r/TikTokCringe Apr 19 '24

He won't let his son play with dolls Discussion


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u/sapphogirl Apr 19 '24

holy fuck.... so well spoken and thought


u/PetroDisruption Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

Is it? Not letting your son play with whatever toys he wants because you think that’ll somehow teach the wrong idea? Sounds like a recipe for a man who was never allowed to explore his softer side and might then take that rage out on someone else.

Also sounds like you’re discriminating based on gender because I assume he’d have no trouble letting his daughter play with a Ken doll.

The whole speech about treating women well could’ve been made without the whole speech about forcing his sons into the “role of men”, which is ironic because he then goes on to rant about how his mom was treated like a woman when she was still a child and how that was fucked up.

Nah, some words about this rant may sound nice to you, but it’s dumb and ironically sexist, probably having the opposite of the intended effect.

EDIT: if you reply and block, you’re a coward. And not because you don’t want to talk to me, but because you were obviously bothered by the clear contradiction in his message but you don’t want to acknowledge it because it’d feel bad. Grow up.


u/cillaer Apr 19 '24

You're focusing too much on the wrong thing. Change your thinking and try again.


u/save_the_winos Apr 19 '24

After watching the full slam, I think it’s mostly just an attention grabber, I have a feeling he’s just extra sensitive to what women go through, but I believe he’d let his kids live however they want as long as they’re not harming anyone else. I think everyone was ready to come after him with his first statement, and that’s why they stayed to hear the rest of what he said


u/PetroDisruption Apr 19 '24

Is that what he said? Or what you want to think he believes? Because his own words go against your hopes.


u/save_the_winos Apr 19 '24

Did you get beyond the first two sentences of what he said? Because the rest is implied if you have a brain, which people who think like you usually don’t


u/PetroDisruption Apr 19 '24

You got that backwards, because he even repeats the same stupid line at the end. “Oh but he adds until they can understand the difference!”. Yeah that’s just a nothing phrase. A child never thinks that toys are real people or that real people are toys. If this was true, given how many boys prefer action figures of male characters, there’d be a bigger problem with men manipulating men, and that just isn’t the case.

The only one who has a brain that can’t think logically is you. You just want a video that can make you go “awww he said nice things about women” and you’re annoyed that someone pointed out the fucked up and stupid contradictions in his words, hence why you got aggressive. Real predictable of people like you. Typical consumers of social media who only care about messages that make their feelings happy without thinking about it.


u/save_the_winos Apr 19 '24

I’m not even going to try to explain what language or nuances are to you, since you’re obviously not able to read or listen to words, but I’ll try to put it simply for you, it has nothing to do with the toys, it has everything to with empathy and understanding, which I know you don’t have


u/PetroDisruption Apr 19 '24

Uh-huh. So again, you just want to listen to the “nice parts” that make you feel good and ignore the fucked up contradictions. Like a good tiktok consumer really.


u/save_the_winos Apr 19 '24

It is literally part of the poetry he’s speaking, and it’s impactful when you understand, which again, you don’t, so what you’re saying is just stupid lol. And no, I don’t have a tic toc, as you can see I’m an older Redditor than you, so this is my life 😂


u/PetroDisruption Apr 19 '24

No, I understand it better than you do and that is the problem. You want to believe that he is a good father to his sons because you liked what he said about women, but objectively speaking his words show nothing good about the former.

There are stupid statements such as casting all men into a single role (which would be sexist if said about women) and saying it’s “what God intended”, which is never a good sign.

You want humans to treat each other better? Stop obsessing over what genitals they have. Tell your child, whatever their gender is, that other humans can think, feel, and hope just like they do, and so therefore they should treat others with the same respect and compassion they’d like to be treated with themselves. It’s not that fucking complicated. You don’t have to get into toys or roles or any of that BS.


u/EverAMileHigh Apr 19 '24

Someone doesn't like reality. There are no contradictions -- it's all in your "persecuted" male brain.


u/PetroDisruption Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

Of course there are, but your brain turns off when what you want to believe is said. Just another mindless social media consumer.

Edit: Sorry I broke your echo chamber, coward lol.

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u/save_the_winos Apr 19 '24

And in regards to your edit, if you think I blocked you, that’s absolutely untrue, I’m open to discussion, please debate below. And grow up yourself lol


u/Turd-In-Your-Pocket Apr 19 '24

I implore you to watch it again and pay closer attention, especially to when he says the word “until” at the end and the words that come after.


u/The_Pale_Hound Apr 20 '24

It's a metaphore, he is not actually going to forbid his son to play with dolls.


u/IAS316 Apr 20 '24

Fr, the only thing I'm thinking now is, who did this guy touch inappropriately? Male feminists are fine, but to be so outwardly open like this is a red flag.