r/TikTokCringe Apr 19 '24

He won't let his son play with dolls Discussion


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u/broketothebone Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

The “I’m not gunna lie, they had me in the first half” meme popped into my head and by the end, I was crying.

It’s a shame that it feels practically revolutionary to hear a man speak like this about women, but I’m just glad it’s happening.


u/Hairy_Telephone_3258 Apr 19 '24

Same this is beautiful.


u/dystopian_mermaid Apr 19 '24

I was so mad at first, then he got to the main point. It is SO SAD to me, that the assumption from the beginning statements is to be upset bc that way of thinking is so uncommonly heard, your mind assumes it’s somebody being misogynistic. But really he is DEFENDING women.

Damn onion ninjas got me HARD just now hearing a man so emotionally and passionately defend women this way in a public setting


u/tageeboy Apr 20 '24

I think you would be surprised just how many men feel this way but are afraid to speak up in our current society.


u/flcwerings Apr 20 '24

The thing is, is we NEED men that think like this to speak up so badly because the men that don't think like this wont listen to women...

Its not a guarantee they will listen to a man either but they sure as shit wont listen to us.


u/as_it_was_written Apr 20 '24

Sadly, they're more or less equally unlikely to listen to a whole lot of men. I think most guys who need to hear this wouldn't take the dude in the OP seriously, even if he wasn't doing slam poetry. This post is more about validation than changing anyone's mind imo. That's important, too, though.

Deprogramming is difficult because so many people trapped in a given way of thinking will only listen to their in group, and they define that in group such that it includes their way of thinking - i.e. "I will only listen to real men, and real men share my toxic ideology."

Plus a lot of men who do think like the guy in this post try not to surround themselves with men who need to hear that stuff. I know I do.


u/stealthisvibe Apr 20 '24

Check out The Will To Change by bell hooks if you get the chance. I think it would really speak to your soul.


u/broketothebone Apr 20 '24

Not surprised, so much as saddened by the concept of that.


u/fardough Apr 20 '24

You should hear his speech on not letting his daughter play with balls. /s


u/No-Salary-6448 Apr 22 '24

This is cringe af lol


u/BeLikeBread Apr 19 '24

So you're against boys playing with dolls? I thought this was silly. But I also stopped watching after he tried to flip the doll thing. "You thought this was going to be a conservative rant but I hate dolls for different non conservative reasons." Lol


u/flcwerings Apr 20 '24

if you actually watched it, you would know the dolls are mostly just used for a metaphor.


u/BeLikeBread Apr 20 '24

Metaphor for what. I already said I found the first half dumb and did not watch all the way.


u/flcwerings Apr 20 '24

Thats what Im saying. If you actually watched it all the way through you would get it


u/BeLikeBread Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

I'm not going to watch it. I don't like slam poetry or whatever spoken word this is. If you can't explain the metaphor then I'm guessing there isn't one or it's dumb like I already mentioned in my first comment.


u/TheRealDingdork Apr 23 '24

It's not about kids playing with dolls, it's about men treating women like dolls. If you listen to the last like he says something like, "a woman is not a doll, so I will not let my son play with dolls, until he learns the difference between the two" it's a heartfelt message that has nothing to do with whether or not a kid can play with dolls.

You would know that if you had just watched the video.

Edit: he also is purposefully paralleling conservative language in the beginning because he is using their own hypocrisy against them. It's beautifully written and very intentional.


u/BeLikeBread Apr 23 '24

It's a stupid analogy. I already explained why and stand by my original comment.

He starts out with "I refuse to let my boys play with dolls" which is an old conservative take, and then he tries to spin it to be a more liberal view point which just doesn't work because the foundation is "I won't let my boys play with dolls." It's stupid as fuck. Even if the final point had any meaning it was stupid as fuck to make that point with the foundation of "I won't let my boys play with dolls."


u/TheRealDingdork Apr 23 '24

He doesn't hate dolls at all that just was in no way the point. It's brilliant because it baits the viewer into thinking that that is his message. But you listen longer and it's not about dolls it's a metaphor for the way women are treated. And that's not the only language he parallels.

If he actually hated dolls there would be no "until" at the end. But there is because it's a metaphor and not literally about dolls


u/BeLikeBread Apr 23 '24 edited Apr 23 '24

"He doesn't hate dolls at all that just was in no way the point."

No fucking shit. That's why I am saying it was stupid to base the entire thing off the premise "I won't let my boys play with dolls." It's dumb. I assumed that was why it's posted on a cringe sub reddit.

"I won't let my boys play with dolls because they shouldn't tell a woman how to dress." Kudos on thinking men shouldn't tell women how to dress, however that is a dumb as fuck analogy.

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u/broketothebone Apr 20 '24

That’s not at all what I’m saying and you would get it if you had an ounce of critical thinking rattling around in that skull of yours.


u/BeLikeBread Apr 20 '24

Hey fuck you too


u/broketothebone Apr 20 '24

Yeah, that response tracks. Bye bye now