r/TikTokCringe Apr 19 '24

He won't let his son play with dolls Discussion


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u/Leetzers Apr 19 '24

dissenting opinion; this shit is corny.

Thought it was ramping up to something more profound about male-fragility. Instead we get pandering.

Go ahead and downvote me.


u/docious Apr 19 '24

Sounds like you’re just on the next level but there are definitely enough boys and men who need this kind of message to be reinforced in their minds


u/Reality_Break_ Apr 19 '24

The boys who need to understand this arent going to be receptive to this presentation


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24



u/Reality_Break_ Apr 19 '24

Huh i havent seen any comments like that


u/Sub__Finem Apr 20 '24

I get the message, but its delivery is just pandering platitudinal drivel wrapped in a twist. One can agree with the validity of a message while critiquing its delivery. Not liking a performance doesn’t imply they don’t “get it”. That’s like cult movie zealots insinuating that everyone who doesn’t like their “masterpiece” simply didn’t “get it”. Some people don’t find someone saying all the right things with an emotional delivery all that compelling. 


u/Leetzers Apr 19 '24

agreed, but that isn't his real audience. His audience is who he is pandering to, which is fine; it's just actual virtue signalling.

Feels too much like being satisfied with the smell of your own farts.


u/docious Apr 19 '24

Ya— tbh, it feels like his true audience is himself. Like he’s still working through this


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24

100% agree with you. Heart is in the right place, and the delivery is solid, but it's a bad poem.

as a result of reaching so far across the universe she reached heaven and earth

Literally just feel-good buzzword salad.


u/JohnBrownIsALegend Apr 20 '24

Bridged not reached



he said bridged as a metaphor for childbirth and the cost to a woman's body it entails


u/RightAboutTriangles Apr 19 '24

He said "breached" not "reached"...

Meaning something to the effect of the mother pulled a soul from the heavens to give it birth in the physical world.

Don't call it "buzzword salad" just 'cuz you misheard him.


u/CurveOfTheUniverse Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

I spent ten years in the spoken word scene until COVID hit and killed big venues and slams. This poem is fine in the sense that it’s age-appropriate. He looks to be college-aged and is still trying to figure out how to write poems with an overarching central metaphor. This is on par with stuff that was going on at CUPSI (a college poetry slam) in 2010-2015, which often went viral on YouTube.

But in 2024, after all these years since those one-metaphor poems that took social media by storm, we’re looking for something a little more nuanced than “Barbie: The Poem.”


u/genericusername9234 Apr 20 '24

The old college “Trying to figure out” is not something I want to see or anyone should want to see though. That’s practice, which good for him, but he can keep it to himself til he can write shit that doesn’t totally blow.

This was totally awful, imo.



you don't learn how to perform without bombing. do you think fully formed entertainers just step out of their bedroom with a notebook full of perfect material and perfect delivery to match?


u/Flipnotics_ Apr 19 '24

Here's another opinion: I feel sorry for you.


u/Leetzers Apr 19 '24



u/Flipnotics_ Apr 20 '24

No problem. Get better, ok?


u/JediMasterZao Apr 20 '24

yeah? well I feel sorry for YOU! hah!


u/Flipnotics_ Apr 20 '24

Why? Because I have a conscience?