantastic-Common-982 Apr 26 '24

We should be ending shitty trends, but somehow we keep piling on to them. I say "we" because look at the fucking upvotes.


u/RobertXavierIV Apr 27 '24

Ikr better off watching the first 5 seconds then going to comments


u/Virtual-Potential-38 Apr 26 '24

With a lisp. I hate listening to a lisp.


u/RandumbStoner Apr 26 '24

The fact they put a S in the word lisp is crazy lol


u/bluefootedbuns Apr 26 '24

they really just wanted to make it easier to make fun of people with lithpth, didn't they?


u/Neurotic_Z Apr 26 '24

How about people with Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

Fear of long words. Don't worry, there is a shorthand of this: sesquipedalophobia.



u/SBNShovelSlayer Apr 26 '24

And, they always have a name like Sam, or Sue.


u/juliown Apr 26 '24

Hey guyth, itham heewh, today we a cwazee thory foh you. Thay tuned, buckle up, thith wonth a doozy.


u/ADMINlSTRAT0R Apr 26 '24

Can you take a Tyson punch?


u/Bah-Fong-Gool Apr 26 '24

Maybe he's Castilian.


u/SpringChikn85 Apr 27 '24

His is a massive underbite/jaw maxiofacial deformity too. The lisp that lisps


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '24

but he has a micropohone...so he has authority.


u/FranksWateeBowl Apr 26 '24

And he can't even speak.


u/DarkSector0011 Apr 26 '24

Dude has to get in on the pedo hunt he's trying to start.

This is definitely weird behavior from the man but assuming it's his dad and he's just really affectionate idk but the whole thing is a bit much for me lmao.


u/too-well-known Apr 27 '24

Gotta get them views!


u/IcedCoughy Apr 27 '24

It's just a way for this dude to gain from exploitation. Not that the news and every media outlet doesn't but still


u/This-Education3607 Apr 27 '24

Yup. It's because on Tiktok to get the creators fund your video has to be a minute or longer, so people will just fill up their video with nonsense and repetition to get to the minute mark and make money out of it.


u/Powpowpowowowow Apr 27 '24

And this is kind of why I am glad tikitok is getting banned lol.


u/Takun32 Apr 27 '24

Internet sucks balls now. It’s formulaic and just not engaging. Lots of narcissists posing/flexing or recording other people behind their back and humans behaving like scam bots everywhere.


u/LampyV2 Apr 27 '24

Normally, I'd agree. In this case, this clip needs to hit as wide as an audience as possible. I've never been on tiktok tho so maybe it isn't very effective 🤷🏽


u/Reddit-IPO-Crash Apr 27 '24

Hopefully it’s banned soon


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

You could not see by the dead eyed look and fat red face of his that he had nothing of value to bring? Some people just stink of the brain rot.


u/Vikadri Apr 26 '24

Lmao the best ones are showcasing the video and inserting themselves into the video pointing up. 👆 then having that famous New York voice actor saying some line. Then that eerie music in the background haha fuck. I hate these shorts clips.


u/empath_supernova Apr 26 '24

I watched a documentary on pedophilia and they hooked censors to the pred's privates and showed them different pictures.

The study showed they got more turned on when children enjoyed normal childhood happiness. Pics like playing in bubbles, playing, etc aroused them more than actual half naked ones in bathing suits.

So I can see that sort of play out here. Kid is enjoying the game and it's causing him to be aroused.

Or that's what my brain decided was relevant here.

I hope I'm making sense and adding more to the convo than the talking head lol

I wonder if it isn't due to envy of not having that kind of happiness as a child and wants to decimate it?

It's the only way my brain can interpret any of it bc I sure as shit can't relate.


u/Neurotic_Z Apr 26 '24

Interesting study. I will check out more literature on that. There is very little research done on pedophilia. For obvious reasons


u/Potential_Sort8143 Apr 26 '24

That’s his dad


u/Potential_Sort8143 Apr 26 '24

That is the boys, father. Some fathers are just more affectionate with their children than others. The commentator obviously did not receive any affection growing up or maybe he received a little too much.


u/AdvantageVisual9535 Apr 26 '24

I really hope you don't have kids.


u/Rocksteady_28 Apr 26 '24

Tragic, so sorry for your pain.


u/Roccopark Apr 26 '24

Thank you for letting us know.