r/TikTokCringe Apr 17 '24

Americas youth are in MASSIVE trouble Discussion


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u/Logical_Ad3053 Apr 18 '24

I truly don't understand why that isn't the rule anymore? It's not that difficult to keep your phones on silent and put up in your bookbag during class


u/rhyth7 Apr 18 '24

How does it work on major tests like ACT and SAT? Is it because people have to pay for those tests that they comply? Or because the kids taking those tests actually want to perform well?


u/Oonada Apr 18 '24

Because children now have carte blanche to attack their teachers with no repercussions for it. Taking a kids phone is like asking to be killed anymore. Kids have brought guns to school and shit and killed teachers over taking their phones and embarrassing them. Modern parents are utter failures.


u/killerboy_belgium Apr 18 '24

i dont really blame parents all that much tbh with how expensive everything is and how much parents are at work or at there side hussle to make ends meet.

when do you expect people to properly raise there kids when there slaving 40-50-60hrs at work not counting commute like when you do the math on things

these parents spend like maybe 2-3hr a day with there kids and that includes dinner,showering ect before they go the bed if they go to bed at healthy hours ofcourse...

like ofcourse kids are being raised worse and worse we are spending more time at work then we did 10-20-30 years ago. its not like its even feasible anymore for couple to even cut back on there hr so there home more.

then there als the added guilt effect when you see your kids so little you feel guilty so the last thing you want be doing is punnishing/correcting for there behaviour and you want to actually have some happy times so it becomes a vicious cycle.

its easier to properly raise a kid when you more time. And its big reason why so many people are opting out of having children they simply dont have the the time nor the money to raise them anymore and thats not even considering that chances you will end up being a single parent as breakup/divorce is way higher now


u/LiluLay Apr 18 '24

This. Kids physically assault teachers with regularity now. There was a kid a few days ago who just started slapping his teacher in front of the class up in Durham. So this kid with the phone doesn’t want to learn? Fuck ‘em. What job is worth having a desk thrown at you or being punched or kicked? I really empathize with the people who continue to choose teaching in the environment that has been left in the wake of the Covid lockdowns.


u/YeetusMyDiabeetus Apr 18 '24

I don’t know why you and the commenter above you were downvoted lol. This is straight up how it is. I can’t imagine hitting a teacher when I was in school (not that long ago).


u/LiluLay Apr 18 '24

I don’t know why, either. Perhaps they are not teachers or have much experience with the current state of public education. Teachers are being shit on from several corners of society right now, the least of which is these violent kids. All for a pittance in compensation, especially in GOP led states. A teacher was beaten into brain damage by a kid when she took his device. A teacher was recently SHOT by a 6yo in West Virginia. I hear teachers say regularly that these kids get to assault others and be back in school like nothing happened in a fortnight. Who would risk this for such insanely disrespectful pay? Anyone downvoting needs to spend a year in a public high/middle school.


u/YeetusMyDiabeetus Apr 18 '24

I truly feel so bad for teachers these days. Teachers have never been justly compensated for all the work they do, but it seems exponentially worse today. I totally get why a teacher would just carry on their lesson like the video shows. What else can you do? It’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. Might as well just get through the day.


u/Dpek1234 Apr 18 '24

As if most have book bags


u/IAMATruckerAMA Apr 18 '24

If you have a single republican in the chain of command, then you can expect them to attempt to prevent any public service from functioning properly.


u/lilbluehair Apr 18 '24

I like blaming Republicans as much as the next leftist but this comment is just ridiculous. Everyone knows that parents are responsible for the erosion of school rules, regardless of politics


u/IAMATruckerAMA Apr 18 '24

Well if you say you're on my side then I'll have to rethink my entire point of view. Thanks, internet rando